Thursday 2 July 2020

Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 4th/5th PLUS Masterclass

Beloved hearts,
We are in the midst of these incredibly powerful eclipse energies, with the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 4th/5th at 14 degrees bringing through a massive shift in consciousness and taking us deeper into Soul embodiment thru Solar Crystalline Consciousness as well as the activation of the Crystalline Diamond Plasma DNA and New Earth Templates.

Whilst eclipses can be seen as a  pathway of initiation in so much as they bring up for us the remnants of old patterns, ego allurements and addictions, to truly clear these old cellular imprinting’s, traumas and conditioning, what we have been experiencing over these last few weeks of the eclipse gateways is the Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light amplifying, activating and actualizing.

Essentially in anchoring the higher dimensional codes of Light thru our own bodies and energy field and into the 144-unity grid, we have primarily been creating the New Earth Templates of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. A huge part of the eclipse gateways has been the process of activating the Light codes and deepening into Soul embodiment. For many, a new level of Soul embodiment was experienced just follow the June 21st Solstice eclipse.

By the Grace of God, we have collectively reached the Light and Love quotient of the New Earth templates to collectively experience ourselves as Divine Love, as the Diamond Light codes actualize the rainbow bridge of Cosmic Christ Consciousness from the Heart of Mother/Father God onto this sacred earth. And it is from this point, that we have the ability to merge with and integrate our Beloved I Am Presence, as we come home, as we come back as Consciousness in form within the physical body. And these are the resurrection codes that we speak of in this moment.

Additionally, this Now moment is further a clarion call from the Beloved I AM Presence of all awakened Souls to step into greater levels of World Service and Sovereignty, Abundance and Manifestation. Amplified through the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of July 4th-5th, the Freedom Codes of Sovereignty are initially experienced through the Independence Day of America, and anchored through the crystal and diamond Light clusters within the States.
Furthermore, the Ascended Masters direct the gateway of the inner heart calling to the remembrance of the teachings of the Great White Lodge and Shamballa thru Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek as well as greater levels of Divine Inspiration, Co-Creation and CommUnity.

This is a moment when we come together in CommUNITY.  We are able to bring together the New Earth Templatings in such a way that we will find ourselves creating our communities of Light. We combine our gifts and talents as we collectively take our service work to the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as Flames of Divinity upon this sacred earth.

The Company of Heaven offers to us now a beautiful New Earth Invocation of Abundance and Manifestation and for those hearing the Clarion Call, Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek.

New Earth Invocation of Abundance and Manifestation
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
the Highest Light I Am within the Cosmic Heart of God.

I now find myself wrapped in the beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of the sacred Cosmic Fire of Abundance,
I am open to receiving and giving,
recognizing that there is an equal balance to be found in receiving and giving.
The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within the Universal Laws.
I now draw to me this unlimited, infinite source of creative energy,
available within everything.

The sea of Joy and Creativity,
of Passion and Love,
of Manifestation,
and One Unity Consciousness
ignites at this moment for all Life upon this Sacred Earth open to receiving the flow of God’s Infinite Abundance.

Through the patterns of perfection
I am supported by the Universe
and as I deepen into the flow of this Divine support,
I deepen into the flow of service, and
magnetize and bring into my reality all that I need
as a manifesting co-creator to the Divine.
Through my thoughts of Divine Inspiration,
through my feelings of passion and joy,
I focus on what it is that I desire to co-create through Service in Love.
I draw to me what I need to bring about the greatest flow of abundance within my life.
I realize that I have been given all I need to experience myself as a manifesting co-creator to the Divine,
that there is a Divine Plan,
and that I am deeply supported by the Universe.

I now feel and sense this New Earth Template of Abundance and Manifestation
anchor and activate within my Loving Heart,
and now through each one of my chakras,
clearing out lack-of and perceived limitations
through every sub-atomic particle of my Beingness,
purging, clearing, releasing, embracing, aligning,
and moving into the knowing and experience of the
full flow of abundance within my Life.

