Alignment to the Diamond Light Codes and Soul Embodiment Activation
Solstice Eclipse Gateway Transmission
By Anrita Melchizedek
You Tube Video https://youtu.be/zdRuQ8lpuZs
Beloved hearts,
As the Solstice Eclipse
gateway aligns to the Galactic Center and the portals activate in quantum
alignment to the Christed Timelines, deepening levels of transformation and
soul embodiment are occurring energetically and physically for all life upon
this sacred earth. Additionally we are seeing the perceived Dark Night of the
Soul experienced through the chaotic nodal points of change and the polarity dance
of light and shadow, the collective unconscious in this Now moment is going
through incredible change, unparalleled in our Soul’s Forward Evolution, as we
bring online the blueprints of the Highest Potential of all Life through the
Heart of Divine Love.
Amplified through the
Solar Flares and Liquid Plasma Light we experience the atomic structure of the
body shifting from the carbon based density into the crystalline consciousness
of the silicate matrix thru the fire letters and keycodes igniting within the
Crystalline Sun Diamond Rainbow DNA Blueprints and with this, deepening levels
of Soul embodiment through the merging and integration of our multidimensional
Additionally, current timeline
merges take us deeper into Golden Rose Galaxy; with the Milky Way representing
the Divine Feminine Principle and Andromeda the paired Twin Flame Divine
Masculine Counterpart. The Re-emergence of the I Am Avatar Race is here.
Deepening into zero point,
the energetic matrix of Golden Age Timelines of Light, in particular, Atlantis and Lemuria, activate in this Now,
bringing with it new mission codes thru the witnessing Presence of the Beloved
I Am, as well as a remembrance of the Inner Plane Ashram Initiations.
Through the Diamond Light
Ray frequencies of Mother/Father God, the chalice for the Earthly and Cosmic
Rays, perceived separation and fear dissipate for many now into a new flow of
organic Christed Timelines as the sub-atomic particles in the body spin in the
increased Light frequencies of the New Earth atomized codices of sacred
geometries, numerologies, fractal geometries, key codes and sonic and color ray
frequencies. Held within the Heart of One Love, we align deeper into Group Soul
Clusters to hold the Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom within our Loving Hearts
for all Life upon this sacred earth.
This beautiful diamond ray
further takes us into the formlessness and timelessness of the infinite and
eternal Now and brings with it the possibility too of physical immortality and
the perfected Diamond Rainbow Body of Light, with the pulsing of the Soul Light
deep within the stillness of the Loving Heart and the radiance of the wisdom of
lifetimes of self-mastery.
So what we would like to
do with you sweet ones, in this Now moment is activate the primary qualities of
this beautiful Diamond Ray as you journey deeper into the Christed Timelines
and your Loving Hearts, so you may truly remember you are already HOME as you
walk the Path of Divine Love.
So let us set our sacred
space, as we move into a deeper understanding of these beautiful rays of
creation, and with this an alignment into the Diamond Light Codes and the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I call upon the
Overlighting of Mother/Father God and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On
High that I personally acknowledge, as I merge now with my Beloved I AM
Presence, the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.
I am ready to experience
the Diamond Light Codes, through the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness,
of Purity and Innocence.
I am ready to embody all
144 Soul ray aspects of Self; to be this beautiful Open Heart in this Golden
Age of Light, this Flame of Divine Unconditional Love, walking the Path of Love.
And into this sacred space
now I now invite all the Illumined Beings of Light that are assisting in this
ascension process:
The Archangels and their
Divine Feminine Counterparts,
The Christed
Extra-Terrestrials ~ the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the
Arcturians, all of the Light,
The Sisterhood of the Rose
~ Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lady Isis, Lady Hathor, Lady Portia, Lady Pallas
Athena, Lady Quan Yin, White Buffalo Woman, and all other Divine Feminine
Deities that wish to join me in this sacred space.
I further invoke and call upon
the Order of Melchizedek and Lord Melchizedek; the Ascended Masters, and the
Ray Masters, as I lift myself now into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
wrapped now in the beautiful Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness and now
these Pink Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose.
As I link into the Diamond
Grid and Unity Grid of Divine Love as the time of this Solstice Eclipse
Gateway, I see this matrix of crystalline consciousness activate through the Diamond
Rainbow Light Body of Mother Earth, as I connect at this Higher Light level
with all awakened Lightworkers, Star seededs, Grid Keepers, Wayshowers and
Facilitators of Light, walking the Path of the Diamond.
