New Earth Consciousness Codes Activations
Quantum Jumping and Timelines of Self Mastery
Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek
Saturday February 1st – 9am PT, 10am MT, 11am CT, 12pm ET, 5pm GMT
London/Lisbon 5pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 9am, New York 12pm, Sydney 4am (February 2nd), Auckland 6am (February 2nd)
$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)
New Earth Consciousness Code Activations is a Quantum Wholeness and Subconscious Recoding Healing Modality powered by our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God to expand our Consciousness and align us to the Highest Outcomes as we unlock, decode, release, recode and rewrite all limiting thoughts, feelings, emotions, false beliefs, judgments and victim/persecutor consciousness.
With these powerful Consciousness Codes, we have the ability to expand our Consciousness, deepen into Zero Point, and live New Earth as our Higher Self aspects through releasing and letting go of all that no longer supports us as the Light of God We Are.
New Earth Consciousness Codes works through our ability to connect to our Universe, to Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence, as we experience a Theta or Theta-Gamma State of Consciousness. Initially, in these “Consciousness Codes”, we command the Source of All That Is to create the changes within our bodies, DNA, and sub-conscious mind. In a Theta Brainwave State, we connect not only to our own Divinity, our Higher Selves and Beloved I AM Presence, but we align to Mother/Father God and the One Heart of All That Is. We are open, and willing to clear subconscious programs, old stories and programs, thoughts, feelings and emotions needing to be unlocked and decoded, recoded and rewritten to all that is Highest Aligned.
Ultimately through, it is our ability to BE the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am that creates the changes we need to “heal all” within the body, energy field and hologram in this Quantum Wholeness Healing Modality. In other words, Mother/Father God does the Healing, reprogramming and recoding of the DNA and we are simply the Co-Creator and Witnessing Presence to All That Is. What occurs with this simple observation is that we release the perceived trauma and story to collapse and dissolve the timeline as we deepen into our original Divine Blueprint.
The key aspect here is CHOICE. We can choose the realm/dimension we wish to live in, in each Now moment. We can choose the lower realms and ego aspects, victim/persecutor consciousness or we can choose all that is Highest Aligned for the timeline to present and then materialize in response to our frequency and vibration as we anchor, activate and then actualize/stabilize our “new” Now, our Zero Point. As we release all that no longer serves and “allow” for the Divine Templates and Consciousness Codes to activate from within, and then out there, in the creation of our New Earth realities.
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activations Masterclass, our focus is on Quantum Jumping and Timelines of Self Mastery, the ability to expand into higher timelines to experience the highest version of our Selves in each Now moment. Quantum Jumping presents multiple versions of reality to us based on our Consciousness and Light. We can experience all that is Highest Aligned when we are fully present in each Now moment, dreaming our New Earth realities into Being by “jumping” and “expanding” into the timeline that flows with the greatest levels of grace and ease, sovereignty and empowerment, joy and abundance, creativity, Unity, Love and so much more, as we merge with, and integrate, our Multidimensional Selves already experiencing Self Mastery.
Quantum Jumping is a process that reshapes our realities as we expand through Plasma and Electrical frequencies to merge more deeply with both our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects and to birth each Now moment Quantumly based on our frequency and Light.
From a Quantum perspective, we can exist simultaneously in different realms and dimensions, all relative to our Consciousness and Light. However, to Quantum Jump into a higher realm, we need to match the Consciousness of that realm. Additionally, our Body Consciousness needs to match that realm, otherwise we cannot sustain that frequency and will return to the frequency realm of our body’s consciousness.
With Quantum Jumping, we initially dissolve and collapse old timelines and continue this process of dissolving and resolving and releasing the old, until such time as we are able to sustain a higher vibrational field of Light. With this ability to vibrate energetically to a higher frequency, time collapses and we open portals to alternate realities in which we are already Ascended, and enter into an energetic field of Zero Point, functioning multidimensionally as our Higher Selves here.
In this Masterclass we experience the following New Earth Consciousness Codes Activations.
Vagus Nerve Breathe Reset
The Vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system which controls resting heart rate, respiration and digestion. It’s the key for us to experience the relaxation response of our bodies and to release anxiety and overwhelm from within the body. Additionally, as we go deeper within, we experience Theta and Theta-Gamma Brainwaves States of Consciousness which assists in the decoding and recoding process through Quantum Light, our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God, Source Light.
Furthermore, the sub-conscious mind links directly into the Nervous System. As we reset the Nervous System with particular breathing techniques, we experience the New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation to transcend many of the false beliefs and judgments created through our 3D ego matrix as well as stabilize our frequency in alignment to the Divine by releasing perceived separation, fear, judgment, stress and anxiety.
Light Healing Infusion Chamber of Light
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, a Light Healing Infusion Chamber infuses each sub-atomic particle within the body with the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms to spin the sub-atomic particles in increased Light. As this crystalline infusion of Light bathes our organs and body parts, the central nervous system, and sensory system, the brain chemistry, the bio-circuitry, and the endocrine system in a beautiful healing Light, we sense all that is being released from different areas within the body.
