Friday 30 June 2023

High Priesthood Training Masterclass with Anrita PLUS Starlight Chamber Healing of Isis FREE GIFT





In this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, you will experience the Starlight Quantum Healing Chamber of Isis and Seat of Isis within the Galactic center.

The Starlight Quantum Healing Chamber of Isis will assist you to clear many of the lower timelines and deepen into Soul embodiment by drawing to you your Higher Selves as you elevate your frequency and expand your consciousness.

You are invited to receive this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation eBook on the Divinity Codes & Starlight Temple of Isis


A powerful eighteen-minute audio activation in Mp3 format with background music



The High Priesthood Training Program

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

Sunday July 2nd – 12pm PT, 1 pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET, 7pm GMT

London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 7am (July 3rdh), Auckland 5am (July 3rd)

Precious hearts, if you are drawn to work through your Beloved I Am Presence as an initiate of Light, and wish to experience a more consciousness understanding of ancient Egyptian and Atlantean Mystery School Priesthood teachings through the Halls of Amenti then this telewebinar is for you.

The High Priesthood Training takes us into a deeper understanding of the Qabala, sacred geometry, rays, and initiations, and is Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, who brings through these ancient and universal teachings of Light, adapted from the Temple teachings in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. These teachings awaken the remembrance of initiations of Self Mastery in parallel realities, as the dormant DNA is activated, and the immortal etheric chromosomes are potentially activated.

We experience four initiations in this telewebinar, undertaken in Soul consciousness through the Halls of Amenti, brings a deeper actualization of our I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light as we build our multidimensional bodies of Light. Additionally, we bring a unified focus of Service in Love to the Divine through Self Mastery skills. Accessing the Halls of Amenti has only been available to initiates of Light since June 2001 and many Light workers and starseeded ones are now ready to receive the wisdom teachings available through this time space continuum outside of our time space.

The Halls of Amenti were built by 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, with the assistance of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. This curved time space found near the center of our hollow Earth beneath the Bermuda Triangle was furthermore the location of Atlantis. These Children of Light warped space and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces, and within each exists a Cosmic Consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to Humanity. The multidimensional bodies of Light we build as you undergo the training to the Priesthood are directly related to these dimensions, these pockets of space found in the Halls of Amenti. These multidimensional bodies of Light are our Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal bodies respectively, and lifts us in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God and the realms of Illumined Truth.

This telewebinar training includes higher chakra anchorings, creating the appropriate axiatonal alignments, Christed energy fields and sacred geometries around the body as they relate to the rays through Jacob’s Ladder and the Halls of Amenti, while offering advanced Ascended Master skills such as telepathy, advanced healing techniques, transfiguration, manifestation of creative thought, reading of the Akashic Records, the potential activation of the immortal chromosomes and much more.

This information was channeled through Star Councils and the Order of Melchizedek, based upon teachings from The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program). This training will take you through the Left Eye of Horus, and the balancing of the emotional body through Divine Love, into the Right Eye of Horus, the higher mind teachings of wisdom and Light.

These teachings are available to all seekers of the Light, and as we come into a deeper remembrance of self-mastery, the remembrance of these Mystery School teachings activate at a deeper level through the knowing of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light.


Two Mp3 recording links - with and without background music - plus transcribe plus High Priesthood Training eBook











Cosmic Ray Solar Christ Consciousness

New Earth Quantum Healing Activation

Receive this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation eBook on the Cosmic Ray of Solar Christ Consciousness along with a powerful twenty-four minute audio activation in Mp3 format with background music.



Anrita Melchizedek

Voices of the Light Tribe



Wednesday 7 June 2023

Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti




Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti

New Earth Quantum Healing Activation

Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek 

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)



Beloved hearts, we invite you to join us in this powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, Overlighted by Thoth, as we journey into the Akashic Records through the Halls of Amenti.

As we expand our consciousness and deepen into New Earth, the key to Soul embodiment, of being our Higher Selves upon this sacred earth, is the clearing and re-writing of the Akashic Records holding our energetic her/his-story as we align multidimensionally.

The Akashic Records are dimensions of Soul consciousness that contain multi-universal blueprints, records of all Life, of all forms and bands of consciousness.

