Friday 3 August 2018

New Earth Cosmic Conversations and Soul Scents

Greetings beloveds,

I invite you to link-in Friday's 9am PT/12pm ET, via Facebook Live and Zoom, in a FREE telewebinar summit New Earth Cosmic Conversations with myself, Anrita Melchizedek & Friends. This is a platform of sharing, connecting, teaching and coming together as One Heart and One Love, in Community and Unity. This week I am in conversation with Audrey LightLanguage, Susie Beiler, Lou Martin, Yukia Azorah Sandara & Kerry K. Samadhi.

I know so many of you from Facebook and other social platforms but with our own busyness, we don't get much time to connect in person, and I would so love this opportunity to hear more from you; what you are doing and sharing through your amazing gifts with others, and of course I know others would too.

This show is a wonderful way to connect with one another as the Light Tribe, the wayshowers and gate keepers to this sacred earth, as we step into the next level of our Service work and Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light. As we network with one another, we deepen into the support of the universe, as well as expand our own platform through making new friends and meeting new students.

New Earth Cosmic Conversations will showcase the work of our Light Tribe whilst simultaneously giving us the gift of receiving and providing useful tools for accelerated consciousness. It is essentially a platform in which we get to share and showcase our gifts and services with and to one another.

So for some awesome multidimensional conversations and this week's focus Health & Wellness 5D Perspectives, join us today Friday August 3rd, 9am PT/12pm ET/4pm GMT via Facebook Live at or Zoom on

If you have something to share, we would love to hear from you. Email us at  and we will get back to you soon.

Looking forward to connecting. You can also catch up with us on our Facebook event's page at

Blessings and much Love

Anrita Melchizedek  

Audrey LightLanguage

Susie Beiler

Lou Martin

Kerry K Samadhi

Yukia Azorah Sandara


The Soul Scents Wellness Range and the New Earth Angelic Templates

Precious hearts,

I am so delighted to share with you my new Soul Scents range. Soul Scents is a range of pure essential oil blends, infused with Angel energies, crystals, diamonds, sacred geometry and sound. Each 10ml/0.34 fl oz Soul Scents pure essential oil blend combines between six and nine essential oils, many of which are organic, to create particular frequencies that we refer to as New Earth Angelic Templates. Using just a few drops of these 10ml/0.34 fl oz pure essential blends, the Soul Scents range currently includes 12 Sprays, a Healing Oil, Roll-On Perfume and a Face Serum. Candles, Lip Balm, Healing Balm and Soul Scent Soaps are in the pipeline for production. The Soul Scents Range is amazing in smell and frequency, drawing us closer to the merging and integration of our Soul energy. Soul Scents works physically and energetically to clear, heal, align, activate and bring online blueprints for our Soul's Highest Potential. Personalized Soul Scent Readings with synergy combination oils are also offered.

The Angels have stated that these New Earth Angelic Templates activated through the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light. This is the Soul Light, I Am Presence of all awakened Souls on this sacred earth. These New Earth Angelic Templates were initially anchored on the June Solstice 2018 through the Diamond Crystal energy, and brought online through the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse July 27th 2018 as we merged with the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, merging with our Beloved I Am Presence and that of Soul and Star Family, accelerating the timelines of Self Mastery in the embodiment of these Angelic Templates. The New Earth Angelic Templates initially anchored and activated as Diamond Light Grids around our bodies and then moved into the body, amplifying the crystalline consciousness at a cellular level and spinning the sub-atomic particles in increased Light frequencies to the frequency of these Angelic Templates. Additionally, these templates then anchored through the Unity Grid, and it is in this Now that we assist in activating these Angelic Templates for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred earth and the Soul Scents Range is one such tool to assist us to truly experience the New Earth, walking this path of Divine Love.

The Soul Scents Range creates change through the energy field, DNA, olfactory senses and within the brain. As the neuron clusters fire off, changes occur within the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, brain stem, retina, auditory cortex and olfactory system. We experience a deepening connection to our Soul Light in a multidimensional array of Cosmic senses and out-of-this-world heavenly scents while bringing all that we need for the next level of our Service work into this moment with a grounded and practical sense of Self, in Divine Presence. For all awakened Souls, this is the time now to ground these templates of success as we release the vestiges of old patterns, false beliefs and judgments and move deeper into vitality and world service as facilitators, wayshowers and Light workers.


Soul Sense Facilitator Training 

I invite you to join this amazing telewebinar series  starting Saturday August 25th called Soul Sense Facilitator Training. This is a series of seven video/audio telewebinar transmissions, hosted live once a month, which covers the Soul Scents Range, New Earth Angelic Templates, Soul Scents Readings and Soul Sense Energy Healing Modalities.

Soul Scents is a range of pure essential oil blends, infused with Angel energies, crystals, diamonds, sacred geometry and sound, combining between six and nine essential oils, many of which are organic, to create particular frequencies that we refer to as New Earth Angelic Templates of which there are 12. These templates are Health and Wellness, Forgiveness and Love, Gratitude and Appreciation, Consciousness and Intuition, Joy & Happiness, Insight and Compassion, Abundance and Manifestation, Passion and Purpose, Power & Strength, Love, Peace & Calm, and Magnificence & Worthiness.

The Soul Sense Facilitator Training that is being offered will assist you to take your business to the next level as you offer Soul Scent Readings, create personalized combination oils and a range of products using the Soul Scents essential oil blends as well as experience energetic and physical shifts using the Angelic Templates for yourself and others. And for those ready to step into the level of facilitation, Soul Sense Energy Healing Modalities are also offered.


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