As I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love and breathing out Abundance,
I am wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames of Divine Love,
this sacred Cosmic Fire of Abundance.
I now activate the heart chakra in a beautiful golden Sun,
and now spiral this golden Sun through each one of the chakras and sub-atomic particles,
deepening into Solar Christ Consciousness,
deepening into abundance,
deepening into alignment with Mother/Father God.

I now take a moment to see if there are any blockages within my body,
within my energy field, any lack-of issues within my life.
I realize that often these underlying issues of lack-of ~
lack of trust, lack of self-love, lack of belief in myself,
are created through my unique experience and lens of life
And I am ready now to experience greater levels of trust
and surrender to the Divine,
Trusting and surrendering to Life,
as I draw upon the support of my Soul Family and Friends of the Light now.
As I feel this energy connection in a new way to my soul and star family.
I take a moment now to feel and sense this Love of Creation
as I call upon the Archangels
for increased prosperity and abundance within my life,
knowing that I can create this flow of abundance in my life
by simply being aware of what my blockages may be.

Archangel Ariel steps forward now;
Ariel brings guidance to assist me to find areas of increased wealth within my life.
And at this time of new beginnings,
I can call upon Archangel Ariel to assist me to find a new job or position,
or start a business,
or simply remember that I deserve financial abundance in my life,
opening my heart deeper to receive the prosperity and money
that flows from both expected and unexpected sources,
wrapped in these beautiful Flames of Abundance,
these copper-gold and pink-gold flames.

I have a sense now of Archangel Chamuel coming forward;
From this place of love I deepen into levels of confidence,
I see myself as a way shower,
stepping into the next level of my service work,
drawing to me people and places and energies that can assist me
in building a successful platform with the Light Tribe and all sacred hearts,
as well as clearing blockages I may have around the Flow of Prosperity.

I have a sense now of Archangel Haniel coming forward;
assisting me in finding a deeper level of Passion and Divine Inspiration in my life,
as well as assisting me in the healing of the emotional wounds
that may be blocking my abundance
as I focus on these issues and aspects of the victim-persecutor consciousness and embrace this within my Loving Heart.

I breath in Love,
I hold my breath,
and I release all that needs to be released at this time,
as I release my breath.

Archangel Metatron comes forward now.
Archangel Metatron assists me in bringing greater levels of perseverance,
as well greater levels of insight as to my soul’s dreams and passions.

And lastly Archangel Michael comes forward,
assisting me to deepen into courage and strength and safety.
With Archangel Michael is Archangel Zadkiel;
I am deepening into prosperity consciousness
through emotional healing and forgiveness,
deepening into the Knowing that I AM
an abundant blessed Being of Light,
a Flame of Divinity,
able to magnetize and manifest and bring into my reality all that I need at any given moment in this flow of Universal Abundance.

And so it is. And so it is.
I now breathe in love
and breathe out abundance.

I now take a moment to bring my focus to my physical body and my adrenal glands. I understand my adrenal glands are where the strength sense of my body is, my ability to keep on going.
I know too that if my adrenal glands are overworked through areas of stress in my life it will also affect my energy, my emotions and my well-being.
And so I release the stress.
I see the sub-personality aspect that is feeling this and embrace it within my Loving Heart,
As I further see these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold Flames,
the Sacred Fires of Abundance
enter into my physical body parts and organs,
and now into my adrenals,
to balance my adrenalin and cortisol levels for mood enhancement,
for sleep and for my increased immunity.

As I move further and deeper into the Infinite Timeless Now moment
I know that I have all the time that I need
to create my Heart’s Dreaming and Passion
while generating the flow of abundance within my life.

This last breath now I suck in through my mouth as though sucking in through a straw and blowing out.
I ground now into the crystal heart of Mother Earth
while keeping this connection open to all of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High,
knowing that the Universe is pouring its abundance down onto me
and all I need to do is to be this open heart,
knowing how to receive as well as how to give.
I now find myself coming back centered and grounded, and firmly in my body
as I bring my focus back into the Unity Grid of Divine Love
linking as One Heart
with the hearts and minds of all the numerous Lightworkers and Starseeded ones,
celebrating this Eclipse stargate in this deep alignment of Unity and Community,
as we experience these beautiful crystalline frequencies of Sovereignty and Freedom, Abundance and Manifestation and Initiation,  
         wrapped in these beautiful copper-gold flame and pink-orange Flames of Divine Love.

