Thursday 3 October 2024

Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation Masterclass




 Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation

Two Hour Audio Transmission with Anrita Melchizedek

 Saturday October 5th – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 6pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 4am (October 6th), Auckland 6am (October 6th)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


Beloved hearts, the month of October propels us into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and for many, brings to us the next initiatory gateway of collective Higher Self Embodiment, representing the energy of the Priesthood as well as that of Crystalline/Christ Consciousness.

Master numbers amplify the frequency of Zero Point, the Infinite, Eternal Now moment, and the Lion’s Gate, a Master Number Day, was a perfect Now moment of both higher and lower dimensional timelines played out and presented simultaneously, with the choice to step up as the Light of God We Are or continue to play out the karmic timelines and old earth illusions.

We could say the last nine months have been the preparation for this next collective shift in consciousness beloved hearts. June, July August and September were very intense for many, with lower timelines, densities, karmic patterns and all the old, surfacing to be released as our perfect Divine Blueprint/Soul Blueprint comes back online and activates from deep within and as we rebirth and expand into Christ Consciousness.

In fact, beloved hearts, we have perfectly played out 4-D collectively, particularly the Heaven and Hell archetype, all in preparation for this Now moment. As the heart chakra continues to expand through the purity and innocence of our Soul Light and Inner Sun, lower chakras are activated and cleared through lower dimensional timelines and the back of the body, the upper chakras activate for higher dimensional timeline activations. The Pineal Gland continues to activate as the third eye becomes the primary sight, the New Earth envisioning and remembering. Ancient memories unveil in the merging of our multidimensional and Higher Selves. And as we awaken and remember, we shift from the innocent child into the loving parents.

We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, having merged and integrated many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves. This pathway of Soul embodiment expands with greater levels of grace and ease as the Higher Self (Selves) deepen into the body and our consciousness expands beyond our body and into, and as the Unified Field of Divine Love. This is where we become our Ascended Aspects until that perfect Now moment of Physical Ascension, and the ability to take out body with us vibrationally into New Earth.

So collectively, this is a Spiritual Ascension, where our Higher Selves embody, and we become our Christed Aspects upon this sacred earth. Although there are many timelines, both individually and collectively, we are offering an opportunity in this Now to collectively amplify our Light frequency.

To assist us in deepening into Soul Embodiment, we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation. This frequency activation uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life as it embeds within and around the body, as our embodied Higher Selves.

The Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation is a very powerful tool for Quantum Light activations as we bring our physical body online with New Earth. Whilst New Earth may have felt surreal, it now becomes more real in this passageway, and through this gateway.

Join us beloved hearts, as we deepen into experiencing the many facets of our multidimensional nature and reality through our Higher Selves and the collective Higher Light of all Awakening and Awakened Souls.

In this powerful transmission, we start with the Golden Sun Flower of Life Zero Point Activation through the Loving Heart and as the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activate around the body and energy field, we visualize, grid and activate the 11 Sephirot (Spheres) of the Kabbalah as the Golden Suns and Christed Light within the Flower of Life.

As we grid the Inner Tree of Life from sphere to sphere in the Golden Suns of Christ Consciousness and join the paths in Golden Triangles of Light, we end with 11 Spheres and 22 Paths. With this, beloved hearts, we create a multidimensional map and Divine Blueprint for Higher Self embodiment, and our ability to live our Ascended Selves as the Light of God We Are.

Join us in this celestial passageway as together we become our Higher Selves and Ascended Aspects upon this sacred earth.

This is an audio only transmission hosted by New Earth One Network.

Mp3 downloads available, with and without background music.



Soul Reading with Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation plus Andara Pendant

Beloved heart, I invite you to receive a one-hour Soul Reading and Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation using the energy of a beautiful Andara Pendant that will be chosen just for you and further activated during our session together.

This is a wonderful way to expand the Light Codes activating from within you, as well as connect with the Andara energy, amplified with Tensor Ring Tools during our Session together.

Additionally, we are joined by many of the Legions of Light from On High, including the Galactics and Archangels, Sisterhood of the Rose and Brotherhood of the Light, depending on the related Activation.

