Wednesday 8 March 2023

Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats - New Earth Quantum Healing Activation



Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats

New Earth Quantum Healing Activation

Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


Beloved hearts, you are invited to join us for a deep and powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Activation in this live zoom masterclass on Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats.

The New Earth Quantum Healing Activations assist us to expand into New Earth, living fifth dimensionally and beyond. New Earth is a state of higher dimensional consciousness as well as a very physical reality that we experience by being our Light Body, our Soul Body, through the process of Soul embodiment.

Essentially we ascend our human/ego selves and descend our higher aspects into form, to become our Light Body. We ascend our bodies and consciousness through raising our frequency and vibration and releasing the density within, whilst simultaneously descending our multidimensional Selves, which are our Higher Selves and Future Selves into our physical bodies. Our physical bodies then become our Light Body, as we become our Ascended Selves in form and shift into Crystalline/Christ Consciousness. Additionally, the sub-atomic particles transform from carbon-based density to Crystalline Consciousness and Light.

In the beginning stages of our journey, all is outside of us. Our bodies are also asleep, and we are asleep, with unconsciousness programs playing out and dictating the vibrational frequency of our realities.

As our Light Body starts to awaken and activate, as we move inwards and connect more deeply to the Light of God We Are, the DNA awakens and activates through a process of recoding, reprogramming and reconfiguration. This activates the Light Codes and New Earth programs from within, to shift and release the old programs and stories.

We undergo both a Spiritual as well as a Physical Ascension process, with continuous Light Body Upgrades and DNA Activations, as we become our Soul/Higher Selves and Light Body. Additionally, we clear the density within the physical body and lower bodies through continuous “ego deaths”. We dissolve and clear and purge, transcend and expand beyond the old cellular memories, traumas, addictions, false beliefs, and judgments. Everything that is not of the Light, all victim/persecutor consciousness, lesser than/better than consciousness, and unconscious behaviour, all comes up as we leave Old Earth.

Our physical bodies now create all new Light Codes through a Crystalline Gridding System to match the Plasma Crystalline Gridwork of New Earth. This occurs through the influxes of Photonic Light within the body, fine tuning our frequency in observational awareness in each Now moment, as Higher Consciousness. We upgrade our Light and Love Quotient and expand in frequency, energy, and vibration into our fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Bodies, where all is expressed with greater levels of Consciousness as pure Divine Love.

With the sub-atomic particles continuously spinning in increased light frequencies, this state of expansion, of Christ Consciousness, of Soul embodiment and Photonic Light, can be very dreamlike, and very surreal. Also, there is a time when we go through the “heaven and hell” archetypes to accelerate our ascension process, experiencing every karmic pattern needing to be cleared, released, dissolved, collapsed and transcended. Simultaneously we merge/converge into various multidimensional realities, timelines, and aspects of Self, such as our Angelic, Galactic, Christed, Lemurian, Atlantean, ancient Egyptian, Dolphin, Mermaid, and other Higher Self aspects.

These Higher Self aspects of Source often journey with us into numerous timelines in which we ascended, and places we travel to, in this Now or future timelines, such as Crystalline Cities of Light, Inner plane Ashrams, Schools of Learning, Healing Temples, Halls of Light, Ascension Seats and the like, as we remember and awaken and feel into all that presents within,  with shifting consciousness and differing perceptions of reality.

In this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation, we are invited into the timelines of being Initiates of Light, in feeling, frequency, energy and Light, as we expand and upgrade our Light Body. To attune to the Christ Consciousness Field of Light, that which we also call the Unity Grid and Quantum Field, and to travel with our Ascended/Christed aspects into various Ascension Seats on a Planetary level.

Primarily we are using the Ascension Seats to assist in bringing online our Crystalline Light Body as well as create a New Earth Gridding System within the body, and within our sacred space. Essentially, we are upgrading our Light Body and creating our homes as part of our New Earth Gridding System and as a Temple of Light.

The New Earth Gridding System amplifies our connection through the Quantum Field telepathically, energetically and through our feelings as we merge multidimensionally with our Higher Selves and experience the Overlighting and re-union with Soul and Star Family and Friends of the Light. We further experience new Light Codes, sacred geometries, sound and color frequencies that potentially expand our service roles as New Earth Guides through the Light Body Upgrades.

Ascensions seats assist us to raise our consciousness, frequency and vibration to the fifth dimension and beyond by calling upon the Overlighting of particular core groups, such as the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactics and other Illumined Beings of Light from On High.  

What we are invited to experience in this masterclass is the merging with the Ascended aspects of ourselves that have experienced these Ascension Seats, for deeper levels of Soul embodiment and Light Body activations. With this too, we will experience the New Earth Gridding of each Ascension Seat within our sacred space, creating both our personal Temple of Light and ability to experience these Ascension Seats on an ongoing basis.

