As my Beloved I Am Presence and the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakening and awakened Souls ascending into New Earth,
I choose to experience my highest potential and
the next level of my Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light.
I am ready to go deep, deep within to activate the Light Codes, Templates, Grids and Stargates of the New Earth and to experience the merging timelines of all Golden Ages of Light.
I am ready to experience my multidimensional Selves,
my Higher Self and Beloved I Am Presence, my future Selves as well as all aspects of myself needing to be embraced within my Christed Heart.
I am ready to transcend all limiting beliefs, programs, judgments and old earth griddings, along with all levels of victim and persecutor consciousness,
and to gently love and nurture all that arises.
Through the Stargate of my Loving Heart,
I now release the old earth energies, frequencies, false beliefs and judgements as the Witnessing Presence of my Beloved I Am.
I embrace within my loving heart with compassion, nurturing and Love,
All that needs to be fine-tuned, heard and appreciated to know myself as Love.
I welcome my anger, I welcome my grief,
I welcome my doubt, guilt, shame and blame,
walking through each feeling, each emotion, each memory,
as the Light of God I Am
I reclaim my innocence and Divinity by simply expanding my Soul Light through each cell, and atom within my body.
Observing and loving all that arises,
to transcend and shift out of these old grids and into New Earth,
as I breathe deep into the body,
expanding the lower abdomen on the in-breathe and contracting the lower abdomen on the out-breath.
As I feel the expansion and contraction within each cell of my body,
knowing as the Innocence that I Am,
I embrace and Love all that I AM,
Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
I take a moment now to place my hands upon my loving heart as I say to myself:
“I Love you, giving my full name now. I Love you, I Love you.”
I now anchor, activate and Integrate the Light Codes of New Earth fully from within,
as I feel/see and sense all from deep within.
I fine-tune my body, energy, and hologram to the maximum my Universe can allow in this Now moment.
Feeling and sensing my purity and innocence from within,
I experience New Earth from the highest states of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness.
And so it is, and so it shall be.
Activating the New Earth Light Codes and Stargates from Within
90-Minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)
Saturday February 12th – 12pm PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET, 8pm GMT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 10pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 7am (February 13 th), Auckland 9am (February 13th)
Beloved hearts,
We invite you to join us in this wonderful light encoded masterclass as we activate the New Earth Energetic Building Blocks, Templates, Light Codes, Grids and Stargates from within and collectively ascend into the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as the I Am Avatar Race.
As the 222 Codes activate for collective ascension in this sacred year of 2022, we pass through the Aquarian Gateway in this month of February. This offers to us an unprecedented opportunity to activate the New Earth Light Codes and Stargates as well as bring online the physical body grids and templates that we embody as New Earthers.
February 2nd, and 20th 2022, brings online the codes of five consecutive 2 sequences – 22222, amplifying the master number of Solar Christ Consciousness (22) and lifting us collectively into the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Soul Embodiment. February 22nd, 2022 brings through six consecutive 2 sequences – 222222, aligning us ever deeper into the Heart of One to activate the New Earth Grids, Codes, Templates and Stargates from within as we hold our Consciousness at these higher frequency bandwidths and with this, program the Light Body DNA.
This is a unique opportunity for us to deepen into physical body purification
and the clearing of old timelines no longer needing to be experienced; programs,
habits, false beliefs, and judgments through karmic timelines merging into this
Now, particularly the Fall of Consciousness (Atlantean) and to transcend the
blame and judgment and emerge/shift frequency into New Earth and the higher
dimensional merging timelines. These are the Christ Consciousness aspects of
our Beloved I Am Presence that expand from deep within and that embody the
purity, innocence, and divinity of ourselves and all Life through the Witnessing
Presence of our Loving Hearts and the stillness of our Higher Minds.
The timeline in this Now presents the merging of our Divine Feminine Spirit/Divine Mother/Gaia (5-D Consciousness of Be-ing), the embrace and transcendence of the wounded masculine (3-D/4-D Consciousness) through self-love and self-nurturing and the merging and integration of our Divine Masculine Spirit (6-D Consciousness of Doing) as we birth our innocent, magical Christed Child (Soul Light) and next level of Service work in Unity and Community.
To experience this Now moment, we go deep into the old programmings/old earth templates – 3D Matrix and negative ego aspects, to transcend and dissolve the human miscreation’s through a process of surrender and trust. As our body releases this “inner struggle” of pain, trauma and discomfort, this allows for the Lightbody/Soul to fine tune the DNA and raise our vibration (the atomic spin within the cells) and to vibrate out of these old patterns, habits, grids and templates whilst simultaneously creating the New Earth Grids, Templates, Stargates and Light Packets of Information from within.
