Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Golden Sun Merkaba Activation Introduction



Golden Sun  Merkaba Activation

90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


Join us beloved hearts in this beautiful, high frequency masterclass as we expand our consciousness, raise our vibration, and activate our Merkaba field to physically access the fifth dimension and beyond, as the Light of God We Are.

The Golden Sun Merkaba Activation utilizes the energy of our Soul Light and Christed Light, known as the Golden Sun, to build the frequencies that will assist in activating our Merkaba field to physically access and ascend into the fifth dimension and beyond, as the Light of God We Are.

Our Merkaba field is a living Light Ship and Ascension Vehicle and when fully activated, can extend up to 54 feet in diameter around us. Our Golden Sun Merkaba is used for interdimensional travel in navigating the higher dimensions, powered by our Loving Heart and Higher Mind. Our Merkaba activates through our Soul Light/Photonic Light from deep within as we expand the Stargate of our Loving Heart in alignment to New Earth and realities of One Unity Consciousness.

For the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we work with the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, or rather three superimposing star tetrahedrons, and specific Fibonacci Ratio’s God Speed to Infinity, to increase the spin of the sub-atomic particles within the body and physically experience New Earth.

The Golden Sun Merkaba Activation takes us into Zero Point, the Infinite Eternal Now moment. The “longer” we can experience Zero Point, free from limiting beliefs, judgments, and 3-D/4-D timelines, the greater our ability to navigate multidimensionally and through the Quantum field.

In the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we work with nine dimensions, although many more dimensions exist beyond this and simultaneous to this. The primary reason for this is that embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence occurs through the integration of all 144 Soul Ray aspects of Self. These are our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and Future Selves. These Higher Self aspects are generally integrated and embodied within the body and energy field by the ninth dimension. Following this, we enter the Source Light dimensions.

In addition to this, once the Golden Sun Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the Flower of Life, Metatron Cube and the Platonic solids are also activated, and with this, we become an extension of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the sacred geometries and harmonic resonance of New Earth found within the Christ Consciousness grid. We call this the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.  Furthermore, through this sacred geometry, we hold within our subconscious, thought forms and patterns atomically, allowing us to tune in and communicate multidimensionally through the Quantum Field.

This is a powerful energy technique that takes us deeper into being Divine Love and living New Earth. Whilst there are different geometries that can be used to experience Zero Point and New Earth, we use the geometry of the star tetrahedron as it connects to the trinity of the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Child, and greatly balances the polarities within. However, once we physically ascend into New Earth, there is the next level multidimensional Merkaba Activation which does not require the balancing of polarities as these no longer exist and is again connected to the sacred geometries of the Unity Grid of Divine Love.   

For the Golden Sun Merkaba Activation, we focus on three superimposing star tetrahedrons, as they are connected to our etheric, emotional, and mental bodies, and our original Divine eight-cell blueprint. We then spin the emotional and mental star tetrahedrons around the body at specific Fibonacci ratios God Speed to Infinity, a speed not possible to measure, to activate our Merkaba, using the energy of the Golden Sun. The etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary over the body.

In addition to this, we utilize the energy of the Rays of Creation in visualizing the star tetrahedrons. Primary, we utilize a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Highest Potentials. This ray connects into the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, found within the Perineum Center, and works primarily with the geometry of the star tetrahedron in aligning us to our Divinity and original Soul contracts. We further utilize the Golden Ray of One Unity Consciousness to align us through all dimensions of Light as we activate the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Spheres of Light through the body and energy field. These Rays of Creation spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and greatly assist in expanding our Consciousness and Light.

Furthermore, we utilize the etheric or physical Andara Crystal energies, as they assist us to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically/monatomically in connecting us to our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential, as well as synchronizing our workflow in both the dream state and awakened states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose. The Andara Crystals transmit the Light codes of exactly what each of us needs in any given Now moment and assist us in deepening levels of awakening and remembering. And in working with us through and as the Unity Grid, the Andaras amplify these fields of consciousness of sacred geometry, sound and color, so that all Life can know themselves as Love.

To initially amplify our Light and expand our Loving Hearts, we activate the Stargate of our Loving Heart by visualizing the Golden Sun, as the Christed Light, activate from within our Loving Hearts.  As we deepen into Zero Point, through the Stargate of our Loving Heart, we focus on activating the Pineal Gland, using this same Golden Sun energy.

