The Elders April Christed Heart Transmission
~ The Diamond Codes and Knowing Heart

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great
pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred month of April. Sweet ones,
through the most recent planetary activities of March, of eclipses and equinox
energies and the Christed Petal of your Powerful
Heart, you experienced a deepening sense of standing in your truth and
power as spiritual warriors of Light, whilst simultaneously releasing your own
debris of suppressed and ignored patterns. As you observed, released, accepted
and/or activated all that was needing to be transformed and embraced, many of
you continued to experience deep levels of release including many physical
dis-comforts and flu-like symptoms, facilitating a deeper merging and
integration of your Beloved I Am Presence. Sweet ones, we mention here once
more the importance of trusting and surrendering to the Divine; to allow the
flow of your intuitive guidance and Beloved I Am Presence to take you deeper
into your blossoming, magnificence and Light. To slow down and ground
yourselves in facilitating the release of old fears and patterns that no longer
serve you. There is also no need to push a particular direction or focus.
Simply connect with your Beloved I Am Presence, expressing the assistance
needed as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in the Knowing that
you are not alone, but deeply celebrated, appreciated and Loved.
In this sacred month of April, this
observational awareness of the changes still needing to be experienced in
non-judgment and Divine Love is expressed through a greater sense of re-balancing,
new beginnings, and the activation of the
Christed Petal of your Knowing Heart. You are further able to deepen the
blueprint of your creational energies and service work as you experience a
deeper anchoring and activating of your Diamond Octahedronal Light Bodies and the
Diamond Codes of Creation, of Self-Mastery, culminating in an alignment
of Light through the June Solstice energies, and a joyous re-union of hearts
with soul and star family and friends of the Light.
Sweet ones, we have mentioned these beautiful
Codes of Creation that come through from the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God as the eighteenth
ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, of God Consciousness ~ the ray of
Transcendence, sweet ones, the ray of Self-Mastery, that merges and aligns all
aspects of yourselves into a deeper level of purity and innocence and knowing
of yourselves in service to Mother Earth. Additionally, sweet ones, you
experience a deeper connection of support with soul and star family and friends
of the Light, and with this too, the ability to embrace the inner child as your
gateway to God. The ability to embrace the wounded child as the ego aspect, as
the balance within you that takes you into the seat of the soul.
This beautiful Diamond Flame of
Transcendence and the Diamond Codes
of Light take you into the knowing that you are the loving parents,
guiding the ego aspects of yourselves. This was initially experienced through
the merging of the Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes of Creation,
through the merging with the Divine Mother and the merging with the Divine
Father, in the embrace and the healing of the wounds that you personally and
collectively have experienced sweet ones, on this plane of polarity to know
yourselves as Love. And in the healing of your wounds of the Divine Masculine and
Feminine aspects, you embrace all men and you embrace all women in Love. The
plane of polarity that has seen these experiences activated to take you into a
greater level of the Love within yourselves, now comes in ease and acceptance and
understanding in the embrace of the ego aspect, in the embrace of the inner
child. This small child that you perceive is in pain, and that needs your Love,
that needs to be given a voice, that needs to be accepted, and appreciated and
understood. And now, sweet ones, these emotions, whether they be sadness or
grief, or pain, or fear, can be accepted, appreciated, and given a voice
through the energy of this beautiful Diamond
Flame of Transcendence, and your Beloved I AM Presence.
The Diamond Light Codes of Creation,
sweet ones, continue to bring about a re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and
Divine Feminine energies for all, as the Christed and karmic timelines merge
into all Golden Ages of Light.
And now, sweet ones, in this sacred
month of April and the Wesak Full Moon on April 22nd, you connect
into the Diamond Light Grid, into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, as well
as activate the Diamond Octahedron around your energy field as a fifth
dimensional level. As you do so sweet ones, you connect with Lord Buddha, the
Ascended Masters and Ray Masters, and traveling in Soul Consciousness to
Shamballa through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of
Synthesis, and the Order of Melchizedek, you activate a deeper level of your
unique ESP gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, telepathy, intuition and
empathy, to name a few. These unique gifts, take you deeper into your Knowing Heart,
of your own unique abilities, as well as giving you a renewed sense of purpose,
and a deeper understanding of Knowing and observation. As you look through your
Master eyes at all of Life around you; not only being able to magnetize and
co-create with the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High but in the
knowing that you are these multidimensional Master Beings of Light experiencing
numerous realities and timelines within the One Reality of All That Is.
Additionally, sweet ones, you are now able to more easily integrate the higher
dimensional Light frequencies, from the fifth to the ninth dimensions
respectively, depending on where you are within the Light frequency matrix with
your own multidimensional Light Bodies.
