Friday 11 November 2022

The 11:11 Gateway of New Beginnings and the Codes of Divinity




The 11:11 Gateway of New Beginnings and the Codes of Divinity

Beloved hearts, we are commencing our heart expansions for the 11:11 Gateway, for the next level of “New Beginnings” as we expand our Divinity from within as the Light of God We Are.

What we express as “New Beginnings” could more adeptly be described as New Ways of Being. Of the ability to make Soul aligned choices vibrationally that supports all Life upon this sacred earth and to accomplish the new from a heart centered Consciousness of Unity and Love.

Essentially, the 11:11 Gateway ushers in the next stage of the Divine Unfolding Plan of Mother/Father as we deepen into New Earth as the Flames of Divinity We Are, through our ability to expand our Light from within and to radiate our Light to All.

We observe and choose that which is highest aligned, that which allows us to expand the Light Codes from Within, our Divinity, our Purity and Innocence as we anchor and activate the Light Codes and Higher Dimensional Templatings through Soul Embodiment and Photonic Light.

This expands our Consciousness, Heart and Pineal Gland, as we feel our way initially into the experience of New Earth. We could say our feelings are our multidimensional map that bring online our Body Templates and Light Codes of Divinity and more as we expand and activate all from deep, deep within.

And for many of us, when we close our eyes, we can feel our way inward and expand all senses, feelings, knowing’s, insights, understandings and cosmic consciousness, as well as allowing for the Light Codes and Body Templates to activate at a cellular level and through the dormant/quantum DNA.

This further offers us the opportunity to live our highest Light in Soul Embodiment. Living in Love, Unity, Community and Service to All.

Whilst the numbers 1, 11 and 11/11 hold spiritual and numerological importance for all in the ability to release the old and start anew , for awakened Souls, the number 11 is one of the sacred numbers of Christ Consciousness and the 1, 11, 11/11 sequence codes and templates that activate through and within the DNA expand our Heart Flames to align fifth and sixth dimensionally to embody Source Light, simultaneously clearing all that no longer serves in this Now moment.

New Earth is experienced as a deep heart felt connection to one another and to all Life as we lift our vibration through alignment to the Divinity Within, the Light Codes and Soul Expressions of Purity, and Innocence, Sovereignty, Freedom, Unity and Love.

To access New Earth vibrationally, we purge and clear and release density, while moving through each dimension, each level of consciousness and each program to the cellular restoration of crystalline consciousness, photonic plasma light and the ability to sustain our physical bodies as our Temples of Light.

We continually align and activate, integrate, recalibrate, synchronize and actualize, living in the Now, through the stillness of the loving heart and the wisdom of the higher mind, whilst clearing at a cellular level, false beliefs, judgments, patternings and conditionings and in particular right now, releasing unworthiness, fear, unforgiveness, and lack of empowerment. Observing all in this Now.

We are experiencing an incredible shift in consciousness, played out dimensionally and as we go ever deeper within, we experience our inner New Earth, living from the heart, as we are taken ever deeper upward into the Light.

Whilst 3D plays out all unconscious behaviour, 4D takes us into remembering and clearing, aligning and misaligning and 5D awakens and illuminates the three-fold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom within with multiple timelines, where all is Love and Love is All There Is.

When we shift the inside, we shift the outside and with the Light Codes of Divinity align through all dimensions of light as we reveal the next level of our Quantum Reality, telepathically expressed, and deeply connected through our Loving Hearts as we activate the downloads, keycodes, numerologies, fractal geometries and sacred geometries that will prepare us to enter into the next level of New Beginnings……..and New Earth.


Enjoy the 11:11 Gateway beautiful hearts.


Anrita Melchizedek



Receive these beautiful 11-11 Gateway transmissions by Anrita Melchizedek, plus 12 Starseed Light Activation Symbols


This Special Offer Package for the 11-11 Gateway includes three transmissions:


Transmission One


The 11-11 Gateway of Illumined Truth and Divine Love (55 min)


In this beautiful 11-11 Gateway transmission, to deepen into the frequency bands from the higher dimensional unified fields and octaves of Crystalline Consciousness and to experience our upgraded Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA, we are wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence, and travel into the 12 major Crystalline Cities of Light, starting with the Sedona Crystalline City of Light.


With this transmission, you receive two Mp3 downloads, with and without background music plus the transcribe


Transmission Two


The 11:11 Gateway and the Passionate Heart (60 min)


In this beautiful transmission, you are offered the opportunity to activate and integrate a deeper level of the beautiful Christed Heart Petal of Passion, Heart’s Dreaming and Joy, amplified through the 11:11 Gateway and the 11:22 Gateway of Light.


This transmission assists in experiencing a deeper sense of synchronicity and purpose, a deeper sense of inspiration and also, how you can birth your creations of Light in full abundance, in joy, in delight and passion upon this sacred Earth.


Transmission Three


Starseed Light Code Activations (45 min)


As we deepen into the New Earth Templates holding the Patterns of Perfection, we are invited to experience 12 beautiful Starseed Light Code Activations, Overlighted by the Galactic Councils.


The Starseed Light Codes Activations assist us in embodying our sacred multi-dimensional Blueprints as we enter into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution.


These Starseed Light codes are:


Awakening, Remembrance, New Earth, Merging Timelines, DNA Activation, Initiation, Transformation, ESP Gifts, Mission Codes, Light Body Activation, Divine Equilibrium and Unity Consciousness


Additionally, you receive 12 beautiful Starseed Light Code Templates (Letter Size/A4) to deepen the Light Code Activation’s. You can print these out for your personal use. These Templates can further be used to charge your crystals, essences, essential oils, vitamins, food, water and so on.




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