The Elders September Transmission ~ The
Pyramid Above the Arctic and Wave X
by Anrita Melchizedek
There does exist a pyramid above the Arctic
whose purpose is
balancing the poles of the planetary grid and
of consciousness
once frozen in time now melting down and
shifting on all levels.
The Keeper of this Pyramid is known by the frequency name,
Sophia Hokhmat, Creator of all knowledge and
Sophia creates an ever-expanding body of
flowing through the consciousness matrix,
where souls experience.
There they may study the natural laws of
then learn and develop their abilities to
think and
understand that which is occurring in their
For it is in Sophia's matrix that the souls
understand the connection of all things
to this matrix,
to the 12 pyramids,
and to the Central Source
that acts as a hub in the center of all of
the creational energy that gives life to the
12 pyramids,
and all that they create as expressions of the
geometric design.
Within this frozen monolith one understands
how a soul is created
and how that soul can manifest in many
realities at the same time,
taking knowledge from the matrix with each
Within this pyramid, one can create and access
wisdom by mere thought. And that thought is
to all other thoughts, which bind the souls
and that in one nano-second of your timeline
information is learned and understood by all.
It is now time to travel to the Halls of Knowledge
created within this Pyramid of Ice and Light.
You will
combine your mind and consciousness with the
Then you will understand all things in your
Thoth the Atlantean
Welcome sweet ones, it give us great pleasure
to be with you in this month of September as you align deeper into the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God in these numerous unprecedented activities of Light,
culminating in the merging of the Christed Timelines, the ability to access the
Universal Akasha and the activation and integration of the Galactic Christ
Consciousness codes of Light.
Sweet ones, throughout this year of 2015, you have been
experiencing the sacred Pyramids of Creation, taking you deeper into the
Galactic Center in the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love and Christed Extra-Terrestrials, as you
activate the New Earth Templates for Mother Earth and all her Life.
was a very powerful month sweet ones, to bring you to this Now in Light Body
frequency integrations and Galactic Christ Consciousness. As you experienced
the 8-8 Gateway, the Star Ki Codes brought
through by 12 Star Nations activated for you energetically, and the diamond
Light Codes, spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, further
activated through the center of your Galaxy, and connected deep into the
Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. This unprecedented event brought about a merging
of the Andromedan and Milky Way Galaxies in Golden Fibonacci ratios and with
this, the re-emergence of your Galaxy as the Golden Rose Galaxy, the creational
energy of Divine Love experienced in many Golden Ages of Light. Furthermore, these diamond Light codes
brought about a re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies for
all of you, sweet ones, as the Christed and karmic timelines merged into all
Golden Ages of Light.
This gifted each one of you sweet ones, with a
renewed sense of purpose, or deeper understanding of Knowing and observation,
as you looked through your Master eyes at all of Life around you; in the
knowing that you are these multidimensional Master Beings of Light experiencing
numerous realities and timelines within the One Reality of All That Is. It also
brought with it an understanding of the incredible shifts in consciousness each
one of you has experienced sweet ones, since December 2012; and of course many
of the challenging lessons that were also experienced for you to move into the
next level of your Soul’s forward evolution, blossoming into a greater level of
your magnificence and Light.
And now sweet ones, you are able to integrate the
higher dimensional Light frequencies, from the fifth to the ninth dimensions
respectively, depending on where you are within the Light frequency matrix with
your own multidimensional Light Bodies. Some of you though may still be
experiencing numerous “ascension symptoms” of dizziness, memory loss, fatigue,
disorientation and ungroundedness to name a few, in the integration of the
higher dimensional fields of Light, and the recalibration of the chakras and nadis
and meridians. Additionally sweet ones, those of you that are still needing to
integrate a deeper sense of yourselves, may experience an amplification of the
fears, and false beliefs and judgments that are finally being cleared for you.
Simply know this to be your truth.