I now experience a deepening
sense of the Rays of Creation ~ these eighteen rays that spiral forth from the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, through the Great Central Sun, the Central
Sun, the Sun and into this Solar System, into Shamballa and onto this
sacred Earth.
I further ask that
all these beautiful ray frequencies align through Mother Earth's Light Body and
through the Light Bodies of all souls choosing to step into the next level of
their blossoming and magnificence and Light.
I experience now this
beautiful Red Flame of Will and Power activate now at a cellular level through
the chakras and around my body and energy field as I am wrapped in this red
Flame of Empowerment.
I now experience this
beautiful Pink-Blue Flame of Divine Love activate within the body and around my
energy field as I come deeper into the Love within myself and within my Loving
I now experience the
beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Divine Wisdom activate at a cellular level
through my chakras and around my body and energy field, wrapped in this Flame
of Wisdom and Higher Mind Intelligence.
I experience this
beautiful Emerald-Green Flame of Creativity, taking me deeper into my creative
gifts, taking me deeper into my Heart's Dreaming and Heart's Joy wrapped in
this beautiful Emerald-Green Flame of Light.
I now experience this
beautiful Orange Flame of Light as I balance the polarities of the physical and
spiritual, emotional and mental bodies, as experience a deepening level of the
Mind of God and the deep emotional connection that I have through the Flame of
Divine Love, to all life, as I walk the Path of Love.
And now I am wrapped in
this beautiful Indigo Flame of Light. As it moves into my body and through my
chakras, I come deeper into Devotion and Idealism connecting to God in my own beautiful
way and coming together as one Unified Field of Light with the Lightworkers,
Starseeded ones and Illumined Beings of Light from On High.
And now, as I experience
the beautiful Violet Flame of Ceremonial Magic I find myself moving deeper into
the New Earth Templates, releasing the stresses, releasing the issues of
survival, coming into the knowing of God's infinite perfection and the knowing
of my service work to Mother Earth and all her Life.
And now I experience this
beautiful Sea-Foam Green and Violet colored ray, the Ray of Transmutation. As
it moves into the aspects of myself that have forgotten themselves as Love, I
find that I embrace these sub-personality aspects within my heart and within my
Love, welcoming every experience and the value it has brought to my life as I
find a deepening level of acceptance, appreciation, and celebration of each Now
I am wrapped now in this
beautiful Pearlescent Flame of Divinity as I move out of any level of
lesser-than and better-than consciousness activating the Three-fold Flame of
Empowerment, Love and Wisdom within my Christed Heart; moving deeper into the
recognition of the Divinity of all life, with only the levels of Cosmic Conscious
Awareness that differs from individual to individual. With this I step out of
judgment of self and judgment of others, and deeper into my Compassionate and
Loving Heart.
I now connect into the
beautiful ray of Illumined Truth wrapped in this Pink-Orange Flame of Light. As
I come deeper into the Divine Feminine aspects of myself, as I find this new
balance and dance and harmony between my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Spirits, the kundalini energy gently activates now through my body and energy
field, into the knowing that I am indeed the Light of God upon this sacred
earth. That I am a vessel for the Flame of Divine Love, sharing my Love with
those around me, and looking through my Master Eyes, knowing truly that Love is
I am wrapped now in this beautiful
ray of One Unity Consciousness. This beautiful Golden Flame of Light amplifies
now upon this sacred Earth as do all these beautiful ray frequencies that I am
experiencing now through the Overlighting of all the Illumined Beings of Light,
and in particular the Ray Masters from Shamballa.
I now experience the Cosmic
Rays that lift me dimensionally in the Galactic Center – zero point - and the
Heart of Divine Love. As I am wrapped now in this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame
of Light I link into the higher dimensional fields of Solar Christ
Consciousness. As the crystalline vibration amplifies to the maximum that cosmic
law can allow, I align to the Sun, the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun, and
now the Galactic Center, starting to experience a deepening sense of the
Diamond Light Codes in this Diamond Alignment of Light.
Wrapped now in the
beautiful Silver Flame of Interstellar Christ Consciousness I connect deeper
into the fifth dimensional templates and key codes of Light, magnetizing and
manifesting all that I need in this Now as I walk the Diamond Pathway, the Path
of Divine Love.