The Soul Reading and Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation could be any of the following depending on which Andara Pendant you choose.

Some of these Activations include:

Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Activation

Christed ET Chambers and Galactic Attunements

Inner Sun Light Body Activation

Galactic Activations

Pleiadian Blue Silver Mission Codes

Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Wholeness Activation

Sisterhood of the Rose Universal Heart Activation

Golden Solar Crystalline Spinal Activations


The Soul Reading Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation is approx. 60 minutes.

 Readings take place on Zoom or Anrita can call you if you are in the States or Canada.


Benefits May Include:

Increased Abundance

Deepening into Soul Embodiment

Kundalini activation and chakra clearing

Increased flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and feel-good emotions

Expanding your Service work

Pineal Gland Activation

Heart Activations

Axiatonal Lines Activation

Healing and Wholeness Activation



The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement

With Anrita Melchizedek


Beloved heart, join us for this beautiful mini course on the Pleiadian Karmic Clearing and Forgiveness Attunement, one of the eight Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements.

The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement assists in releasing old karmic contracts that have created feelings of blame, resentment, and anger as well as victim and persecutor consciousness through forgiveness, insight, understanding and Love. When we can honor these pre-birth agreements, agreements made to experience the full range of human emotions, whilst simultaneously clearing the karma of humanity, we accelerate our Soul’s Forward Evolution and deepen into compassion and Love.

This Mini Course has three lessons

First Lesson

An introduction and beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunement and Activation done in the form of an invocation and guided visualization plus a beautiful workbook with your Galactic Sacred Geometry Light encoded art, your written invocations and prompts

Second Lesson

How to create your own Galactic Crystal Grids and Home Grids using your Galactic Stargate of the Heart Crystal Grid Templates. You will also receive the Galactic Crystal Grid Templates in Poster Size

Third Lesson

How to create your own amazing Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

We have further created a set of beautiful labels for those of you guided to create your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays.

Welcome on-board.




Frequency Tools for Consciousness Expansion with Brian Besco and Anrita Melchizedek




RECEIVE your own beautiful highly charged and exquisite Andara Pendants, Bracelets, Andara Essences, Rollers and Stones of pure Love.

Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activators


Combining the frequency of the Andara Crystals along with the Tensor Ring Technology of the 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit, which originally came from King's Chamber of Great Pyramid, this powerful pendant harmonizes the energy field, activates the Toroidol field and Stargate of the Loving Heart as we deepen into Zero Point, as well as spinning the sub-atomic particles in increased light. Additionally it assists in protection against low-level electro-magentic frequencies.

These pendants essential act as:

Initiatory Gateway Activators

Toroidal Field Generators

Electro-Magnetic Field Enhancers

Light Body Activators

Zero Point Transmitters

Three-Fold Flame Ignitions

The Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator Pendants further align with the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and come in three beautiful Andara Crystal colors.

Blue Andara – Power, Leadership, Freedom and Sovereignty Codes Expansion

Golden Andara – Higher Mind Wisdom, Pineal Gland Activator, Golden Heart Expansion

Pink Andara – Love, Compassion, Empathy Enhancer

Each Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

For more on the Tensor Rings, please click this link -

Blessings for a magical weekend precious hearts.

Voices of the Light Tribe
Anrita Melchizedek
Voices of the Light Tribe
Voices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light Tribe
One Heart, One Love, One Unified Field of Light

Saturday 21 September 2024

999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Purity of God I Am





999 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Purity of God I Am

Stargate Ray Attunements and Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek

Two Hour Zoom Video Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


 Saturday September 21st – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 6pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 3am (September 22nd), Auckland 5am (September 22nd)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


Beloved hearts, as awakened Souls and the Purity of God We Are, we have the ability to experience the highest frequencies of New Earth, as we expand into our Original Innocence Template to experience our Heaven on Earth.

The Purity of our Soul within us expands through the Stargate of the Loving Heart and the Wisdom of the Higher Mind as the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom activates through the Loving Heart, enabling us to Master all from within through our own Unified Field of Consciousness and Light.