And regardless sweet ones, in the sacred union
of Divine Love between your Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromedan Galaxy, and the
re-emergence of your Galaxy as the Golden Rose Galaxy, the Christed and karmic
timelines now merge into all Golden Ages of Light and you experience a greater
Soul re-union with your own Beloved Masculine and Feminine Spirits, through the
Divine Twin Flame within, in sacred union and in perfect Love. And as these New
Golden Age Templatings continue to merge sweet ones, more multidimensional
timelines become available to you as the karmic timelines drop away and new Light
frequency spectrums activate upon this sacred Earth, allowing you to physically
see that which was previously hidden.
Indeed sweet ones, as you experience the New
Moon and partial Solar Eclipse on September 13th, the Arctic Pyramid
anchors its hidden keys from the Halls of Knowledge into the New Earth Templates
and in particular, into the Akashic Records, which is further activated through
the Pleiadian Etheric Library holding the New Earth Templates of numerous
Golden Ages of Light.
Sweet ones, the electromagnetic field that
runs between the North and South Pole, called the “plenum”, contains the vast holographic electromagnetic library of the
Akashic Records, and every action that has occurred on this sacred Earth is
recorded within this Akasha; having the ability to access the Akashic Records,
along with the Golden Age Timelines amplifies through the Pleiadian Living
Library and from here, links into the Inner Earth Living Library, lifting the veils
of Illusion and the energetics of the game of duality whilst connecting you
deeper into the Patterns of Perfection and the Christed Timelines as these
sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
As you experience a deeper level of manifestation, purpose, trust and surrender
in your own service work, you prepare for Wave X, and the ending of duality as
you know it, for all Souls choosing to experience the Pathways of Divine Love in
THIS Golden Age of Light.
this Divine Dispensation given by the Galactic Federation of Light, on the tail
end of the Equinox energies and the commencement of Wave X, as the I Am Avatar
Race, you are going to collectively ascend into the next level of your Soul’s
Forward Evolution, with the possibility to experience all nine dimensions of
Light, whilst many Souls step into the fifth dimensional New Earth templates of
Solar Christ Consciousness.
ones, in our August transmission, 12 Star Councils of Light, Elders of Galaxies
and Star Systems came together to assist you in receiving the Star Ki codes,
and now join together once more, as you receive the photon-gamma Light
particles traveling at the speed of Light from and through the Galactic Center,
in this “wave” of evolution. As the
Diamond Light codes activate from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, each
one of you sweet ones, will have the ability to receive the 12 Star Council Galactic
DNA Activations, and with this, to collectively experience the Soul integration
of your Beloved I Am Presence, the activation of the Inner Sun within your
hearts, as you travel beyond the ring-passeth-nots and into all Golden Ages of
Light, through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, peaking on
September 28th, 2015.
timeline sweet ones, in the next step of your Soul’s forward evolution as the I
Am Avatar Race, is being called “The Event Horizon”, and this will amplify
through the energy of the Golden Rose Galaxy and the full actualization of the
New Earth Templates of Light in the knowing that you are Love, with a final
clearing of any old, discordant energies being recalibrated into the higher
dimensional fields of Light on the Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September
28th. With this, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light further
come forward to anchor and activate the Cosmic key codes of the Divine
Masculine and the majestic energy this brings, in this new Golden Age of Light
as the “war of the sexes”, the power and the control, the old remnants,
patterns and energies are engulfed within this Golden Rose Galaxy and the
Divine Love of Mother/Father God, and each one of you, sweet ones, as these
sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
is a joyous celebration of a Re-union of Hearts on both the Inner Planes and
the outer planes, and with your own Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, and
will take you into greater levels of manifestation of purpose, of joy, of Love,
and of the connection to Soul mates ~ Soul brothers, Soul sisters, and Twin-Flame
re-unions. For this sacred year of 2015 sweet ones, is so much about the Twin Flame
re-unions, and coming home into your sacred hearts, and into the sacred hearts
of all humanity, and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
your Sun becomes a Central Sun and your Central Sun a Greater Central Sun, as
all life moves into the next dimensional frequency of Divine Love and Unity
Consciousness, we walk this Pathway of Divine Love with you, sweet ones, for
you are indeed so greatly celebrated, appreciated, and Divinely Loved.
