Monday, 21 February 2022

New Earth February 222222 Light Codes Gateway Activation


New Earth February 222222 Light Codes Gateway Activation with Anrita Melchizedek

February 22nd 2022

9am PT/10am MT/11am CT/12pm ET/5pm GMT

Join us Beloved Hearts as we experience the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as the New Earth Avatar Race through this powerful Aquarian Gateway amplified through the 222222 Light Codes on February 22nd 2022.

The timeline in this Now presents the merging of our Divine Feminine Spirit/Divine Mother/Gaia and the merging and integration of our Divine Masculine Spirit as we birth our innocent, magical Christed Child (Soul Light) and next level of Service work in Unity and Community through the Golden Rose and Three-Fold Flame from Within.

Join us as we deepen into an understanding of the rays and how they are affecting our consciousness and Soul Light in this Now moment as well as how we are merging into Golden Age Timelines and the next level of our Service work collectively to this sacred earth. Following an introduction, we will move into a Light encoded transmission, in addition to which mini Ray Readings will be offered to participants.

For any questions you might have, join us live on Airmeet to ask your questions or come on stage.



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