Good sweet ones. So what we are going to
do in this transmission is to start with some clearing work through the chakras
and the activation and actualization of the first seven Divine rays as you
prepare for the Wesak Full Moon and the Diamond Light Body activation.
So, let us start by bringing a focus to
the breath, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the
lower abdomen as you breathe out. And if it feels right for you, you start to
energetically move your body, whether this is the spine, or the lower abdominal
area, or the pelvis area ~ starting to ground and center yourselves more deeply
now within the energies of Mother Earth. Coming into a greater level of
observation and awareness and Knowing of yourselves and your service work on
this sacred Earth, in this Now. As you are surrounded now in this beautiful Diamond
Flame of Transcendence, of Melchizedek Consciousness, of Self-Mastery,
of Purity, and Innocence ~ taking you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father
God; where you have a sense now of merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, the
highest aspect of your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
Overlighted by Mother/Father God, you call in now the Christed
Extra-Terrestrials, and in particular the Pleiadians and the Sirians, the
Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light ~ the Brotherhood of the Light
and Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael and the Angels and their Divine Feminine
counterparts and Legions of Light ~ the Mighty Elohim, Melchior the Galactic
Logos, and Helios and Vesta the Solar Logii ~ Sanat Kumara the Bridge to Solar
Christ Consciousness, Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos ~ and just feeling
yourselves now embraced within the energy of all the Illumined Beings working
with, and within Shamballa. Calling in the Ray Masters ~ Master El Morya,
Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Lady Nada, Saint
Germain, Lady Portia, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Kwan Yin and Pallas Athena.
Calling in now all the Illumined Beings you personally acknowledge; and as you
have a sense of being drawn deeper into the Light Body of Lord Buddha you
connects now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. Having a sense of connecting
with your soul and star family and friends of the Light, with the core groups
that are coming together on the inner and outer planes ~ your beloved Light
worker family, star seeds, way showers, teachers and facilitators ~ all of you
sweet ones, are the beacons of Light.
And as you hold this space energetically
you have a sense of activating now your own diamond octahedron within your
sacred space. Visualizing initially this beautiful diamond octahedron
activating within the heart chakra, spinning it in a clockwise or counter
clockwise direction. This diamond octahedron has eight faces of equilateral
triangles which form two four sided pyramids. And as you hold this within the
soul matrix you have a sense now of drawing upon these Diamond Light Codes of Creation,
linking in to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and from here into the
Galactic Center.
And now sweet ones, as you draw upon the
Light Codes you ground into the energy of Mother Earth, experiencing
the Diamond
Light Codes that have activated within and through Her Lightbody, and
as you draw upon this energy, connecting and merging now into the Inner Earth
Sun, the Sun within your hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now Great
Central Sun ~ aligning through all dimensions of Light as these
multi-dimensional Light Beings.
This beautiful diamond octahedron expands around the body and energy field within
a sphere of Light 7.2 feet in diameter around you. You have a sense of these diamond octahedrons activating now
within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love by all Lightworkers coming
together and connecting now into this matrix of Diamond Light, of Diamond
Consciousness, as this beautiful octahedron now activates within this
sphere of Light 7.2 feet or 2.16 meters in diameter around you. Visualizing
yourselves now within the middle of this diamond
octahedron as you see or sense or simply know that this activation is
taking place and that all six points of the octahedron are touching the inner
sphere 7.2 feet in diameter around you. This shape sweet ones, activates into
the new earth templates and blueprints of Light, and into the fifth dimensional
geometries that at this stage exist through the octahedron in a beautiful sea-foam green and violet color, and
you see this diamond color being
superimposed over this, lifting you now into the higher dimensional templatings
and the patterns of perfection, of Solar Christ Consciousness. Having a sense
of the sub-atomic particles spinning in increased Light frequencies, having a
sense of your magnificence and Light. Calling in now, sweet ones, whatever you
are needing through the Diamond Light Body and the Diamond Unity Grid ~ whether
this is a clearer sense of your service work, whether this is a deeper level of
connection to soul and star family, into the healing of yourselves or others
that are close to you, you utilize the energy of the creational forces
amplified through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, pouring forth onto
this sacred Earth and into Shamballa ~ this Diamond Light Frequency ~
through Mother Earth’s sacred sites, and crystalline cities. Just allow this
infusion of the Diamond Light Codes, sweet ones, to bring to you now exactly
what you are needing.