let us now set our sacred space and take you into an experience of these
beautiful Galactic Christ Conscious frequencies through the Illumination of the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the many Illumined Beings of Light from
On High working with you in this Now, sweet ones. Wherever you are in your
sacred space, you simply breathe deep into the body, expanding the lower
abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out,
and allowing your breath to guide you; allowing your breath to be this flow of
Divine Love as you link into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, within you and
around you. Feeling this energy of sweetness, of nurturing, of gentleness and
Love, as well as the sonic celestial Light frequency sounds within the inner
ear, sweet ones, and the connection that you have to all the Illumined Beings
of Light from On High. As you call in your core groups, and as you merge with
your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God. Having a sense of all these beautiful Beings of
Light that you are connected to, along with your Master Guides, the Archangels
and Mighty Elohim, the Order of Melchizedek, the Ascended Masters and the Ray
Masters, Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, being wrapped now in his Divine Body
of Light. And feeling and sensing sweet ones, your connection to one another as
you come together at this Higher Light level, as the Light workers and star
seeded ones, as the Christed Extra-Terrestrials, as these sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love, in the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. Feeling this
Love to one another, feeling this Love for all humanity and all life, as you
energetically or physically place your hands upon your hearts, feeling this
Love from within, and taking this Love out, sweet ones, to all those that come
to mind. Simply appreciating and loving yourselves as you now experience a
sense of this beautiful Inner Sun, this Golden Sun, activate within your
now these eight Petals of Creation activate ~ of Wisdom, and Love, and Empowerment,
of Joy, Abundance, Insight and Understanding, Illumination, Trust and Surrender.
All is to be revealed, sweet ones, and you are simply walking this Pathway of
Divine Love, in trust and surrender to Life, in trust and surrender to the
Divine, as these manifesting Master Beings of Light. And as you have a sense of
this connection, this alignment of Light to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father
God, you ground into the Inner Earth Sun, experiencing a deeper activation of
the Inner Sun, this Golden Sun within your Hearts. Aligning deeper now to the
Sun, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun, and from here in to the
Galactic Center, experiencing and sensing these Diamond Light Codes of Creation
taking you through all dimensions of Light, all nine creational dimensions of
Light in this energy system we bring to you, into the Cosmic Heart of God and
now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth; grounding now, centering yourselves
into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. And sensing too sweet ones, this
beautiful Golden Rose Galaxy, this dance of Creation between the Divine
Masculine and Feminine aspects of yourselves, having a sense of this Golden
Rose Galaxy activate within the thymus chakra; and the spinning of the Fibonacci
ratios to the correct Fibonacci sequence through each one of the chakras now. Bringing
a focus to the base chakra as it spins at this frequency of 8:5, to the sacral
of 13:8, to the solar plexus chakra of 21:13, the heart chakra 34:21, the
throat chakra 55:34, the third eye 89:55, and now the crown chakra 144:89 ~ linking
you into the 144 Christ Consciousness components, into the 144 aspects of
multi-universal Melchizedek Consciousness, and into the 144 Unity Grid of
Divine Love.
start to have a sense sweet ones, of the templates, the New Earth Templates, of
these geometries of Light, of these fractal geometries, sacred geometries and
numerologies, as you bring a focus now to all these beautiful Pyramids of Creation that have been
experienced in this sacred year of 2015, and in particular now to this pyramid
above the Arctic that is balancing the poles of the Planetary Grid, that is
lifting you into the Akashic Records, into this Halls of Knowledge and Wisdom.
external Merkaba Vehicle of Light now comes in around your body and energy
field. You now find yourselves traveling through the Grids of Divine Love,
entering in soul consciousness into this Pyramid above the Arctic. Welcomed and
greeted now by Sophia Hokhmat, Creator of Knowledge and Wisdom, you link into
the Galactic Councils of Light, and to all the Illumined Beings of Light from
On High, assisting you sweet ones, in the experience of Heaven on Earth in this
Golden Age of Light. Simply feeling the Love of Creation, and a new level of
wisdom and awareness, and understanding, as you link to one another, coming together
as One Unified Cosmic Heart sweet ones; with all the planetary Light workers
that you are familiar with, and those that you are connected with at a Soul
level, along with your Star family and friends of the Light. Good.