As we enter into the Equinox Gateway passage on September 22nd the Stargates open to initiate deep plasma releases and take us into Zero Point. As we activate the Stargates of our Loving Hearts we are offered an opportunity to experience the Inner Plane Ray Initiations of Light.


The Equinox arrives on September 22, 2024 at 0° Libra when night and day are nearly the same length and lifts us into Zero Point through the Stargate of the Loving Heart. With this, the Ray Councils of Light from Shamballa and the Archangels step forward as we activate our Angelic Wings and expand into new levels of our Purity, Divinity and Innocence within.


As awakened Souls and Initiates of Light, we are ready now for expanded Guardianship Roles, in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life, with the Plasma Light Rays and dancing Diamond Rainbow Light Body frequencies for a deepening flow of Grace and Ease. As our Stargate systems activate, new programs, Light codes and fields of Consciousness synchronize within our bodies to allow for an expansion of the Light Codes of Self-Mastery as well as interdimensional travel in our Merkaba Light Bodies into the higher dimensional fields of Light and we dream our New Earth Realities into being as the I Am Avatar Race.

To experience the Stargate Rays Attunements of Quantum Expansion, through the Overlighting of the Inner Plane Councils of Light, we initially activate the Stargate of our Loving Hearts, along with the Toroidal Field through the Inner Golden Sun Christed Sphere of the Loving Heart.

A Toroidal Field then activates, creating a donut shaped sphere within the center of this vortex and from and through the Golden Sun of the Loving Heart.

From here, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts ignites into the Six-Pointed Star of Melchizedek Consciousness. The vortices converge into Zero Point, holding the Plasma Light Ray Frequency Codes, as we elevate our Consciousness to experience the Stargate Ray Attunements through the ever-present Now moment, with particular qualities, colors, Light codes and the Overlighting of the related Masters and Archangels.

We further utilize the Light Technology of the Andara Concentric Rings

Stargate Activator. As we experience each one of these twelve Stargate Ray Attunements, we will initially experience the Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator, an energetic tool comprising of two circles and an inner sphere which activates up and down the central column of the body and then through each one of the chakras in the related Ray colors, spinning them to the correct Fibonacci ratios.

This process creates mini vortices within each sub-atomic particle, spinning each cell in increased Light as well as clearing the density from within the body and anchoring the related Plasma Light Ray qualities as we expand the Stargate of the Loving Heart and deepen into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal ever-present Now moment.


These Twelve Stargate Ray Attunements experienced are the:

First Ray of Will and Power – Overlighted by Archangel Michael and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Divine Will and Power, integrating inner courage, inner power, leadership, and will to good in a beautiful Blue Flame.


Second Ray of Love-Wisdom – Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Divine Love, integrating compassion, empathy, and Divine Love in a beautiful Pink Flame.


Third Ray of Divine Intelligence – Overlighted by Archangel Jophiel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, expanding through the Light of God, with wisdom and non-judgment, and with the ability to resolve problems and map multidimensionally in a beautiful Golden Yellow Flame.


Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict – Overlighted by Gabriel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to Harmony as you expand the Purity of God from within to embrace perceived challenges and change, for growth and transformation, in a beautiful Emerald Green Flame.


Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge - Overlighted by Archangel Raphael and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this Ray of Science and Healing, deepening into Quantum Consciousness and Knowledge combined with the Compassion of the healer’s heart in a beautiful Orange Flame


Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism – Overlighted by Archangel Uriel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of Service in Love, Faith and Devotion to God in a beautiful Indigo Flame.

Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic – Overlighted by Zadkiel and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of Transmutation and Purification through freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and Divine Magic, and sacred rituals, in a beautiful Violet Flame


Eighth Ray of Transmutation – Overlighted by Archangel Sandalphon and the Masters from Shamballa, you attune to this ray of purification as the lower bodies rebalance through Gaia’s Light Grids and you deepen into New Earth timelines organically, in a beautiful energetic flow, wrapped in a Seafoam Green and Violet Flame.

Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials – Overlighted by Archangel Haniel and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into alignment with your Higher Selves as you expand the Joy and Passion of your Service work.