Good, sweet ones. And now as you bring a
focus back to the heart you activate the twelve petals of your Christed Heart ~
Your Peaceful Heart
Your Loving Heart
Your Healing Heart
Your Joyful and Happy Heart
Your Innocent and Open Heart
Your Powerful Heart
Your Knowing Heart
Your Passionate Heart
Your Overflowing and Prosperous Heart
Your Trusting Heart
Your Heart of Integrity and Truth
And now
Your Intimate Heart.
As you bring a focus back now to the
Knowing Heart, this is amplified through the Order of Melchizedek and the
Brotherhood of the Light.
Good. The Knowing Heart sweet ones, as
we have said, takes you deeper into a greater level of balance within your
lives as you experience a greater level of simply trusting and surrendering to
the Divine. The observation, the Knowing, the insight amplifies for you in this
Now, in this sacred month of April, bringing a greater level of renewed
balance, of new beginnings. Trust in this, sweet ones. Trust in the power of
yourselves through your Christed hearts, as you walk the Pathway of Divine
And now as you start to experience the
energy moving into the Wesak Full Moon you find yourselves traveling in Soul
Consciousness into the Office of the Christed One within Shamballa, wrapped in
these beautiful Diamond Flames and
traveling in your Diamond octahedron.
As you enter into the Office of the Christed
One, you are further taken into this beautiful octahedronal Shaped Temple of
Light, welcomed and greeted by the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters, and the
Overlighting of Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, and the Order of Melchizedek.
You are being offered initially now,
sweet ones, a chakra clearing and alignment; being able to spin the chakras to
the correct Fibonacci ratios, releasing all that needs to be released at this
time as you move forward in a greater level of balance, as you release any
level of imbalance within the seven body system and the seven primary chakras.
And now you bring a focus to the base
chakra, as it spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 8/5 in this beautiful red flame
of Light and as it does sweet ones it is infused now with this Diamond Light,
releasing all that needs to be released, releasing all the aspects that are
experiencing any sense of poverty consciousness, of surviving rather than
living in Love.
And now sweet ones, bring a focus to the
sacral chakra. As it spins now to the Fibonacci ratio of 13/8 in this beautiful
orange flame of Light, it is infused with this Diamond Light allowing you let
go of any false beliefs and judgments within the sacral chakra. At the same
time sweet ones, the kundalini energy is activating, moving from chakra to
chakra, assisting in the release of these old false beliefs and judgments that
you no longer need to re-experience.
You bring a focus now to the solar plexus
chakra as it spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 21/13 in this beautiful yellow Flame
of Light, amplified now through the Diamond Light Codes of Creation, letting go
of all that needs to be released, sweet ones, from within the solar plexus
What is emerging with this re-balancing
is a greater level of the re-balancing of your Divine Feminine and Divine
Masculine energy, feeling the gentle love of the Divine Masculine equally with
the nurturing energy of the Divine Feminine.
And now sweet ones as you bring a focus
to the heart chakra, as it spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 34/21 in this
beautiful emerald green Flame of Light it is infused now with the Diamond Light Codes of Creation, taking
you deep into the soul matrix and in particular connecting you now to soul and
star family ~ the soul and star brothers and sisters, soul mates, and twin
flame energy, in this joyous re-union of hearts. Coming deeper and deeper into the magnificence
and Light of who you are and have forever been, sweet ones, amplifying through
the Christed Heart, the Knowing Heart. The knowing of yourselves as Initiates
of Light, the knowing of your challenges as Initiations of Light.
And now as you bring a focus to the throat
chakra, as it amplifies in this beautiful blue Flame of Light, and now this Diamond
Flame of Light, and spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 55/34, you let go of your
fears, finding a new way of expressing your truth; a new way of communication,
sweet ones, in the soul note unique to your vibration and frequency.
And now you bring a focus to the third eye
as it spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 89/55 in this beautiful indigo Flame of Light,
and now through this Diamond Flame of Light. You come into a deeper sense of
knowing, sweet ones, of insight and understanding, you come into the Higher
Mind Teachings of Light.
And now as the veils of illusion lift
and you see clearly through the Christed timelines you bring a focus to the crown
chakra as it spins to the Fibonacci ratio of 144/89, infused now with this
beautiful Diamond Light and Diamond Key Codes, you let go sweet ones of any
level of perceived separation, knowing that you are One with Mother/Father God,
that you are One with your soul and star brothers and sisters, you are One with
all life, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love.
And now sweet ones you experience a
column of this beautiful Diamond Light being infused, anchored and activated
through, within and down the spine, activating now the 33 Cosmic Christ
Holographic Discs of the New Earth Templates and Patterns of Perfection.