Essentially, we are experiencing an energetic encoded matrix of light packets of information activating from within the DNA, with an unlimited potential to expand perspectives and consciousness with new codes, geometries, sound and color frequencies to elevate our consciousness and take us into physical body ascension. This operating system weaves together all new energies/frequencies to lift us into various dimensions based upon the physical body consciousness of purity through our Loving Hearts that activate the Light Frequency and Quantum Codes within the 12 Strand DNA.
As our Lightbody Consciousness shifts dimensionally, we create the Stargate of the Loving Heart, which expands the heart and thymus chakras, bringing online the New Earth building blocks and collapsing old karmic timelines no longer needing to be experienced. Additionally, within the physical body, we activate two additional stargates. The Perineum Stargate, which extends into the groin area and into the lower chakras (clearing and transcending the old and all lack of) whilst merging the lower chakras into one unified column of Light. The third stargate created is the Navel Stargate which shifts all relationships into new levels of conscious communication, community and support, and links into the spinal column as the spine itself becomes the operating system of the body.
As the lower chakras start to merge into One Unified Column of
Light, the Pineal Gland further activates, producing the sweet nectar (amrita)
as a bridge to Cosmic Consciousness and bringing through the remembrance of
“ancient memories” – timelines of Golden Ages of Unity and Love, particularly
Atlantean and Lemurian timelines of being the High Priests and Priestesses into
this Now moment.
As we merge into these timelines, we are further taken into Galactic aspects of
ourselves. Whilst many higher dimensional timelines present as well as higher
dimensional/Soul aspects of Self relative to our level of Cosmic Conscious
Awareness, it is the Sirian Galactic aspects of Self coming forward to take us
into the next level of our Galactic Missions; with abundance, manifestation and
the Divine Masculine integration of doing, birthed initially through the Divine
Feminine aspects of Self.
Each dimension we experience differs, as does the templates and codes of Light that come online. Each dimension a new level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as we activate the Plasma Light Codes, Rainbow Frequencies, Oscillating Cosmic Rays, Diamond Light Codes and so much more.
Join us in the beautiful Light encoded transmission with Anrita Melchizedek and we go deep into the body, and activate many of the New Earth Light Codes, Templates and Stargates from within and expand our bandwidth for the next level of our Soul’s Blossoming as the New Earth Avatar Race.
Alternatively join our New Earth Avatar Monthly Membership and Receive this Light encoded transmission plus two live events with Anrita.
222 Codes: The Physics, Vibration & Frequency of New Earth Creations
Celebrating the Divine Feminine Infusion
Free Online Event: February 2 & 3
with streaming replays
with Host Lauren Galey & Ascension Leaders
2022 is turning out to be a Triple 2 year extraordinaire! We will be under the influence of 222 mystery and magic all year. In Numerology, ‘2’ represents MOTHER energy – the number essence of caring, relating, nurturing, fairness, partnership and cooperation. As we segue from the past ‘1’ millennium of masculine hierarchy, 2022 is encoded to launch the new ‘2’ millennium, establishing more feminine balance in the world.
222 awakens the feminine power within all who are open and receptive to the new paradigm coming alive. 222 provides the sacred feminine wombspace for renewal, regeneration and rebirth. It is not replacing the dominant patriarch with a ruling matriarch. 2022 weaves and blends the masculine and feminine energies into a cohesive harmony of union and collaboration. 222 ushers in a new system of relating, communing and creating that draws from this united force.
As the old patriarchal system completes, decomposes and dies out, 2022 introduces the Goddess Infusion that melds, morphs, transmutes and transforms the masculine and feminine into its divine essence, as sacred partners. 222 amplifies feminine psychic abilities, empath abilities, healing abilities, receptivity and greater focus on Soul purpose and serving the ultimate good of the community.
222 is the master code of clarity, openness, transparency – when you add 11, 2 is the number of exposure, revelation, and enlightenment. All shadow is being revealed and alchemized in the divine Light. Nothing can remain hidden, both personally and collectively. The brilliant 222 Light inflow radiates truth and justice for all life on the planet.
2022 is also a ‘6’ year (2+2+2). Due to rapid changes of the past two years, 6 inspires you to become more self-reliant and responsible, to establish your ‘place’ in the world. A 6 year emphasizes love and matters of the heart, family, friends, home, healing, security and safety. When love is your motivation, almost anything can be achieved.
2022 provides a cosmic opportunity to launch your ascended life as a divine human. It is a clarion call to connect deep within to your Soul essence and purpose in contributing to the global transformation. This year is the launching pad towards attaining your destiny as a living/breathing embodied Soul. We are the Light and Love of the cosmos! (reprinted from Ascension Teacher Meg Benedicte)
Register Now for this Free Online Event & Claim Welcome Package