are connected now to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light as you experience the
partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon, on September 13th. As Sophia
Hokhmat and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light take you into this central
Pyramid of Knowledge, you receive from the Galactic Center the diamond Light
Codes of Creation that activate not only the Akashic Records on this sacred Earth,
but further to this, activate the Pleiadian Living Library. As the Pleiadian
Living Library holding many of the Templates of Golden Ages of Light that have
been experienced on this sacred Earth in Pleiadian Consciousness activate now
into the Akashic Records, it presents the timelines of these Golden Ages of
Light; of Atlantis, and Lemuria, of ancient Egypt, of the Mayan and Aztec
cultures, and other Christed Timelines, sweet ones, in which the Pleiadians
have brought through their knowledge, and their wisdom and their Love, in the
forward evolution of all Souls on this sacred Earth. They link you now into
this universal Akasha so you can see how these shifts of consciousness has been
experienced in each Golden Age of Light.
sweet ones. In this holographic matrix, you see these beautiful crystalline
Cities of Light, you see the timelines of your Highest Potential, through the
universal Akasha of the earth records, and you link into the Golden Rose
Galaxy, into the Golden Ages of Light and the teachings of One Unity Consciousness
and Divine Love. You anchor, activate and actualize this through your own DNA
encodings and crystalline consciousness at a cellular level, sweet ones. The
sub atomic particles within the body start to spin in these increased Light
frequencies, lifting you into the experience of these templates of all Golden Ages of Light, and further
lifting you into the multidimensional templatings of your multidimensional
Selves; merging into the timelines of your Selves in these Now moments of
Self-Mastery, and bringing these templates back now, sweet ones. You experience
yourselves as these vibrating sub-atomic particles of Divine Love, connecting
to one another, connecting to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, and connecting
to your multidimensional Selves in these various timelines of Light, in these
Golden Ages, in these Christed Timelines. As you come back into this Now, sweet
ones, with these template overlays of your multidimensional Selves, coming back
into form, you experience yourselves vibrating now at a fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
or even ninth dimensional level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Good.
as this Golden Rose Galaxy activates energetically deeper within the thymus,
sweet ones, you see through the Akashic Records the timelines in which the
earth has experienced the dark ages, in which the portals of Light were closed;
in which the portals of darkness were activated, and how this affected all
life, and how this, in this Now, is completely dismantled, sweet ones. If there
is anything that you need to do to assist in holding this Light frequency, you
are given this Knowing now, sweet ones, as this Light Bearer, as this sacred
transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. You are simply Love, and you see through
the Halls of Knowledge as the key codes activate into the Akashic Records, and
amplified through the Pleiadian Living Library, these energetic frequencies now
connect into the Inner Earth Library. They lift you in particular into the
Lemurian Golden Age of Light, and from here into the Atlantean Golden Age, and
now into all Golden Ages of Light.
have seen yourselves in your full magnificence and Light, sweet ones, and this
manifesting energy that is connecting you into a greater level of the knowing of
your Selves as the Christed Extra-Terrestrials now further links you to the 12
Star Councils as you prepare to experience the Equinox energies and this Wave X
Wave of Light. As you experience now a deeper sense of coming into the New
Earth Templates of Light in all Golden Ages of Light, of being able to experience
the next level of your Soul’s forward evolution and all dimensions of Light,
sweet ones, you connect once more into the Galactic Center in receiving these
photon-gamma Light particles traveling at the speed of Light from this Galactic
Center and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. As the Diamond Light codes
further activate and actualize at a sub-atomic particle level, the sub-atomic
particles split into even smaller sub-atomic particles of Light. You are simply
vibrating Light particles, and at this dimensional frequency, sweet ones, you
now connect into the 12 Galactic Councils of Light. The actual Galactic DNA
activation, sweet ones, will be experienced energetically for each one of you
and through our monthly telewebinar, but what we would like to do first is
activate the Star Ki codes for those of you that have not consciously
experienced this, for this is the first level into these Galactic DNA
in this Hall of Knowledge and Wisdom within the Arctic Pyramid, as you
experience this Wave X, as you experience too, the Equinox energies, the
Alpha-Centaurians come forward now. They activate through the 12 Crown Chakra Crystals
above the crown chakra, and within the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint
