There is a pyramid in frequency over the Inca ruins of Machu
It is linked to the Nazca Lines creating a
pattern of evolution in design.
The soul who creates through this pyramid goes
by the frequency, Lubileah.
Her consciousness speaks
to the people of Earth about a time long ago
when ancient travellers from the stars descended to the surface creating
a landscape in which souls would descend from above to experience,
later to return to her consciousness, through Her temple.
It is within this pyramid
that emotions are experienced
ranging from lowest frequency to those of pure Light frequency.
The nature of this
pyramid is to keep emotions flowing
in that which you experience as formless waves of energy
which shift within each soul from moment to moment.
And the souls shall know
all ranges of these
emotions for they are in the matrix and they
have come to experience the gamut of them all.
And the souls will place
in highest esteem
the frequency of Light which is creation
and contains all emotions in balance.
And they will connect it with that part of
being that links to the Source of creation, the
heart ~ that which expresses what they shall
call 'Love', and keeps the soul eternal.
They shall strive for this place of higher
In so doing, they will experience great suffering,
which will help them bring forth higher understanding.
And the souls will feel
torture and torment ~ and love
and compassion. And they will place all emotions into
words and deeds, and great dramas in which they did act.
And great works shall
result in the expression of their
emotions, guided by the flow of the emotional matrix.
And they shall go to this
emotional temple within their souls
to find answers to riddles of Creation. There they will find
their answers, not always as their senses have guided.
And each soul shall
search until it is ready to enter this
pyramid. Once entered it will experience all emotions at
one time, with understanding far beyond the comprehension
of humanity.
Each soul shall embrace
all emotions within itself.
Come with me now to the
Pyramid of Emotion.
Let not old fears blind your way.
Throw away all concepts
of emotion
and see the Truth in who you are.
I will teach you how to
find peace
and the balance in your soul.
Thoth the Atlantean
Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great
pleasure to be with you in this month of October as you enter into a greater
field of Unified Consciousness; of the Solar Crystalline Consciousness of the New
Earth Templates, sweet ones, through the next step in your Soul’s forward evolution
as the I AM Avatar race. Sweet ones, we refer to the shift in consciousness
that was experienced for all of you from the 23rd to the 28th
of September, through Wave X and the Full Blood Moon Lunar eclipse, that
brought you into a greater level of the knowing of yourselves as the Christed
ET’s and the ability to experience the Galactic DNA Template activations. All
this work, sweet ones, all these planetary events and activities of Light have
brought you to a new Now moment in time. You are aligned deeper into the Cosmic
Heart of All Creation and into the stillness and innocence and purity within
your hearts, merging with your Beloved I AM Presence and drawing upon the
support of your Soul and Star family and friends of the Light.
So, this pathway of Divine Love activates for
each one of you sweet ones, through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and through
the many dimensions of Light that present as the Golden Ages of Light start to
merge into this Now. As you experience the expanded states of
multi-dimensionality and the knowing of yourselves as multi-dimensional Master Beings
of Light, drawing upon your Highest Potential of these different timelines of
Light that merge into this Now, you further unveil that which was previously
hidden and lift the oscillating emotions to the point of balance that is
expressed through this Pyramid of Emotion. For you have experienced all
emotional frequencies, sweet ones ~ from the sadness and the pain, and the
perceived challenges that you have undergone to know yourselves as Love, to
experience a greater level of your own blossoming and magnificence and Light as
you walk this Pathway of Divine Love. And in past timelines, or the timeline
that you understand as the karmic timeline sweet ones, these perceived
challenges were carried out often to balance the universal karma, often to
balance the timelines in which you were possibly experiencing deeper levels of
the victim and persecutor consciousness; in which you chose these pre-birth
agreements to know yourselves as Love. Now, sweet ones, in this deeper
alignment to the Divine, in the knowing that you are already Love, that you are
Creator Beings, there is the knowing that what you have experienced through
your own perceived challenges has been simply to create the pathways and
portals of Divine Love, so that others no longer need to undergo the
experiences of the victim and persecutor consciousness. You are here as
vibrating portals of Light, creating the Pathways of Divine Love, for
yourselves and for others sweet ones. And you are asked simply to acknowledge
this, as you embrace and experience your full range of emotions, as you accept
and appreciate and celebrate the full range of emotions, no matter how you feel
about these particular emotions ~ and it
brings you deeper into the void, into the stillness, into the waves of
frequency, of calmness and neutrality, sweet ones, ~ the balancing of the
planes of polarity where there is perhaps neither a deep sense of joy, or a
deep sense of sadness, neither a deep sense of Divine Love, nor a deep sense of
hatred, or fear. The balancing of the emotional oscillations, sweet ones, is
part of the energy matrix that is experienced through the New Earth Templates
at this time, and with it too, many of the geometries of Light are activating
at this time, Overlighted in particular by the Sirian Archangelic League of the
Light, who Overlight this sacred year of 2015 for each one of you, sweet ones.