And now I find myself
connecting into the sixth dimensional fields of Light as I am wrapped in this
beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light. At this dimensional level as I stabilize
myself into the higher dimensional fields of Light I merge with my soul
cluster, all twelve soul rays of which I am one ~ my soul brothers, soul
sisters, and twin flame energy. As I am taken deeper now into the
multi-dimensional timelines and Golden Ages of Light, I anchor these merging
timelines, with the many Illumined Beings of Light, onto this sacred Earth,
lifting all life into these sixth dimensional templates through the Unity Grid,
the Diamond Grid, and the Rose Grid of Divine Love.
Wrapped now in this beautiful
Golden-White Flame of Light I experience a deepening sense of the expansion and
the energy of the Divine Masculine in this loving protective energy. This Gateway
of Light activates now for all life on this sacred Earth, lifting us deeper
into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through the Solstice energy,
connecting all of us as One Heart and Unified Cosmic Heart through this Diamond
Alignment and Diamond Light Codes of Creation.
As I now experience the
Overlighting of Lord Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, I
am wrapped in the Platinum Flame of Light. I come into a deeper understanding
of my challenges as Initiations of Light. I further come into the knowing that
I have experienced many lifetimes in self-mastery, and in this Now I am
bringing together all the multi-dimensional aspects of myself into a greater
level of wholeness and Love and harmony and peace and balance, ready to ignite,
activate and actualize the Diamond Light Codes of Creation thru my beautiful
Soul energy.
Lastly now I am lifted
into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. As I am wrapped in the Diamond
Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness I see before me the most beautiful Being of
Light ~ my Beloved I AM Presence. I merge now with my Beloved I AM Presence as I
experience the greatest levels of connection to my Beloved I AM Presence that I
have yet to experience, amplified over this Solstice Eclipse Gateway, amplified
through the Unity Grid, the Diamond Grid, and amplified through the Cosmic
Heart of all Creation.
I now activate my Diamond Rainbow
Light Body as I experience this Diamond sphere of Light activate around my body
54 feet in diameter around me, and within this, this beautiful Golden Flower of
Within the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God I hear the chants of Kadoish Kadoish Kadoish, Adonai T’sebayoth,
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Hosts; Kadoish Kadoish Kadoish, Adonai T’sebayoth,
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Hosts.
I now merge with the 144 Soul
Rays of which I am one, collectively forming the Divine Light and Chalice of my
Beloved I AM Presence, as I take on now the memories and Light of each one of
these souls, all the frequencies that I am needing for myself and this sacred
Earth in this Ascension process, as I deepen into Soul Embodiment and my I AM
Avatar blueprint of Light.
I now experience my
physical rejuvenation, regeneration and physical immortality; as the
chromosomes related to the physical immortal aspects of myself activate at a
cellular level, I know that I can bring an end to any level of discomfort or
disease or pain within the body, any level of discomfort within the physical or
emotional bodies.
I experience the activation
now of the Twelve Petals of my Christed Heart; my Peaceful Heart, my Healing
Heart, my Loving Heart, my Joyful and Happy Heart, my Powerful Heart, my
Knowing Heart, my Passionate Heart, my Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, my
Trusting Heart, my Heart of Integrity and Truth, my Intimate Heart, and now my
Innocent and Open Heart.
I now experience this
beautiful diamond octahedron activate around my body and energy field as I
bring a focus to a fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above the crown chakra and
0.6 feet below my feet, creating this beautiful diamond octahedron, with eight
faces of equilateral triangles. This diamond octahedron further activates
through each one of the chakras within my body as I experience an alignment of
the Diamond Ray frequencies to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow.
I now experience the
activation of the unlimited potentiality that I have through the dormant DNA.
My potentiality amplifies now, bringing through all my beautiful Ascended
Master gifts, extra-sensory perception gifts, intuitive gifts and
understandings. As I experience my Heart's Dreaming, I magnetize and manifest
and co-create with my Beloved I Am Presence and the Illumined Beings of Light
from On High. In this I trust, as I take a leap of faith, wrapped in this
beautiful Diamond ray of Light and this beautiful Pink Flame of the Sisterhood
of the Rose.
I am stepping deeper into
the utterance and expression of my own truth, into the deepening level of the
Heart of Integrity and Truth and the ability to express myself always clearly
and gently and lovingly. I am ready to share the deepest levels of my Beingness
in the Light and magnificence of who I AM as this sacred transfiguring flame of
Divine Love and Master Being of Light.