Within the Akashic Records, the imprinting of every thought, feeling and action are recorded through each lifetime as well as the lifetimes of all future possibilities. As we dissolve and collapse, clear and transcend Old Earth and karmic timelines, and expand into the higher realms, this is experienced both energetically, and within the physical body at a cellular level, as this is where the gridwork for these realms are held. As we release the energy of the old programs, false beliefs and judgments from within the physical body, our Light Body activates, and we become the vibrating Stargate Portals of Light.

We further create our New Earth realities in each Now moment through our ability to raise our vibration, expand our consciousness and rewrite the Akashic Records, through Soul alignment, and through the memory and attainment of Oneness dimensionally as Master Co-Creators of our Universe.
One of the ways that we energetically access the Akashic Records to clear the lower timelines as well as access the higher dimensional timelines is through the Halls of Amenti. We could say that the Halls of Amenti is the Door of Life that straddles all existence, in all dimensions. The Halls of Amenti exist outside of our time and space, completely multidimensionally. In Atlantean timelines we physically entered Amenti, and later, in ancient Egypt, as Initiates and Priest/Priestesses, we traveled in Soul consciousness into the dimensional pockets of space within Amenti.

However, to access the higher dimensions within Amenti, we need to clear the timelines of the Fall of Atlantis, and how this affects our consciousness. For it is one of the lower dimensional timelines still affecting many awakened Souls in this Now, with memories of separation, shame, betrayal, abuse and misuse of power, lack of power, lack of self -worth, self-doubt, and victim/persecutor consciousness.

While there are many parts to this story and many converging timelines, the primary Fall of Atlantis was through the abuse of the Great Crystal by the “Sons of Belial” following the great rifts between the Atla-Ra Priesthood who followed “The Law of One” and with this too, the sinking of Atlantis and the inability to access the Halls of Amenti and the many wonderful teachings within Amenti. And further to this, the inability to transcend the cycle of life and death.

Atlantis was overseen by a physically manifest Cosmic Being who was known as the “Dweller on Unal” or “Master Horlet”. Master Horlet resided in a gateway or dwelling known as Temple Unal, and within Unal, there existed a gateway to Amenti, where the cold Flower of Life exists eternally. In the sinking of Atlantis, Master Horlet instructed Thoth, as a Master of Wisdom, to take the Atlantean records of our Highest Potential and go to the land of Khem, which was later to be known as Egypt.

While at this Now moment, we are able to access the etheric records of Atlantis, which continue to be Overlighted by Thoth and the “Dweller of Unal”  Master Horlet, who created the gateway to Amenti within Atlantis, the key to experiencing our Highest Potential of the Golden Ages of Atlantis lies within Amenti. And the key to finding our way into the Halls of Amenti holding the Secrets of Secrets, is to release the karmic timelines of Atlantis and to be able to expand multidimensionally into ever greater levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Additionally, the frequency of Amenti assists us to unveil the etheric “seals to immortality”. To experience the 48 symbols of immortality, which is essentially moving beyond the “veils of illusion” we further activate the Pineal Gland to re-experience the KNOWING OF ALL. In so doing, we accelerate into our Physical Ascension Blueprint to become our Light Body, shifting from carbon to silica, to crystalline and then Source Light.

In this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, we start by raising our frequency and vibration and the remembrance of being Priest or Priestess to the Order of Melchizedek through a particular Ankh breath as we further merge with our Atlantean Higher Selves who achieved self-mastery. We are then taken in Soul Consciousness into the Halls of Amenti and given the Atlantean words of power with Thoth by our side.

Within the Halls of Amenti, we meet the Seven Lords of Amenti and Master Horlet, and are presented with an opportunity to move beyond this current earthly karmic cycle of life and death and to physically ascend into New Earth as we transform our physical body into our Light Body.

To do so, we initially clear all karmic timelines of the Fall of Atlantis. These may present as different timelines, timelines in which we plummeted in consciousness, experienced separation, betrayal, or lack or power, or abuse of power, or lack of freedom, unworthiness, or feeling that we are not worthy. These timelines are important as they are affecting us in this Now, both individually and collectively in our ability to ascend into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.

We further receive an understanding and clearing of past life contracts, not only from Atlantis, but all past lives that may be affecting us in this Now as well as clarity and guidance on current issues.

We then experience the ninth dimensional pocket of space, and the cold flames of the Flower of Life to remove the “energetic seals” placed over the immortal chromosomes”. Creating an acceleration of Cosmic Consciousness and the ability to rapidly clear further density from within the body to become our Higher Light upon this sacred earth.