Ascension Seats can be likened to etheric Temples Overlighted by the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. There are Ascension Seats available to us on a planetary level, a solar level, a galactic, universal and multi universal level. Each Ascension Seat offers a frequency, energy and perspective of Higher Consciousness that we can experience as expanded states of Consciousness and Light. When we can hold our Consciousness as each band width/frequency long enough, this further activates new levels of Light Body Upgrades, each with its own unique experiences.

We start by experiencing The Ascended Selves Time Capsule Activations. This brings forth the Ascended/Christed aspects that will assist in this Soul Embodiment/Ascension Process through the remembrance of the timelines of Self Mastery.

We expand our frequency to enter Serapis Bey's Ascension Retreat in Luxor on the inner planes to receive the Golden Ascension Flame of Christ Consciousness. We further experience the sacred Golden Ascension Flame activate within and around our sacred space and from within our sacred heart, creating our New Earth Grid.

We enter into the Ascension Seat within the Great Pyramid of Giza, the King's chamber, to experience the Golden Sun Flower of Light Zero Point Activation as we raise our frequency, elevate our consciousness and release density from within the body and energy field and further expand our New Earth Grid.

We enter into the Ascension seat in Table Mountain Wyoming, called the “Atomic Accelerator”, able to spin the sub-atomic particles within the body in increased Photonic Light. We increase our Light Quotient and expand the Light Body through Photonic Light within our New Earth Gridding System.

We enter into the Ascension Seat in the center of Middle Earth, into Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat, as Initiates of Light. We request the Overlighting, merging and integration of all aspects of our Higher Selves as we step into expanded Service Roles with feelings of passion and joy.

As we birth our realities and the next level of our Soul’s magnificence and Light through being our Higher Light, our Light Body, upon this sacred earth.

Lastly we enter into the Ascension Seat of Telos, below Mt. Shasta.

Join us in this powerful Activation beloved hearts.

The Zoom recording will be available for replay.

 Additionally, we invite you to join us for our New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner Training.



New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner Training

Four Hour Mini Course  with Anrita Melchizedek

We invite you to join us in this light encoded Masterclass and Practitioner Training, where you will experience powerful New Earth frequency tools that will assist to expand your frequency into the fifth dimension and beyond. In addition, you will have the opportunity to offer this New Earth Quantum Healing Activation - Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats to your Light Tribe.

As New Earth Guides, we draw to us the beautiful Souls still awakening and remembering their magnificence and Light as well as the support of Soul and Star Families, as our Communities of Light, as part of our Soul agreements to this sacred earth.

Primarily, it is through sharing the energy of New Earth, through our own experiences, vibration and frequency, with our expanded states of Consciousness, Physical Body and Light Body upgrades, DNA activations, magic and Love, that activates and expand the Light upon this sacred earth.

We do this by holding ourselves, as our Universe, to the highest vibration Soul aligned we can, in each Now moment, continually ascending and expanding our Consciousness as well as dissolving and collapsing the lower timelines no longer needing to be experienced.

We are embodying our Soul Light. We are becoming our Higher Selves. It is just amazing and beautiful that we can do it together as awakened Souls, and this Masterclass and Practitioner Training offers an opportunity to come together as One Heart and One Love. To share, to care, to heal, and to expand our Light and also, to offer these New Earth Quantum Healing Activations to others.

This Practitioner Training offers you the opportunity to experience and share a New Earth Quantum Healing Activation called Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats.

For the Practitioner Training, we will provide you with techniques and tools that will expand your Light, elevate your Consciousness, and in a step-by-step process show you how to be a powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner and offer one-on-one sessions to your Light Tribe.

You will be provided with a manual that you can use for your Light Tribe, with the main guided visualization and quantum healing tools utilized in this masterclass course.


We will cover marketing suggestions to create an awareness of yourself as a New Earth Quantum Healer and Guide. We will provide a template for your website page promoting a New Earth Quantum Healing Session as well as a suggested eBook as a free gift for your Light Tribe


You will receive ongoing Monthly Zoom Support with Anrita Melchizedek as well as the opportunity to share your own stories and be part of our beautiful Light Tribe Community

This New Earth Quantum Healing Activation Practitioner Training will assist you to:

Collapse and dissolve old timelines, emotional blocks, false beliefs and judgments as you exit Old Earth    

Stabilize your frequency to the vibration of New Earth and merge with and integrate more deeply your Soul Light and Higher Selves    

Express all from the Loving Heart

Deepen into the Quantum Field and ability to draw to you all you need in each Now moment

 Re-Write, Recode and expand your Consciousness through the Heart of Love

Become your Light Body

Create your New Earth Grid in Consciousness and Light within your Physical Body

Create your New Earth Grid within your Home and Sacred Space

Become a New Earth Guide and Quantum Healer to your Light Tribe

Join us beautiful heart in this powerful New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner Training as we experience the Light Body Upgrades and Ascension Seats to become our Higher Light and expand our Service Roles as New Earth Guides to this sacred earth.