Merging now with your Beloved I Am
Presence, you experience yourselves activating your own Diamond Octahedron
around your energy field and around your heart chakra. You are now experiencing
what you need to sweet ones, in the Office of the Christed One, surrounded by
the Ray Masters and the Order of Melchizedek. Just allow the energy of these
beautiful Diamond Light Codes of Creation to connect into the deepest levels of
your Beingness as you assist in wrapping Mother Earth and all her life in this
beautiful Diamond Flame of Light.
And now sweet ones you are surrounded by
the primary seven Ray Masters from Shamballa; and now as you integrate the
qualities of these first seven rays in particular at a deeper level, you are
taken through another seven Initiations of Light. Within this octahedronal
temple of Light you are led into a central circle as Chohan El Morya comes
forward bringing through this First Ray
of Will and Power in this beautiful Red Flame of Light, activating this now
through the Crown Chakra as you focus on the key word of Empowerment, of aligning
your will to the Divine Will of Mother Father God.
Now Master Kuthumi comes forward
surrounding you in this beautiful Pink & Blue Flame of Light through this Second Ray of Love and Wisdom bringing
this beautiful flame through the Heart Chakra as you focus simply on being
Divine Love and feeling this Love within your heart and your connection to all
life in Divine Love.
Master Serapis Bey comes forward now
bringing through the Ray of Divine Intelligence in this beautiful Golden Yellow
Flame of Light as you focus on this Wisdom through Knowledge, sweet ones, this
flame activates through the throat chakra.
And now Chohan Paul the Venetian comes
forward and surrounds you in this beautiful Emerald
Green Flame, in this beautiful Emerald
Green Flame of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. The key word
here is creativity, the expression of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Spirits of Light and full creative expressions of yourselves sweet ones as this
Emerald Green Flame activates through
the base chakra.
And now Master Hilarion brings in this Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge in this
beautiful Orange color through the Third Eye and as this Flame of Light
activates the Third Eye you experience a deeper sense of the equilibrium through
the balance of polarities. A deeper sense sweet ones, of your own balance as
you step deeper into a renewed sense of self and this recalibration further
takes place between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, between the
pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands.
And now sweet ones you experience the Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism as
Master Sananda, Jesus the Christ, comes forward bringing in this beautiful
Indigo Flame through the Solar Plexus chakra and you are taken deeper into
Devotion through trust.
Wonderful sweet ones. And now St Germain
and Lady Portia come forward bringing in the beautiful Violet Flame through the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic. This sacred
Violet Flame is further activated
through the Sacral Chakra and brings a focus to abundance through Ceremonial
Magic, to the breaking down of old structures to make way for new.
And now sweet ones you are surrounded
once more in this beautiful Diamond Flame
as all these ray frequencies activate upon this sacred Earth.
You now experience merging with your
multidimensional selves along the Christed Timelines of your Highest Potential.
Of the timelines of ancient Egypt and Atlantis, of the Lemurian, the Mayan and
Aztec cultures. As you do, you bring into this Now a deeper sense of your own
unique ESP gifts through your Knowing Heart as you activate and amplify your
own unique ESP gifts.
Good. And now, as the dormant DNA is activated
to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow, you come into a deeper level of knowing of
yourselves as the teachers, and healers, way showers and leaders in many Golden
Ages of Light following the Law of One. And you know too that you are volunteer
Souls, choosing to down step your vibration on the lower dimensions and assist
others in this Golden Age of Light. And
lastly, sweet ones, you connect more deeply now with your Soul and Star family
and friends, who can assist you as you can them, walking the Pathway of Divine
Wonderful sweet ones. The templating for the extra-sensory
perception gifts starts to activate, as you experience yourselves traveling in
soul consciousness into the various Ascension Seats within Shamballa drawn to
those rays, qualities and colors that activate a deeper level of your unique
gifts sweet ones. And in our monthly telewebinar we take you deeper into these
beautiful ESP gifts.
For now simply come into the knowing
that you are greatly Loved and appreciated and celebrated as you come together
as One Unified Cosmic Heart on both the inner and outer planes. And as you
thank all these illumined Beings of Light from On High now, you find yourselves
back in your sacred space. Grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother
Earth while keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light
from On High, to the Ray Masters and the Ascended Masters, and the Order of
And we thank you for your service work,
sweet ones, as you experience the deepest levels of activation of the Diamond
Light Codes of Creation that you can at this time. In the embrace of the inner
child. In the embrace of the ego self. In the knowing of yourselves as these
sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
We bless you, and with this, we bid you
a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian
Light Network