We then work with the Golden Sun energy through each one of the chakras at specific Fibonacci ratios to release all that no longer needs to be experienced as we collapse and dissolve lower timelines and create the higher dimensional timeline blueprinting’s through the chakras.

Following this, we connect to a portal of Light known as the Sun Portal, 0.02 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating the Golden Sun Sphere6.04 feet in diameter around this. We further connect to our Central Sun Portal 2.4 feet above the Crown Chakra, activating the Golden Sun sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around us, and within this, visualizing three superimposed star tetrahedrons. From here, we connect to a Portal 24 feet above the Crown Chakra, known as the Great Central Sun Portal, activating the Golden Sun sphere 54 feet in diameter around us.

These Golden Sun activations then create the Golden Flower of Life, within our Great Central Sun sphere 54 feet in diameter around us. We then utilize this Golden Sun and Flower of Life sphere to activate our Merkaba using the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron to take us into Zero Point, and New Earth.

From this infinite, eternal Now moment, in the convergence of the higher dimensional fields of Consciousness and Light where all dimensions present simultaneously and where Love is All There Is, we program our Light Bodies to view, experience, and expand into numerous multidimensional timelines, both physically and energetically. We further map the trajectory of our Highest Potential and Heart’s Dreaming, to draw to us future probable timelines of One Unity Consciousness.

This is a very powerful technique taking us into New Earth Beloved Hearts and a technique we can practice daily to raise our vibration, and expand our consciousness, as we come together as One Heart and One Love and physically ascend into New Earth. In addition to this, the more of us able to activate our Merkabas, the more we create New Earth together in Unity and Love.

Come join with us in this powerful transmission as together we amplify our Merkaba Fields of Light and experience New Earth.

Mp3 recording available with and without background music. No transcribe

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Soularis Light Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth



 Activation of the Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta

 Soularis Light Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth       

You Tube:


Welcome precious hearts, I invite you to settle into your beautiful inner Christed Heart, the Golden Sun within, as we commence this Equinox Invocation through the sacred Comic Fires of Helios and Vesta. As our Sun becomes the Central Sun and Mother Earth, the Spiritual Sun for this Solar System, Helios and Vesta imbue us in the radiance of their Divine Causal Body of Light, further expanding our Light Bodies and activating the Soularis Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth from Within.

As we experience the Equinox energies, we are drawn deeper into the Divine Causal Body of Helios and Vesta, surrounded in an Electronic Ring of Fire, a shield of pure God essence, additionally activated by our Beloved I Am Presence and sustained by the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta. This further assists the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light directive in the focus of the creation of Heaven on Earth, and our ability to maintain and increase our Light Quotient, expand our physical Light Bodies, our Ascending Physical Bodies, and affect and create change within our Realities as One Heart and One Love.

As the Patterns of Perfection amplify through the Equinox energies on September 22nd and 23rd, we are offered an opportunity to experience the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta through their great Spiritual Sun Temple of Light, and through our Christed Hearts. These sacred Cosmic Fires are the Light ray qualities of the Ray of Solar Christ Consciousness and spiral forth and ignite within our Christed Hearts in beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames.

Primarily, the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta activate in this Now, the Soularis Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth, and assist us to release all that no longer needs to be experienced as we align ever deeper with our New Earth Realities.

So, let us start by setting our sacred space as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart. So for a moment now sitting in your sacred space, simply breathe into the body. Breathe initially in through the nose and out the mouth, and as you breathe out through the mouth just allow yourselves to release all that needs to be released in this Now. Breathing in gently, breathing out in such a way that you start to release what is needing to be released in this Now, and finding a balance now in deep rhythmic breaths, feeling into the body, feeling into the physical body, as you start to breathe now through the nose ~ inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the nose, focusing on the lower abdominal muscles, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, and finding this rhythmic breath that gives you a deep sense of breathing in the Light of Creation, and releasing what needs to be released, through this in-breath and out-breath.

Good, now have a sense of merging with your Beloved I Am Presence, the highest aspect of your Soul light within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Feel this connection being made now, as you go deeper and deeper within. Wonderful. And now call in your Master Guides, your Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge.

