Beloved hearts,
WE ARE TRANSFORMING at an accelerated rate in this Now moment,
bringing up all that needs to shift personally and on a planetary level,
triggered through the coronavirus, as we release the old and bring in the
new. In the midst of the next level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and
expansion, we hear the calling as the I AM Avatar Race, as the awakening and
awakened Souls upon this sacred earth. We step forward to deepen our mission
as we energetically reset the timelines of highest potential for Mother Earth
and all her Life.
The focus of this next shift of Cosmic Christ Consciousness
occurs primarily on April 4th and April 5th through the “444”
Cosmic Stargate with Jupiter conjuct Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn. This
alignment occurs at 10:45 pm ET and assists in resetting the focus for all
Life upon this sacred earth as we deepen into the Patterns of Perfection and
to bring an end to the coronavirus. As we come together as One Heart and One
Love, we experience the Diamond Light codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God, through the Central Sun, through the
Galactic Center and through and into this Solar System and onto this sacred
earth, amplified through the Legions of Light from On High and our Beloved I
Am Presence.
Through the “444” Cosmic Gateway, we hold the Flame of Divine
Love for all Life upon this sacred earth with a 22-minute silent meditation.
Additionally, we are offered a gift of celestial, light encoded Archangel
Raphael Healing Music and the 72 Names of God, as together we deepen into
Unity and Love. The 72 Names of God are a powerful spiritual tool, bringing
about an abundance of blessings, good fortune, prosperity, wholeness and
We hold this focus for 22 minutes as One Heart, One Love and
One Unified Field of Light, as the Flames of Divinity and the Light of God WE
ARE, knowing All is Well, All is Well.
The 12 Diamond Light Chambers of the I Am Avatar Race
Two-hour telewebinar transmission with Anrita Melchizedek
Hosted by Lauren Galey of Acoustic Health
Sunday April 5th 2020
7pm GMT, 12pm PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 6am (April 6th)
7pm GMT, 12pm PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 6am (April 6th)
WE ARE TRANSFORMING at an accelerated rate in this Now moment,
bringing up all that needs to shift personally and on a planetary level,
triggered through the coronavirus, as we release the old and bring in the new.
In the midst of the next level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and expansion,
we hear the calling as the I AM Avatar Race, as the awakening and awakened
Souls upon this sacred earth. We step forward to deepen our mission as we
energetically reset the timelines of the highest potential for Mother Earth and
all her Life.
The focus of this next shift of Cosmic Christ Consciousness
occurs primarily on April 4th and April 5th through the “444” Cosmic Stargate
with Jupiter conjuct Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn. This alignment occurs at
10:45 pm EST and assists in resetting the focus for all Life upon this sacred
earth as we deepen into the Patterns of Perfection and bring an end to the
coronavirus. As we come together as One Heart and One Love, we experience the
Diamond Light codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,
through the Central Sun, through the Galactic Center and through and into this
Solar System and onto this sacred earth, amplified through the Legions of Light
from On High and our Beloved I Am Presence.
And now, as the I Am Avatar Race, entering into the next level
of our forward evolution, the Star Councils come forward to bring through the
luminosity of the Diamond Light Chambers that take us deeper into Self
Enlightenment and Self Mastery as we experience the New Earth Templates as
these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
The Sisterhood of the Rose additionally step forward to deepen
the flow of Divine Love within our Christed hearts through their beautiful
Flames of Light, and following this, the Star Councils bring in their Diamond
Light Chambers, multidimensional, multicolored Light Chambers linking us
through and to all dimensions of Light. Connecting into the I Am Avatar
Consciousness of Light and our Beloved I Am Presence, we experience:
The Happiness Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver flame of Light and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council.
The Peaceful and Serene Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Platinum Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Orion Star Council.
The Loving and Compassionate Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pearlescent Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council.
The Unity Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver-Gold Flame of Light, and Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council.
The Emotional Stability Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink and Purple Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council.
The Patient and Understanding Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light.
The Humility Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink and Emerald Green Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council.
The Insightful and Open-Minded Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Rose-Gold Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council.
The Inner Strength Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Violet Silver Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council.
The Leadership Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Golden White Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Andromedan Star Council.
The Good Health Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Copper-Gold Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council.
The Committed Service Choices Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Magenta and Violet Flame, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council.
As we integrate the qualities of the I Am Avatar Race, we are further presented with the opportunity to activate our Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field through all dimensions of Light, into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God.
The Light Body/Merkaba field extends approximately 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around us when fully activated and holds all the codes for the activation of the dormant DNA. This activation further assists in creating a radiant, etheric, electronic body of Light, the perfect Adam Kadmon blueprint. Additionally, the Light Body/Merkaba field links us into to the Unity Grid of Divine Love within and around the Earth plane, and into the unified hologram of Love of all Life on this sacred earth.
Once the Light Body/Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the platonic solids are also activated, as are the higher earthly rays. The platonic solids are the cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and in the Light Body/Merkaba activation, we became an extension of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within the New Earth Templates of Light.
This is a powerful energy technique that will take us deeper into unconditional Love and the experience of Unity Consciousness, also called the Ninth Dimensional Light Body/Merkaba activation.
Come join us in this powerful Diamond Light Chamber and Light Body Activation as we experienced a collective sense of Self Mastery, knowing how deeply we are loved, celebrated and appreciated. Knowing the importance of our beautiful, vibrating Light as the Flames of Divinity We Are in shifting the consciousness of all Life upon this sacred earth.
This is an audio transmission and the best way to listen is
online although you have the option to call in through local access numbers.
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