Tenth Ray of Divinity – Overlighted by Archangel Raguel, you experience the ability to heal your relationships, clear karmic timelines and amplify the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom in a beautiful Pearlescent Flame.

Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth and Love – Overlighted by Archangel Ariel and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into alignment with the realms of Illumined Truth and Love as the Higher Mind and Heart Wisdom synchronize in a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light.

Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness – Overlighted by Archangel Metatron and the Masters from Shamballa, you deepen into Unity Consciousness in a beautiful Golden Flame of Light.


Lastly, you receive an Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek. As you activate your Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field you travel in Soul Consciousness into Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat whilst additionally expanding into the Equinox Gateway through the Stargate of your Loving Heart as the Purity of God You Are.


Join us beloved heart in this beautiful Masterclass, with Attunements, Invocations and Affirmations and the ability to experience the Purity, Divinity and Innocence of your Soul Light from within.

This is a live Zoom recording, with video and Mp3 downloads available, with and without background music.




Frequency Tools for Consciousness Expansion with Brian Besco and Anrita Melchizedek

Join us beloved hearts in this You Tube video as Brian Besco and I share Energetic Tools that support us as we expand our Consciousness and co-create our Heaven on Earth. In this episode Brian talks about the Tensor Ring technologies he has created with his family run business Twisted Sage. Anrita shares details on her latest Andara Creation, the Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator. Plus receive a mini Activation.




RECEIVE your own beautiful highly charged and exquisite Andara Pendants, Bracelets, Andara Essences, Rollers and Stones of pure Love.

Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activators


Combining the frequency of the Andara Crystals along with the Tensor Ring Technology of the 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit, which originally came from King's Chamber of Great Pyramid, this powerful pendant harmonizes the energy field, activates the Toroidol field and Stargate of the Loving Heart as we deepen into Zero Point, as well as spinning the sub-atomic particles in increased light. Additionally it assists in protection against low-level electro-magentic frequencies.

These pendants essential act as:

Initiatory Gateway Activators

Toroidal Field Generators

Electro-Magnetic Field Enhancers

Light Body Activators

Zero Point Transmitters

Three-Fold Flame Ignitions

The Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator Pendants further align with the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and come in three beautiful Andara Crystal colors.

Blue Andara – Power, Leadership, Freedom and Sovereignty Codes Expansion

Golden Andara – Higher Mind Wisdom, Pineal Gland Activator, Golden Heart Expansion

Pink Andara – Love, Compassion, Empathy Enhancer

Each Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

For more on the Tensor Rings, please click this link -

Enjoy the Equinox Gateway precious hearts.

Voices of the Light Tribe
Anrita Melchizedek
Voices of the Light Tribe
Voices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light Tribe

Wednesday 14 August 2024

888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Abundance of God I Am




888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Abundance of God I Am

Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements and Nervous System Reset

Two Hour Zoom Video Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


Saturday August 17th – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 6pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 5am (August 18th), Auckland 7am (August 18th)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

Beloved Hearts, our Universe is pouring its infinite abundance down onto us as we unlock the Codes of Abundance and Manifestation from deep within and step into the next level of our Divine Service as the Abundance of God We Are.

In this perfect Now moment, we activate the Fruits of Abundance Consciousness through our Inner Tree of Life as we experience  the “888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation”, for we are worthy and deserving and more as we expand our beautiful Light upon this sacred earth.

We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, as we merge with and integrate many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves. This pathway of Soul embodiment expands with greater levels of grace and ease as our Higher Selves deepen into the body and our Consciousness expands beyond our body and into, and as, the Unified Field of Divine Love.

Additionally, as we experience the alchemical transformation of our physical bodies into our Quantum Light Bodies through the  infusion of Photonic Light that emits from our cells, it is our Rainbow Light Body that comes online. Our Rainbow Light Body, of dancing hues, celestial sonic frequencies and sacred geometries, awakens the codes of Abundance Consciousness within through our continuous merging with and alignment to our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects as well as the continuous rebirthing and expansion of our Service work.