Now have a sense of the Golden Sun within the Christed Heart, the heart and thymus chakras, activating Now, as you breathe deep into the body. Breathing in Love, visualize this beautiful Golden Sun, hold the breath, and as you breathe out, you see this beautiful Golden Sun expand from within the Christed Heart. Breathing in and sensing this beautiful Golden Sun within the Loving Heart, hold the breath as you perhaps visualize any color of your choosing with the Christed Heart and as you breathe out, seeing or sending this Golden Sun Sphere expand around the body and energy field.

Now have a sense of connecting into the Inner Earth Sun, connecting through the Earth Star Chakra. Visualize this Golden Sun Sphere within the Earth Star Chakra. As you breathe in, have a sense of this beautiful Golden Sun, hold the breath and as you breathe out, have a sense of this beautiful Golden Sun expanding and connecting you into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.

And now, bring a focus to that which we can the Sun Portal, 0.6 feet above the Crown Chakra. Once more, as you bring the focus to this Sun Portal, breathe in and visualize this Golden Sun Sphere at this Portal, hold the breath, bringing in any colors of your choosing and as you breathe out, you see this Sun Portal expanding 7.2 feet in diameter around you, and connecting you ever deeper now to Helios and Vesta, your God Parents for this Solar System. Connecting you deeper now in alignment to this Solar System, to all the Planets in this Solar System, to the energy of the Sun, Solaris, the Sun Codes. Good beloved heart.

And now have a sense of the Central Sun Portal, 2.4 feet above the crown chakra, your Galactic Portal, connecting you to your Higher Selves, and Multidimensional Selves and through this Solar System into the Milky Way. As you breathe in, visualize this Golden Sun Sphere at this Portal, hold the breath, and as you breathe out, you see this Sun Portal expanding into a beautiful Golden Sun Sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around you.

And now, you have a sense of connecting to your Great Central Sun Portal 24 feet above the crown chakra, connecting you to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and your Beloved I Am Presence. As you breathe in, visualize this Golden Sun Sphere at this Portal, hold the breath, and as you breathe out, you see this Sun Portal expanding into a beautiful Golden Sun Sphere 54 feet in diameter around you to the sense of being the Light of God and Flames of Divinity upon this sacred earth.

  And now, get yourselves comfortably relaxed, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, as you connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, connecting now to the Light workers, and starseeded ones, and all those joining you from around the globe in the beautiful Equinox celebration.



Embraced within the Divine Causal Body of Helios and Vesta,

and surrounded now in an Electronic Ring of Fire, a shield of pure God essence,

we are wrapped now in the copper-gold and pink-gold flames of Helios and Vesta.


As these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames now activate within our Golden Heart,

we deepen into the Purity and Innocence of our Soul Light within,

and through the Quantum Field as One Heart,   

we enter into the great Spiritual Sun Temple of Light,

and Solar Heart of Helios and Vesta.


Through the Overlighting of these sacred Beings and our God Parents for this Solar System,

we now deepen into the beautiful Golden Sun within our Loving Hearts.

Breathing in, we visualize this Golden Sun,

we hold the breath,

and as we breathe out,

we see this Golden Sun expand from the Loving Heart,

around the body and energy field.

We expand into the Radiance of our Ascending Physical Bodies,

our Physical Light Bodies,

to the Magic and Peace within,

and to the knowing that we are the Light of God,

sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love,

walking the Path of Love.


And now, we Pause, and Reset,

breathing in Love, holding the breathing, and releasing all that needs to be released,

as we deepen into the Soul matrix, our Heart's Dreaming, and New Beginnings.

We now experience the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta in these beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames,

and the fifth dimensional New Earth Templates of Solar Christ Consciousness activating from deep, deep within,

bringing the focus in this Now,

to all that still needs to be cleared, transcended, and dissolved,

 along the lower timelines.


As the Light of God We Are,

and through the Patterns of Perfection, we lift ourselves into the Universal Akasha,

to dissolve old timelines no longer needing to be experienced,

as we are given the insight and understanding of our Life lessons through our pre-birth agreements and karmic contracts,

and how each perceived challenge and experience we have chosen,

and continue to choose,

presents as an opportunity to experience the Cosmic Heart of all Creation,

simply through surrender,

and through our choices, and through our actions,

and through our ability to release judgment and blame, attachment, and the need to hold on.


When we trust and surrender to our Universe,

we understand how 3D is an Illusion of Reality,

a belief created through the Mind.

And Where We Are, we create our realities through the Christed Heart,

knowing All is Love, all is Love.