I now experience a deepening
sense of Melchizedek Consciousness, lifting me beyond the dimensions of Christ
Consciousness into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and the Overlighting
of Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek. I have a sense of Lord
Melchizedek coming forward with his beautiful Rod of Light, activating this
through the crown chakra and third eye as I experience now this recalibration
of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, of the pituitary, the pineal,
the hypothalamus and thalamus glands.
I now find myself within
zero point, within the New Earth Templates. Within the Heart of All That Is I
feel my deep connection to my brothers and sisters and to all the Illumined
Beings of the Light. Rooted, centered and grounded, I breathe deep into my body.
Breathing in Love, breathing out Love. ONE HEART, ONE LOVE.
I am expanding into a
greater level of my Divinity in this Now moment, of my magnificence, and my
Light. As I bring through the memories of my multi-dimensional Selves, with the
illumination of the Wisdom of the Higher Mind, I access the wisdom that allows
me to step out into the greatest level of service and Love and power that I can
in this Now as a loving beacon of light and world teacher to this sacred Earth,
and all her life.
As these Light Codes
through the Diamond Ray activates now through the Hearts and Minds of all
awakening and awakened Souls choosing to experience their Highest Potentials,
choosing to walk the Path of the Diamond Heart, I connect deeper into the I AM
Avatar Consciousness of Light at this sacred Now moment of the Solstice Eclipse
I am experiencing the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. I am One with all life, One with my emotions
and feelings, One with God.
Now I experience this
beautiful diamond octahedron spinning from within my loving heart, initially in
a counterclockwise and then clockwise direction respectively, within my diamond
sphere of Light. This process of diamond alignment is experienced as I simply
allow all the Illumined Beings of Light to align, activate and actualize the
Diamond Light Codes of Creation with my Beloved I Am Presence through each
sub-atomic particle of my beingness.
I hold this space now for
the next five minutes, knowing that I am aligned to the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God, as One Heart, One Love and One Unified Field of Light.
I now come back into this
sacred space grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. As I take my grounding cord into the diamond
energies of Mother Earth, and experience a deepening sense of these Diamond
Light Codes through my body and energy field amplified through the diamond
Light clusters and crystal clusters of Mother Earth, I bring in my Pillar of
Light around my body and energy field. I connect now into the I Am Avatar
Consciousness of Light as these Diamond Light Codes activate through the
leylines, vortices, and sacred sites and into the hearts of all souls choosing
the Path of the Diamond, choosing the Path of Love. And so it is. And so it is.
In my own time now, I gently
come back into this sacred space, grounded and centered and firmly in my body.
I open my eyes, looking through my Master Eyes at all of life around me, in the
knowing that I AM Love, I AM Love, I AM Love.
Star Councils Diamond
Light Code Template Activations Through the Petals of the Christed Heart
Precious hearts, I invite
you to consider joining this powerful transmission of Light as we come together
as One Unified Cosmic Heart over the Solstice through our numerous Planetary
Activities of Light.
The 12 Star Councils of
Light step forward to activate the Diamond Light Code Templates through the
Petals of the Christed Heart. The Christed Heart frequencies align us into the
Kingdom of Mother/Father God as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love, the Diamond
Path, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And thru the Diamond
Light codes, interwoven geometrical complexities Overlighted by the 12 Star
Councils, we connect in to energetic matrices of different realities and
dimensions, drawing up the New Earth Templates and Universal Truths of this
Golden Age of Light. Each Diamond Light
Code Template takes us deeper into our purity and innocence, while drawing us
closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Star Councils of
Light. Each Diamond Light Code brings through its own unique multi-universal
quantum frequency amplified through the Galactic Center, the Sun, Central Sun
and Great Central Sun, lifting us into the next level of our Soul's forward
evolution, our blossoming, magnificence and Light.
Through the Diamond Light
Code Template Activations the multidimensional realities and timelines of
Golden Ages of Light merge into this Now, amplifying our unique ESP gifts and
Soul's joy. We have a sense of being rooted deeper in the infinite eternal Now
moment, connecting to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation as we experience the
time-space Continuum. This brings with it the ability to be draw upon the
timelines most suited to each Now moment and/or the ability to move into all
times and places of our choosing simultaneously. We find a new level of
communication activate within the cells through Solar Crystalline
Consciousness, in our ability to lovingly connect to each sub-personality
aspect of ourselves. Additionally we experience a greater level of cellular
regeneration and rejuvenation through these new multi-universal DNA encodings
of Light. We further experience a deeper level of telepathic connection to all
Life ~ from plants, animals, people, and the many Illumined Beings of Light
from On High. We have a deep sense of knowing how Divinely supported and deeply
loved we are as we walk the Diamond Path in Service to Mother Earth and all her
We will further activate
the Diamond Light Code Templates of the Christed Heart through the primary
vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth joined by all awakened Souls, the
many Illumined Beings of Light from On High and well as the Sisterhood of the
In this beautiful Diamond
Light Code Template activation we experience:
The Intimate Heart;
Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council, surrounded in a beautiful Silver-Gold Flame
of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of One Unity Consciousness activates.