The Rainbow Light Body Codes are Abundance Codes which unlock from within through Photonic Light and our Open Hearts, and well as through our Pineal Gland activations, which additionally activates the rainbow crystals, initially through the Pineal Gland and cerebrospinal fluid.

We are coming to an end of the continuous clearing of the Seven Body Chakra System as our chakras start to align into One Unified Column of Light through our Purity, Innocence and Divinity. With this, we expand into the Tree of Life and 12 Body Chakra System, as well as bring online our Rainbow Light Body. This is also where instant Manifestation occurs according to our Light Quotient, through the ability to increase the "speed" at which particle matter takes actual form.

In this Masterclass we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements. This frequency activation through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life, as it embeds within and around the body.

The Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements is a very powerful tool for Quantum Manifestations, as we expand our Rainbow Light Body through our Loving Hearts, Higher Minds and Spinal alignments, in which the Spine becomes the primary Quantum Operating System of our New Earth Bodies.

To fully create from within the Quantum Field of Abundance, we need to release, re-wire, re-code and break down old structures, false beliefs and judgments, particular around money and abundance consciousness, as well as reset our Central Nervous System.

With the cellular changes occurring for each one of us, and the downtime needed to re-code all from within, there are moments in which we may feel energetically oversensitive, overwhelmed and/or anxious. This is in part due to the sensory system and central nervous system re-wiring through the brain and spine and different body parts and organs, and for many an awakened Soul, an immense process to continually vibrate at the higher dimensional fields of Light.

As we create a Multidimensional Map and Divine Blueprint of Abundance Consciousness with the Overlighting and embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence through the 888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation and corresponding Attunements, we start with the Abundance Breath.

Wrapped in the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite abundance, we experience the Abundance Breath, a three-part breath process.

For the first breath, we activate the Cerebrospinal fluid. Overlighted by our Beloved I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven, 33 Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic discs activate and spin through each of the 33 vertebrae along the Spinal Column, allowing for the optimal flow of the CSP through the spine and brain.

This further activates the Spinal Column as the primary Quantum Operating System of the body. Additionally, neuropeptides, tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate, and facilitate messaging to the whole body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, or excited, are further released.

As we expand our Light, the feel-good neurotransmitters—dopamine, endorphins and serotonin—amplify, which not only relaxes our body and central nervous system, but also lower our heart rate and blood pressure.

With this breath, we will both energize the body as well as shift old emotions. We will breathe in rapidly through the nose to the count of four and breathe out the nose or mouth to the count of four whilst the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs activate along the Spinal column.

For the second breath, breath two, we will experience a Vagus Nerve Reset. The Vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system which controls resting heart rate, respiration and digestion. It’s the key for us to experience the relaxation response of our bodies and to release anxiety and overwhelm from within the body.

With this breath, we will breathe in through the nose to the count of six, hold the breath to the count of two, breathe out for eight, and hold to the count of two as we visualize the Vagus nerve as a golden net coming from the brain, down the spine and spreading out into the major body parts and organs.

We will then shift our eyes to the right whilst keeping the head straight, and then bring our eyes back to center and then shift the eyes to the left and back to center.

For the third breath, we will activate the Pineal Gland. We will visualize a Golden Sun ignite from within the Pineal Gland to enhance the feel-good neurotransmitters as well as bringing forth abundance frequencies as we Map Multidimensional to all that is Highest Aligned and step beyond the veils of illusion and into the next level of God’s Infinite Abundance, with the Manifestation and Wealth Codes unlocking all from within.

With this breath, we will breathe in to the count of eight, hold the breath to the count of eight, then breathe out to the count of eight, as we focus on the Pineal Gland.

Each of these three breaths we do for eight counts.


A beautiful Diamond Star Tetrahedron then activates within the Higher Heart, the Heart Chakra and Thymus area, as our Beloved I Am Presence steps forward to offer to us the Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements  in the form of Golden Sun Balls and Golden Infinity Symbols to amplify our field of Abundance Consciousness.