Helios and Vesta now place within our heart and thymus chakras,

 a Golden Solar Sun Disc,

a spinning disc of Light,

transforming into Light every thought, feeling and action vibrating at a lesser frequency than the Patterns of Perfection and God's Divine Love.


And now, the Soularis Light Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth activate from within.


We are ready to fully emerge on New Earth,

and to experience increased levels of Solar Christ Consciousness, and Divine Love.  

To amplify the Light of our God Parents and Beloved I AM Presence within each cell and each molecule of our bodies,

we continually align and activate, integrate, recalibrate, synchronize, and actualize,

living in the Now,

through the stillness of the loving heart and the wisdom of the higher mind.


We now feel and sense this Electronic Ring of Fire around ourselves,

and around the collective I Am Avatar Consciousness of Humanity.

Guided and directed and sustained by the Beloved I Am Presence of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth,

we now surround Gaia and all her Life,

in these sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta,

and these beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold rays of Light.


As One Heart, we now anchor and activate the Soularis Light Codes of New Beginnings, Balance and Equilibrium, Integrity and Truth,

through the hearts and minds of all Humanity,

expanding the Light of God upon this sacred earth,

through lifting the vibration and Consciousness through the Sun Codes, Soular Codes, Photonic and Plasmic Light,

trusting and surrendering to our Universe,

and consciously co-creating our Heaven on Earth,

our realities, with magic and joy, balance, integrity and truth, harmony and Love,

and the Beloved I Am Presence of every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth.


And now, I bring a focus back to my Christed Heart, and my Golden Sun.

As my Golden Sun expands from my heart chakra to my Sun Portal

7.2 feet in diameter around me,

I breathe in Love, as I visualize this Golden Sun within my Loving Heart,

I hold my breath,

and as I breathe out,

 I move beyond my fears and doubts,

into the Patterns of Perfection,

and the New Earth Blueprints of Light.

As I travel through the Pathways of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness,

I do so with the full knowing of my service work as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.


And now, my Golden Sun expands from my heart chakra to my Central Sun Portal 10.8 feet in diameter around me,

connecting me to my Soul and Star family of the Light,

to the merging and integration of my Higher Selves and Multidimensional Selves.

As I connect to my Soul and Star family and friends of the Light,

I draw into my reality Soul mates, Soul brothers and sisters,

and all those with a resonating energy field,

with whom I can expand my Service work upon this sacred earth.


Lastly now, my Golden Sun expands from my heart chakra,

 to 54 feet in diameter around me,

to my Great Central Sun Portal,

as I integrate the Divine Love of my Beloved I Am Presence,

my Higher Selves, my Multidimensional Selves, my Future Selves,

as a full realized Christ Conscious Being of Light,

an Ascended Master Being of Light.

I am Source Light, experiencing the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father through this Multi-Universal Christ Consciousness field of Light, this Quantum Field of Light.


As I close my eyes and go deep, deep within,

I see before me, a most beautiful and sacred Being of Light,

my Beloved I Am Presence.

As my Beloved I Am Presence full embodies, as Photonic Light,

I experience the full actualization of my Inner Christ,

the return of my Inner Sun.


As the Golden Solar Sun actualizes within my heart chakra,

it now illuminates as a Golden Sun within every sub-atomic particle within my Beingness,

in Rainbow Light, Diamond Light and these beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames of Light.

These Divine Light rays take me into the knowing that I am Home,

as I place my hands tenderly upon my Loving Heart,

and gently rock my body backwards and forwards and from side to side,

I recognize and feel and know I Am and have always been embraced within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,

as a magnificent, precious, illuminating, sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.



I now come back into my sacred space and ever deeper into my Loving Heart,

feeling this expansion from the front of the heart chakra and the back of the heart chakra, and through each one of the chakras, as they now align into this

central column of Light.


Grounding into the Heart of Gaia.

I take a moment now to feel my Love in the stillness of my heart,

as I place my hands energetically or physically upon my loving heart,

as I say to myself:

“I Love you,” giving my name now, “I Love you, I Love you, I Love you, I Love you.”


I experience now a deep sense of my heart’s dreaming,

my heart’s joy,

 divinely inspired in this moment as I deepen into greater moments of timelessness,

 the infinite eternal Now moment,

Zero Point,

with greater levels of balance and equilibrium, integrity and truth.


And so it is, and so it shall be.       


In my own time now, I gently come back,

Fully present, centered in the Heart of Love.