The Peaceful Heart;
Overlighted by the Orion Star Council, surrounded in a beautiful Platinum
Flame, the Diamond Light Code Template of Grace activates.
The Loving Heart;
Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council, surrounded in a beautiful Pearlescent
Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Divine Love activates.
The Trusting Heart;
Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council, surrounded in a beautiful
Copper-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Faith activates.
The Joyful and Happy
Heart; Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council, surrounded in a Silver Flame
of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Non-judgment activates.
The Innocent and Open
Heart; Overlighted by the Niburian Star Council, wrapped in a beautiful
Rose-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection
The Powerful Heart;
Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council, wrapped in a beautiful Violet Silver
Flame, through the Powerful Heart, the Diamond Light Code Template of Justice
The Knowing Heart;
Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light, surrounded in the Diamond Flame of
Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities
The Passionate Heart;
Overlighted by the Andromedan Star Council, wrapped in a beautiful Golden-White
Flame of Light, through the Passionate Heart, the Diamond Light Code Template
of Divine Flow activates.
The Overflowing and
Prosperous Heart; Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council, surrounded
in a beautiful Magenta and Violet Flame, the Diamond Light Code Template of
Abundance activates.
The Healing Heart;
Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council, surrounded in a beautiful Pink and
Purple Flame of Light, through the Healing Heart, the Diamond Light Code
Template of Forgiveness activates.
The Heart of Integrity and
Truth; Overlighted by the Antarean Star Council, wrapped in a Pink and Emerald
Green Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Intuition activates.
Through these wonderful
Diamond Light Code Template activations we deepen our journey along the Diamond
Path in the Knowing of ourselves as Love. As we come together as the I Am Avatar
Race, we are ready to experience the next level of our Soul’s blossoming,
wisdom and magnificence, co-creating Heaven on Earth.
Receive this beautiful
Solstice ceremonial transmission through these wonderful Diamond Light Code
Template activations as we deepen our journey along the Diamond Path in the
knowing of ourselves as Love.
12 Diamond Light Code Holographic
Crystalline Geometry Templates
Recordings are with and
without background music plus a transcribe
Solstice Gateway NEO Retreat
Hosted by Lauren Galey
Beloved hearts, join us for a powerful Solstice Gateway in a NEO Retreat offering
12 free video courses with Crystalline DNA upgrades and activations to assist
you in this eclipse window. We are joined by a series of New Earth
Wayshowers empowering your mastery.
This free series is happening during the Solstice Solar Eclipse Window
on June 19, 20, 21. Go here to register
Calendar of Events
Friday June 19
Patricia Diane Cota Robles
Livestream – 90 minutes
Livestream – 90 minutes
12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern / 7pm GMT
Danielle Rama Hoffman
75 minutes
2pm Pacific / 3pm Mountain / 4pm Central / 5pm Eastern / 9pm GMT
Anrita Melchizedek
80 minutes
4pm Pacific / 5pm Mountain / 6pm Central / 7pm Eastern / 11pm GMT
Alicia Powers
75 minutes
6pm Pacific / 7pm Mountain / 8pm Central / 4pm Eastern / 1am GMT (6/20)
Saturday, June 20
Dr. Edwige
10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern / 5pm GMT
Judy Cali (Paid event)
12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm
Central / 3pm Eastern / 7pm GMT
Jeilene Tracey
75 minutes
3pm Pacific / 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 10pm GMT
Grace Hom
65 minutes
5pm Pacific / 6pm Mountain / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern / 12am GMT
Sunday, June 21
Lauren Galey
55 minutes
9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 11am Central / 12pm Eastern / 4pm GMT
Meg Benedicte
70 minutes
10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern / 5pm GMT
Lori Spagna
12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern / 7pm GMT
Jewels Arnes
100 minutes
3pm Pacific / 4pm Mountain / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern / 10pm GMT
So looking forward to having you join us precious hearts.
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