within the perineum center, the Alpha Centuarian Star Ki codes of One Unity Consciousness and
The Venusians now come forward and activate
the Venusian Star Ki codes of appreciation, trust and surrender through the 12
Crown Chakra Crystals, and through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now sweet ones, the Vegan Star Council
come forward, as they activate the Vegan Star Ki codes of Divine Equality
through the 12 Crown Chakra Crystals and through the original Divine Eight-Cell
And now the Arcturian Star Council step forward,
as they activate the Arcturian Star Ki codes of multidimensional awareness,
crystalline consciousness and interconnectivity through the 12 Crown Chakra
Crystals and the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now sweet ones, the Sirian Star Council come
forward as they activate the Star Ki codes of the New Earth Geometries of Light
as well as healing codes through the 12 Crown Chakra Crystals and the original
Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
Wonderful. The Antarian Star Council now come
forward and activates the Antarian Star Ki codes of wisdom, compassion and
telepathy through the 12 Crown Chakra Crystals and the original Divine
Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now the Andromedan Star Council step
forward as they activate the Andromedan Star Ki codes of the Christed
Timelines, the Unveiling of Hidden Knowledge, and the sacred Re-Union of Self, through
the 12 Crown Chakra Crystals and the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
The Orion Star Council now step forward as
they activate the Orion Star Ki codes of beauty, and harmony, peace and
creativity through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, and the 12 Crown
Chakra Crystals.
And now the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light
~ the Pleiadian Star Council, activate the Pleiadian Star Ki codes of Divine
Love, sacred sexuality, re-union of hearts, passion and joy, through the 12
Crown Chakra Crystals and the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now, sweet ones, the Niburian Star Council
step forward as they activate the Niburian Star Ki codes of non-judgment,
Self-Love, forgiveness and higher mind intelligence, through the 12 Crown
Chakra Crystals and the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
Wonderful sweet ones. The Meldekian Star
Council come forward now as they activate the Meldekian Star Ki codes of Soul
retrieval, alignment to the Divine and grounded-ness through the 12 Crown
Chakra Crystals and the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And lastly the Brotherhood of the Light High
Council step forward as they activate the Star Ki codes of immortality,
rejuvenation, regeneration, and Melchizedek Consciousness through the 12 Crown
Chakra Crystals and the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
You simply allow yourselves sweet ones, to
receive these Star Ki codes in the knowing of yourselves as the Christed ET’s,
the way showers, as these multidimensional Master Beings, as these sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. You are creating the templates of Light
for yourselves and others, holding and experiencing the Pathways of Divine Love
in the Knowing that this is your reality and all that is not of this One
Reality is transmuted, embraced, Loved, or celebrated, to know yourselves,
sweet ones, in your full magnificence and Light. You energetically receive the
Galactic DNA activation, sweet ones, at the culmination of this Wave X on
September 28th. As you experience this Blood Full Moon, and total Lunar
Eclipse, coming together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, linking into the Heart of
God, and into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, co-creating your Heaven on
Earth and knowing sweet ones, that you are indeed experiencing Heaven on Earth.
The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the
Light further come forward and activate the Galactic Codes of Light of the
Divine Masculine archetype. The Divine Masculine is an energy of complete Love,
dissolving any imprinting and memories at a cellular level within each one of
you of the “war of the sexes”, of misuse or abuse of power or sexual energy.
Old hurts and betrayals dissolve in this Re-union of Hearts of your own Divine
Feminine and Masculine energies, as you link once more into this beautiful
Golden Rose Galaxy of Light, in this sacred re-union of your beloved Divine
Masculine and Feminine Spirits. All is as it is meant to be in this Now, sweet
ones, and this is indeed an acceleration into the next level of your Soul’s
forward evolution for each one of you. As you move beyond the ring-passeth-nots
into the higher dimensional Light frequencies, your unique extra-sensory
perception gifts will activate as well as the templates of the next level of
your Divine Blueprints.
You now find yourselves back in your sacred
space sweet ones, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, while
keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light. You have the
ability to travel the Christed Timelines to experience the higher dimensions, and
to access the universal Akasha, for you are Love, and you are greatly loved,
appreciated and celebrated. We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, we
bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
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