The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light are
the keepers of sacred geometry, and what you are experiencing is a deeper sense
of the leylines and the Nazca Lines, which some of you may know sweet ones. The
Nazca Lines are the geoglyphs which span a vast swathe of the rugged Peruvian
desert covering nearly 400 square miles of desert. Etched in the surface of the
desert sand are around 300 figures and geometric shapes. Many of these are
visible from the air sweet ones, and as these lines activate through this
Pyramid of Emotion and in fact in this month of October, you are taken deeper
into the Mayan, the Aztec and the Incan Golden ages of Light. This amplifies,
sweet ones, for each one of you to a deeper knowing of yourselves as the
Priests and Priestesses and how you can connect and work with the earth
energies; how you can come deeper into your heart’s dreaming, and your heart’s
joy, and how you can find balance in all areas of your life.
This alignment that we talk to you about was
further activated through the Galactic DNA Templates that took you into the
Cosmic Heart of God, and the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, amplified through
the diamond Light Codes of Creation. The diamond Light Codes of Creation
activated through the Galactic Center along with the photon gamma rays, sweet
ones, which were experienced in the month of September, in particular from the
23rd to 28th of September. The diamond Light Codes of
Creation were initially activated in May 2014 through the Sedona Vortex and the
Crystalline Cities of Light, bringing through the essence of purity and
innocence and a deeper merging and integration with your Beloved I AM Presence.
Spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of All Creation these diamond Light Codes
bring about a deeper level of the re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and
Feminine energies, as they clear the earth-plane of the old planetary false
beliefs and judgments and this is what is occurring now, sweet ones ~ a
re-balancing of the emotions. Not only for each one of you, but also the
clearing of the old false beliefs and judgments on a planetary level that
created the “war of the sexes”, that created so many of the false beliefs of
power and control and abuse; and the inability to truly see and love the gods
and goddesses that each one of you are, sweet ones, as creator gods.
So let us set our sacred space and take you
into this Pyramid of Emotions above the Inca ruins of Machu Pichu, into this
Vortex of Light. For many of you understand that Machu Pichu is indeed a vortex
of Light that lifts you into the higher dimensional fields and planes of
existence and brings through in this Now the Golden Age teachings of Light that
take you into your Highest Potentials, through the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan
timelines of Light.
Wherever you are sweet ones, in your sacred
space ~ you simply breathe deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as
you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Allowing the
breath to be guided into every area of the body, organ or body part that needs
your attention, or that needs your love, as you are wrapped now in this
beautiful diamond flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, of purity and innocence,
of this sense of ‘returning home’, for you have indeed come home, sweet ones.
And as your heart expands now and the Golden heart activates, you connect now into
the Inner Earth Sun, to this Golden Sun within your heart, to the Sun, to the
Central Sun, and now to the Great Central Sun; merging with your Beloved I AM
Presence activating a deeper sense of your own Inner Christ. As the eight
petals of your Golden Sun activate, of empowerment and Love, wisdom and Divine
intelligence, of joy, of peace and harmony, of abundance, of trust and
surrender, of insight and understanding, you are taken deeper and deeper into
the New Earth Templates as you feel and sense the geometries of Light activating
within and around you through the Overlighting now of the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light, as they wrap you in this beautiful silver-gold flame of
And now sweet ones, as you call in your Master
Guides, and your Guardian Angel, and all the Beings of Light from On High that
you personally acknowledge, you merge deeper into the I AM Avatar Consciousness
of Light; into the knowing of yourselves as the Christed extra-terrestrials, as
these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Master Beings of Light ~
the master co-creators, knowing and experiencing yourselves as Source Light,
simply playing a character, a role, to shift the frequency vibration of the
lower emotional frequency ranges into the Pathways of Divine Love. That is the
primary soul purpose for choosing to incarnate onto the lower dimensions and
planes of existence sweet ones ~ to come into the knowing that All is Love, All is Love. As you place
your hands upon your hearts now and say to yourselves:
“I AM Love,
I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Light. I AM a manifesting co-creator, and as I
experience this role to know myself as Love I am simply creating the Pathways
of Divine Love for myself and others, through these perceived challenges and
lessons. But now as I experience a deeper sense of the New Earth Templates, of
the knowing of myself as this vibrating portal of Light, as this sacred
transfiguring flame of Divine Love, this character and these roles no longer
need to be experienced. For I chose to fully walk the Pathway of Divine Love,
and the lessons that I experienced along the karmic path, and the characters
that I met along this path, are no longer experienced in my reality, for these
lessons are no longer needing to be experienced. I draw upon my Highest Potential
from the Golden Ages of Light of the knowing of myself in self-mastery, and as
the High Priest. And as I bring into this Now in particular the knowing of the Golden
Ages of Light from the Mayan, Aztec and Incan Christed timelines, I experience
myself now traveling into this beautiful Pyramid over the Inca Ruins of Machu
I am welcomed and greeted by Lubileah
now and as she Overlights me and lifts me into the flow of the Pyramid of
Emotion. I allow myself to flow with the feelings and emotions that are
expressed for me in this Now. I understand what I am clearing are the remnants
of the old patterns, false beliefs and judgments that are not only mine, but
that belong to the souls of those on this earth plane walking the pathway of
karma. I understand too that the challenges that I have experienced to bring
myself to this Now are amplifying into the higher frequency dimensions and
realms of Light so I can truly walk my talk, so I can truly experience my full
potential as the Beloved I AM.