As this beautiful Sun continues to activate within our Loving Hearts,
and as we connect into the Inner Earth Sun,
the Sun within our hearts, the Central Sun and now the Great Central Sun,
we are one with this entire Multi-Universe,
this vibrating Stargate of Divine Love
as we unveil the Freedom and Abundance Codes of Unity Consciousness,
as we enter now into our own Heart’s temple of Divine Love
as these Flames of Divinity
we find ourselves seated within our loving Christed Hearts.
Surrounded by our soul and star family and friends of the Light.
We feel this deep sense of connection to one another
taking us deeper into Solar Christ Consciousness
and into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God.
As we experience our Heart’s Temple now
in sounds and colours and sacred geometry
bringing online the crystalline matrix of the Soul Consciousness of Divine Love and Illumination into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, Magnificence and Light.
We are home, we are home, we are home.

I now come back into my sacred space
grounded and centered and firmly in my body,
looking through my Master Eyes at all of life around me,
knowing all is well, all is well.

          Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek ~ Traveling the Seven Mansions of God                        
One-and-a-half-hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Saturday July 4th - 7pm GMT, 12pm PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT                              London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 5am (July 5th)

Beloved hearts,
We are in the midst of these incredibly powerful eclipse energies, taking us deeper into Soul embodiment thru the activation of the Crystalline Diamond Plasma DNA and New Earth Templates.
Whilst eclipses can be seen as a  pathway of initiation in so much as they bring up for us the remnants of old patterns, ego allurements and addictions, to truly clear these old cellular imprinting’s, traumas and conditioning, what we have been experiencing over these last few weeks of the eclipse gateways is the Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light amplifying, activating and actualizing.

Additionally, this Now moment is further a clarion call from the Beloved I AM Presence of all awakened Souls to step into greater levels of World Service and Sovereignty. Amplified through the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of July 4th, and the Freedom Codes of Sovereignty, experienced initially through the Independence Day of America, and anchored through the crystal and diamond Light clusters within the States, the Ascended Masters direct the gateway of the inner heart calling to the remembrance of the teachings of the Great White Lodge and Shamballa thru Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek.

The Order of Melchizedek is the highest order of Spiritual teachings available to Humanity. Melchizedek, as a word or term, is all-inclusive in that it means "my Kingdom is of righteousness," or "of the righteous," hence those belonging to the "kingdom" are "God's Spiritual Disciples." It encompasses all universal, eclectic and Mystery School teachings that have ever been brought through to Humanity. The Order of Melchizedek encompasses every Ashram and Light center on our Earth plane bearing the Patterns of Perfection from the higher dimensions and the teachings of the Sons of Light. It is that aspect of Christ that works specifically with Beings of Light who are in service to the Earth and other planets and places throughout Creation.

The honor of being a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light to the Order of Melchizedek has never been passed to initiates in quite this way before. However, we are ascending en-masse for the first time in the history of our Earth, through our co-creation of Heaven on Earth and as such, we are able to complete all earthly initiations, whilst in physical embodiment upon this sacred earth.
From a Cosmic perspective, the Order of Melchizedek has no name as such, but is rather a collective Overlighted by Lord Melchizedek dedicated to promoting Spiritual growth in all regions of this Multi-Universe, with the focus on Christ Consciousness, or One Unity Consciousness. The energy of Melchizedek began to incarnate at the time of Lemuria through evolved beings who downstepped their vibration to assist the Forward Evolution of Humanity. Through Atlantis and the High Priesthood Temples, the essence of the "Law of One" was carried through imbued by Christ Consciousness and upon the demise of Atlantis, many of the immortals and Ascended Masters traveled in a Light Ship to Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, Cambodia, Tibet and then Egypt.