As our Inner Tree of Life Abundance Attunements activate through the Spheres, we deepen into expanding our frequency as we experience the ability to move through timelines and Master "Quantum" existence from within. It is further where we create and build a new “Value System” of Worthiness, Respect, Love and Abundance. As we trust and surrender to our Universe, and share our gifts, we birth our New Earth Creations and bring them into fruition, whilst playing within the Quantum Realities of One Unity Consciousness and deepening in to New Earth.

Unity Consciousness beloved hearts further expands our abundance field to bring forth, with grace and ease and prosperity consciousness, all that we need, not only for ourselves, but for each Soul upon this sacred earth. For as we expand into the Unity Grid and strengthen the New Earth Networks through sharing and caring and supporting and stepping up, we affect the Consciousness of All.

It is always from the Heart of Love and the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, the Be-Ing and Do-Ing, the Left and Right Pillars of the Tree of Life that we enter the Middle Path of Equilibrium and Alignment and the Rainbow Bridge to New Earth, creating and co-creating as these abundant sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

We end with a Wealth Code Prosperity Activation. We clear the lower chakras of all false beliefs and judgments and dissolve old programming as it related to Money and Wealth Consciousness to Manifest and bring into our Realities all that we need in each Now moment as the Abundance of God We Are.

Lastly we re-write the Universal Akasha to align through our Heart’s Joy, Passion and Service.

With beautiful Invocations and Energetic Transmissions, we host this “888 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation” Masterclass.

We look forward to having you join us beloved hearts.


Benefits Include:

Increased Abundance

Greater Wealth and Prosperity Flow

Deepening into Soul Embodiment

Kundalini activation and chakra clearing

Increased flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and feel-good emotions

Mapping the Future from this Now

Expanding the Service work

Manifesting and bringing into our reality all we need in each Now moment

Heart Expansions

Light Body activation

Pineal Gland Activation


 This is a Zoom Masterclass live with Anrita Melchizedek.

Video recording plus two Mp3 recordings will be available, with and without background music.

Recommended Reading: Lisa Transcendence Brown






RECEIVE your own beautiful highly charged and exquisite Andara Pendants, Bracelets, Andara Essences, Rollers and Stones of pure Love.




Anrita Melchizedek

 Voices of the Light Tribe



Thursday 8 August 2024

Lion’s Gate Video and Link-Up Plus Special Offers




The 08-08-08 Lion's Gate and the Sirian Stargate of the Heart

You Tube Video

Beloved hearts, welcome to the 8-8-8 Lion's Gate. The Overlighting of the nurturing Love of the Divine Mother and Sisterhood of the Rose embraces us within the Cosmic Heart of Divine Love with soft Pinks and Golden hues, and deepening levels of Heart expansions through the front and back of the heart and thymus chakras.

Merging timelines, all highest aligned, present to expand our Light, whilst releasing all that still misaligns.

With Sirian Overlighting we come deeper into Power and the embodiment of the Divine Masculine, whilst expanding the Abundance Codes for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred earth.

Through the Cities of Light in Orion we are further Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, offering deepening levels of Inner Plane Initiations and expansion of the Cosmic Christ frequencies in Golden Rays of Light.

Within the stillness of our loving hearts, timeless and infinitely patient is the energy of our multidimensional Selves. These merging timelines of Golden Ages embodying Soul purpose, direction and destiny activate through the Lion's Gate. Set for the next level of our Soul's Forward Evolution.

The 08-08-08 Lion's Gate invites the remembrance of KNOWING all is Love through the Stargate of Sirius. As we release remaining veils of illusion, we further bring a focus to the Soul's desire for sovereignty, truth and financial freedom. With this, we step into a renewed dance of vision and purpose, unity and community.



Special Offer by Anrita Melchizedek

08-08-08 Lion’s Gate

Eight beautiful Lion’s Gate Invocations plus Transcribes $8.88

Beloved hearts, join us as the Cosmic stage illuminates through the Lion's Gate. Set for the next level of our Soul's Forward Evolution and the expansion of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. 