Lastly, we merge with all our higher dimensional aspects, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, as we deepen into the Divinity within as our Beloved I Am Presence.

As a Co-Creator to the Divine, we create our Real-ity through our ability to feel and sense and map multidimensionally, as well as quantum jump from dimension to dimension and to re-write the Universal Akasha from this Now where all is Highest Alignment as the Light of God We Are.



The Masterclass is recorded on video. You will further receive two recordings, with and without background music.



You are further invited to our Practitioner Training.



Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti

 New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner Training


Four Hour Mini Course with Anrita Melchizedek

 $144 (Approximately €134/£120)


Beloved hearts, we are in the midst of collectively birthing anew, of stepping up into new levels of Divine Service to this sacred earth and taking on new service roles. And if you feel the calling to expand your Service work, we invite you to become a New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner.


We invite you to join us in this light encoded Masterclass and Practitioner Training, where you will experience powerful New Earth frequency tools that will assist to expand your frequency into the fifth dimension and beyond. In addition, you will have the opportunity to offer this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation - Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti

 to your Light Tribe.


One of the most important aspects of our ascension we experience as Wayshowers and Flames of Divinity, is our ability to access holographically and quantumly an entire multidimensional reality of heart centered consciousness which we call New Earth. Through the New Earth Templates that activate from within as we align to Source, we deepen into the frequencies of Heaven on Earth. We further hold and expand the frequency of our Christed Light, to create a vibrational match within our external realities as we expand the Light of God upon this sacred earth.


As New Earth Guides, we draw to us the beautiful Souls still awakening and remembering their magnificence and Light as well as the support of Soul and Star Families, as our Communities of Light, as part of our Soul agreements to this sacred earth.


Primarily, it is through sharing the energy of New Earth, through our own experiences, vibration and frequency, with our expanded states of consciousness, physical body and light body upgrades, DNA activations, magic and Love, that activates and expand the Light upon this sacred earth.


We do this by holding ourselves, as our Universe, to the highest vibration Soul aligned we can, in each Now moment, continually ascending and expanding our Consciousness as well as dissolving and collapsing the lower timelines no longer needing to be experienced.


We are all embodying our Soul Light. We are all becoming our Higher Selves. It is just amazing and beautiful that we can do it together as awakened Souls, and this Masterclass and Practitioner Training offers an opportunity to come together as One Heart and One Love. To share, to care, to heal, and to expand our Light and also, to offer these New Earth Quantum Healing Activations to others.


This Practitioner Training offers you the opportunity to experience and share a New Earth Quantum Healing Activation called Akashic Records Access and the Halls of Amenti.


The beautiful two-hour Masterclass is available for you in both video and audio formats. For the Practitioner Training, we will meet for two hours live on Zoom Sunday June 25th.


We will provide you with techniques and tools that will expand your Light, elevate your Consciousness, and in a step-by-step process show you how to be a powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner and offer one-on-one sessions and group sessions to your Light Tribe.


You will be provided with a manual that you can use for your Light Tribe, with the main guided visualization and quantum healing tools utilized in this masterclass course.



We will cover marketing suggestions to create an awareness of yourself as a New Earth Quantum Healer and Guide. We will provide a template for your website page promoting a New Earth Quantum Healing Session as well as a suggested eBook as a free gift for your Light Tribe



You will receive ongoing Monthly Q&A Zoom Support with Anrita Melchizedek as well as the opportunity to share your own stories and be part of our beautiful Light Tribe Community.


This New Earth Quantum Healing Activation Practitioner Training will assist you to:

Access the Akashic Records as you collapse and dissolve old timelines, emotional blocks, false beliefs and judgments and exit Old Earth


Stabilize your frequency to the vibration of New Earth and merge with and integrate more deeply your Soul Light and Higher Selves


Express all from the Loving Heart as the Light of God You Are


Deepen into the Quantum Field and Re-Write your Soul Divine Blueprint in this Now


Experience all that is Soul aligned to your Universe


Re-Write, Recode and expand your Consciousness through the Heart of Love


Activate your Pineal Gland


Become a New Earth Guide and Quantum Healer to your Light Tribe


Join us beautiful heart in this powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner Training with your hosts Anrita Melchizedek and Lauren Galey as we expand our Service work as New Earth Guides to this sacred earth.

























Anrita Melchizedek

Voices of the Light Tribe