In Egypt, it was to be another 6 000 years before Humanity was lifted to a level of conscious awareness to be able to again come into an understanding of their Highest Potential and experience the teachings of these many wonderful Beings of Light, and the many Mystery School teachings from the Order of Melchizedek. During the Age of Leo, the Ascended Masters and the Immortals lived in underground cities that they had created through the Great Pyramid, and waited until the appropriate time in order to create a collective Christ Consciousness awareness. These Spiritual teachings coming in from the Brotherhood of the Light brought about a new birthing of Egypt in about 3 800 B.C., which had, since its original inception in approximately 100 000 B.C., been under the influence of the Anunnaki. Thoth, as part of the Brotherhood of the Light, brought the written, hieroglyphic language to Egypt. During the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, a written language was not needed as we had transpersonal, holographic and photographic memories. In Egypt, we still had photographic memories, which would assist as as we again moved through our initiations and the Left and Right Eye of Horus. The Left Eye of Horus is the feminine, intuitive aspect of Divine nature, and these initiations were taught over twelve years in the twelve primary Egyptian Temples along the Nile. Initiates then proceeded to the Right Eye of Horus, for another twelve years of training, which was undertaken in the Great Pyramid, where through an experiential understanding of mathematics, sacred geometry, and Immortality could be achieved. In fact, there is a chamber within the Great Pyramid, which holds the 48 symbols to the understanding of the Right Eye of Horus, and the key to Immortality, which was taught by Akhenaten during the Eighteenth Dynasty.

And now, in this new Golden Age, the portals of initiation activate through the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and merging timelines of self-mastery. We are being shown the pathway through the Order of Melchizedek to the full remembrance of ourselves as Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light. The wisdom of the Alpha and Omega Order of Melchizedek now descends into the minds and hearts of all Light Workers in this Golden Age of Light, taking us further along the Christed Timelines and into the knowing that we are Master Co-creators to the Company of Heaven, serving on both the inner and outer planes.

In this masterclass, we ascend through the seven different heavens or mansions of God and activate a deeper level of knowing of choosing to serve as volunteer Souls on the lower worlds, and the understanding of how every challenge we experience is indeed an initiate of Light.
As we travel through the seven mansions of God, we are presented with a Cosmic Map of Initiatory Codes, while we experience ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. We integrate the negative ego aspects and experience our full range of emotions and with humility, Love, reverence and devotion to God, we move beyond duality into One Unity Consciousness, into Christ Consciousness.

The seven mansions are:
Mansion of Devotion ~ loosening of attachments, and identification with ego consciousness ~ the need for guidance and protection

Mansion of Purification ~ facing our doubts and fears ~ experiencing our full range of emotions ~ separation, humility, self-awareness and re-union with the Soul ~understanding karmic patternings
Mansion of Sincerity ~ trusting and surrendering to the Divine ~ re-union with the Higher Self and Soul family

Mansion of Transformation ~ deepening of our Service work ~ increased levels of joy ~ connecting with the Ray Masters ~ understanding the rays ~ increasing our levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness

Mansion of Holiness ~ re-union with our Beloved I Am Presence and our star families of the Light connecting to the Galactic Federation of the Light ~ experiencing the Crystalline Solar Body of Light
Mansion of Sanctification ~ death and rebirth ~ the Ascension process ~ understanding our challenges are our greatest initiations of Light ~ the knowing of ourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love 

Mansion of Christ Consciousness ~ Oneness with all Life ~ the Center of Creation and Divine Love in this new Golden Age of Light 

As we experience the Mansion of Christ Consciousness, we will be re-initiated into the Order of Melchizedek, further activating the Light Body/Merkaba within the cold flames of the Flower of Life as we experience the Higher Mind teachings through the mind of God.

We are building the Temples of Light on the outer planes as we come together in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love. The teachings of Melchizedek, the Temple teachings of Light are now being made available to all initiates of Light, and we are ready to experience Self Mastery. The time is Now to create these outer Temples of Light and deepen into the next level of world service. And so it is.

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