Diamond Purification Rings of Light
This New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation aligns us to the Diamond Ray of Purity and Innocence, also known as the 18th ray of Multi-Universal Christ Consciousness. This is a God activated ray of purity and innocence that activates as Diamond Purification Rings of Light around the body and energy field Overlighted by Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence as we come deeper into the Innocence within whilst releasing frozen miasms and other negative energies.
Zero Point Inner Golden Sun Toroidal Field Activation
We travel through the Stargate of the Loving Heart, dissolving and collapsing old timelines of fear, resentment, anger and more, and loving all that arises as we deepen into Self-Love and Worthiness of Self. We further expand into the Loving Heart as we experience a Toroidal Field Activation and connect our Heart to the Heart of Gaia.
Pineal Gland Golden Sun Stargate Activation
We transform the Pineal Gland into a Golden Sun Stargate Activator, which then activates the Inner Golden Sun and Crystals within the Pineal Gland to take us beyond the veils of Illusion and into our Cosmic Heritage, whilst further drawing to us timelines of self-mastery, and the ability to experience our reality clairvoyantly as our Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally, we start to activate the DMT within the Pineal Gland as we dream our realities of New Earth into being.
I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Photonic Light Activation
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, we experience Photonic Light Infusions as we activate the I Am Avatar Soul Embodiment Template whilst further merging with our Higher Selves, Multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence. Additionally, we release lesser than and better than consciousness, and victim/persecutor consciousness as we expand into the Patterns of Perfection.
Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Activation
As we experience this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation of the Heart’s Dreaming and Manifestation Template, we further clear all blockages that are coming up in misalignment to our Soul Purpose.
Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Star Tetrahedron Mission Codes Activation
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, we work with the symbol of the Star Tetrahedron, also known as Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Star Tetrahedron, which aligns into the Original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the Perineum Center, through the Chakras, and around the body and energy field, to remember and review our Inner Plane Soul Mission as Initiates of Light.
Inner Alchemical Marriage and Kundalini Activation
In this New Earth Consciousness Activation, we merge with our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Aspects, as the Kundalini and Tantric Channels activate through the Spinal Column and through the Chakras, clearing, releasing and recoding to greater levels of Power, Love and Wisdom.
Golden Age Timelines of Self Mastery
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, we merge with our Multidimensional Selves through the Golden Age Timelines of Light, in particular, Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt, whilst further clearing historical karma from these various timelines.
Akashic Records
In this New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, we access the Akashic Records and connect with our Future Higher Self working with us in this Now to co-create, recode and re-write our New Earth Reality through this Zero Point.
Crystalline Solar-Plasma Light DNA Chamber of Light
This Consciousness Codes Activation is experienced as a a multi-colored, multi-dimensional rectangular shaped etheric grid of Light coming in around the body and energy field, activating the 12 fire letters within each of the 12 strand DNA as well as reprogramming and recoding the sacred geometries, light codes and numerologies within the 12 strand DNA as we deepen into Plasma Light.
Quantum Jumping
In this last New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation, we map multidimensionally to all that is Highest Aligned through the ever-present Now moment as we expand through Plasma and Electrical frequencies and Quantum Jump into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution relative to our frequency, mission, heart’s dreaming and joy. Additionally we work with the Sacred Geometry of Metatron’s Cube.
We invite you to come and join us beloved heart in these beautiful powerful and magical New Earth Consciousness Codes Activations as you expand your Light upon this sacred earth, living Multidimensionally as the Light of God You Are.
This is a live video Masterclass, and recordings will be available in video format, plus two Mp3’s, with and without background music.
Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Range
The Angelic Diamond White Light Purity Andara assist us in expanding our frequency through detoxification, purification, and cellular clearing, as we release the old and collapse and dissolve old earth timelines and all that no longer works for us. These beautiful Andara further assist us to align to our greatest joy through the observational awareness of the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am, in all that we express and share as co-creators to our Universe.
Essentially the Angelic Diamond White Light Andara assists us to let go of all that is not working in our lives and to streamline our focus. And with this, to experience all that is Highest Aligned; to be able to jump timelines, and to expand our consciousness to the frequency and energy of what we are creating or co creating with the Pureness of our Light, our Innocence, and our Divinity. Jumping timelines is an art we master as we deepen into zero-point. For all timelines eventually merge into one, and time as we know it, no longer exists for us in the flow of New Earth.
The Andara have a glass-like structure and comes in a wide range of colors. The lighter colored Andara crystals are able to create an amazing rainbow effect. The most mysterious property with Andara crystals is their ability to change colors. This happens most often with clear stones, and tend to change to grey, green, blue or a shade of yellow. The color the stone changes to is said to occur depending on what the crystals are being used for, and what goals you wish to accomplish with their aid.
These beautiful Angelic Diamond White Light Purity Andara come as Polished Pendants, Macrame Pendants, Natural Pendants and magnificent large stones.
For the Polished Pendants, click here
For the Macrame Pendants, click here
For the Natural Pendants, click here
For the Large Stones, click here
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