I am taken into this central Pyramid of Light
and I see too that I am joined by Soul and Star family and friends of the Light.
And I am joined too by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light ~ I am
wrapped in this diamond flame of purity and innocence, and the silver-gold
flame of sacred sexuality, as I start to experience a deep sense of the healing
of my wounds through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the
Light. As I experience my feelings and emotions coming up that need to be
embraced and loved, I simply honor and celebrate these aspects of myself, no
matter how uncomfortable; for each of the range of these emotions is the range of
emotions experienced within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and I am
asked simply to Love, to appreciate and to celebrate every thought, feeling,
and emotion. As my sadness and my grief and my pain come up I am embraced, and
within my heart and within my Love, I give these aspects of myself a voice ~ I
give these aspects of myself the Love that they are needing to bring about a
greater level of balance and wholeness within my life.
I embrace my anger. I allow it to be felt and
experienced and loved rather than played out reactively. I know that I am
stepping into a greater alignment with God and that this stillness and Love
that I experience now fills my heart with the Love of Creation. I experience a
deeper sense of this beautiful Golden Rose Galaxy within the thymus chakra now,
within my upper heart chakra; and I am embracing and Loving of all aspects of
myself as I draw now upon the golden timelines of my Highest Potential as the
High Priest or Priestess in the Mayan, the Aztec and Incan cultures. As I draw these
timelines into my Now and into my reality, in my magnificence and Light I
further draw upon the Nazca Lines patterns of evolution; the timelines that I
bring into this Now of being the healer, or the teacher, the way shower, the
mystic, the intuitive, the crystal grid-keeper, the ascended master ~ all the
timelines of the knowing that I have experienced in self-mastery are activating
for me in this Now. I am now taken into these multi-dimensional creations of
Light in which I am further merging with my Pleiadian self, my Sirian self, my
Andromedan self, my Arcturian self, my Lyran self, my Venusian self ~ all these
multi-dimensional aspects of myself.
And now I see I am surrounded by twelve Healings
Pods of Light. Lubileah lets me know that in this Pyramid of Emotion, these
twelve Healing Pods of Light are brought through by the twelve Galactic
Councils of Light, the twelve Star Councils that are assisting at this time in
the forward evolution of all life on this sacred earth. These are twelve Healing
Pods brought in by the Alpha Centaurians, the Venusians, the Vegans, the
Arcturians, the Antareans, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Orions, the
Pleiadians, the Niburians, the Meldekians and the Brotherhood of the Light High
Council. Each of these pods assists in the embracing of particular planetary
beliefs and in a deeper level of the frequency of Love to be experienced in the
healing of the wounds of all life on this sacred earth. And I am invited in
this Now into this beautiful silver-gold Healing Pod Overlighted by the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light. This Healing Pod assists in the healing of the
wounds of my relationships as it transmutes and neutralizes the energy
frequency of the “war of the sexes”. As I experience this Healing Pod, in this
beautiful silver-gold cocoon, I have a sense of the geometries of Light activating
for me that are personal, and particular to the frequency of neutralizing the
false belief of the “war of the sexes” and with this, healing the wounds of my
I am surrounded by etheric pods of dolphins.
These sonic vibratory frequencies connect at a cellular level into the crystalline
matrix of my Light Body and as I am lifted through all dimensions of Light, I
experience a recalibration that activates the kundalini energies in this safe
and sacred space; that brings me to a deeper level of the embrace of the wounds
of my relationships, of the characters and the roles that I played out in the
dynamic of male and female energies, as I move deeper into the knowing that
these old character roles are no longer needed or necessary to be
re-experienced in this Now, in this Golden Age of Light.
And now, sweet ones, you have a sense simply
of aligning into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation as One Unified field of
Light. You understand that you are One with Mother/Father God, you are One with
your emotions, and you are One with all Life, and you allow this energy to
activate through these diamond Light key codes of creation, and this beautiful
silver-gold flame of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. The greater
shift that is being made for all of you, sweet ones, is simply the sense of
complete alignment into the Divine. There is no separation, and you are
experiencing this more and more as the creator gods. In the creation of your
reality, within the One Reality of All That Is. In the merging of these Golden Timelines,
and in the experience of the multi-dimensional realities and the Golden Ages of
Light that activate for you in this Now.
And as you ground once more into the Crystal Heart
of Mother Earth, you keep this connection open to all these illumined Beings of
Light from On High, knowing sweet ones, in your dream state or in your awakened
state, you have the opportunity to experience all these Healing Pods, through
all these Christed extra-terrestrials, and we will take you deeper into this
through our tele-webinar later in the month.
So we thank you for your service work. We
bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie
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