The Stargate of Sirius commenced July 23rd with the Rise of Sirius. This is the day when Sirius rises on our horizon just before the Sun. The Rise of Sirius begins a 55-day cycle, from July 23 to September 15, when the Sirian Stargate is opened and activated more widely than at other times; when the dimensional frequencies of Cosmic Christ Consciousness expand and activate the portals of Highest Potentialities, aligning us to the Galactic Center as well as our Galactic Heritage.

These beautiful Invocations will take you into the Stargate of Sirius, aligning you to all levels of your Higher Light and Beloved I Am Presence.

You are welcome to connect with us at 8am and 8pm your local time for the 08-08-08 Lion’s Gate as you listen to these beautiful Invocations.

We will be doing the 08-08-08 Lion's Gate and the Sirian Stargate of the Heart Invocation, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League as they step forward and link us to the Sirian Living Library as it aligns with the Center of the Galaxy.

This Invocation amplifies the original Soul purpose, direction and destiny codes of freedom and sovereignty through our multidimensional Selves and the collective I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

Alternatively, you are welcome to choose one or more of the transcribes and set up your own Lion’s Gate event with your Light Tribe.

Enjoy the Gateway precious hearts.



Today is a special day! It is 8/8/8 Gateway and it is the energetic high point of the Lion's Gate portal!

Our friends at Sacred U want to assist you in maximizing these energies to elevate your Consciousness by offering all Sacred U courses for $88 each!

This includes my course Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements, today $88!


Feel and sense the energy and overlighting of many Illumined Beings of Light who assist you in the remembrance of your extraordinariness and preciousness as the wayshowers, starseeds, gatekeepers, grid keepers, and Light workers to this sacred earth.

Receive a series of eight beautiful attunements and activations and work with eight light encoded Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates and corresponding Galactic Crystal Grid Templates. Learn how to create your own Crystal Grids, Galactic Overlighted Home Grids and Crystal Elixirs to enhance the energy of your templates and deepen into cellular regenesis.

Activate your Light Body/Merkaba field and work with your own inner Galactic and Healing Teams. Flow from within the organic New Earth Templates and the Heart of Divine Love!

Regularly $333, today $88!

To find out more and a FREE preview click Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements

I also invite you to check out all the incredible courses on Sacred U!


Portals—The Bridge Between Material and Magic, a fascinating four-part course by Freddy Silva. Explore the subtle energy landscape and discover the places on the land where the laws of physics behave differently. Experience how these powerful energy centers, or spots of the fawn as the Hopi call them, interact with your body and consciousness, enhancing your awareness and connection to Self and the infinite.


Based on his new bestselling book Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds, leading researcher Freddy Silva shares deep esoteric knowledge on how certain locations on earth provide a bridge between the material world and magic. 


Journey with Freddy to Stonehenge, Avebury, Uffington, Sacsayhuamán, Kura Tawhiti, Newgrange, Fujiyama, Giant's Graves, and other sites that interact directly with the human body. Discover how ancient cultures interacted with these sensitive energies and the symbolic language developed to identify them.


There is magic to be had in special places across the land, allowing us to connect with the spirit of place and with landscapes far and beyond this physical world.


Expand your knowledge and awareness of our spiritual history and truth with Tricia McCannon's 5 Star courses including Mary Magdalene and the Return of the Divine Goddess, or The Lost Years of Jesus and Secret Schools of Initiation, or The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt or The Return of the Solar Lords.

Courses are all regularly $188 each, today are $88 each!


Understand the mystical pursuit of your Rainbow Light Body and Living Ascension the enlightening course by William Henry (from Ancient Aliens) or learn about Walk-Ins with the popular course Walk-Ins and the Cosmology of the Soul by Sheila Seppi.


Connect with the energies of Earth and journey with Star Wolf and her course Shakti Rising, and Ana Maria Vasquez and her course Let Nature Be Your Guide.


And if you are an author, improve your writing skills and share your voice with how-to writing tools and exercises with the instructive Writing A Book That Matters courses with award-winning author Debra Engle.


ALL Sacred U’s consciousness expanding courses are $88 each or less for today only!


Click HERE for All Sacred U Courses


Welcome the Lions Gate and let's celebrate you!





Blessings for this powerful gateway.


Anrita Melchizedek

Voices of the Light Tribe
