Wednesday 16 October 2024

101010 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Unity of God I Am




101010 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation – The Unity of God I Am

Higher Dimensional Consciousness Expansion Attunements and Zero Point Quantum Jumping

Two Hour Zoom Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

Saturday October 19th – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 6pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 4am (October 20th), Auckland 6am (October 20th)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

Beloved hearts, join us in this powerful Masterclass as we activate the Stargate of our Loving Hearts and expand ever deeper into Unity Consciousness. Our Path toward Unity Consciousness is a process of nurturing and loving ourselves and others as the seeds of  Unity, Peace, and collective Prosperity amplify for all. Unity Consciousness beloved hearts recognizes that all and  everything is interconnected. Everyone and everything are part of a holographic singular whole. By transcending and expanding beyond the old, we deepen into feelings of Oneness and further expand into Zero Point, co-creating our realities in each Now moment as the Unity of God We Are.

One of the many ways that we, as Sacred Flames of Divinity and the Unity of God We Are, expand into Unity Consciousness is through the dimensional Portals and Unity Grids of Gaia. As we link into the 144 Crystalline Grid of Unity Consciousness and the Plasma Light Grids within and around the Planetary Christ Consciousness Grid, we are able to expand into Quantum Consciousness as all dimensions exist simultaneously. The higher dimensions and expressions of our Higher Selves are predominately activated through our Loving Hearts and the Wisdom of our Higher Minds, as well as the cellular geometrics of sound and color and sacred geometry. Quantum Consciousness beloved hearts expands our Light and Love Quotient, as we become the Guardians of New Earth; as we become the New Earth Unity Gridding system for all Life upon this sacred earth and expand our frequency dimensionally from Starseed to Soul Seed to Galactic Consciousness and then Source Light.

We could say beloved heart that Gaia Consciousness, Christed Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness and God Consciousness all become ONE Consciousness. This is where we fully step up and combine our resources and skills as we fulfil our Higher Consciousness roles together in Unity, by creating, manifesting and materializing Heaven on Earth for all Life as we open the higher dimensional gateways together.

Additionally, once present in each Now moment, living as our Higher Selves, we are able to Quantum Jump dimensionally to manifest all we need in each Now moment as the Unity of God We Are.

Quantum Jumping allows us to “jump” into a new timeline, a new energetic state free from limiting beliefs, patterns and perspectives of the past as we break down, unravel and rebuild to create from each Now the unfolding of our Highest Potential in One Unity Consciousness to where all is Soul aligned.

In this Masterclass on the 101010 I Am Presence Light Codes Activation we start by attuning to the Unity Grid of Mother Earth. We link into the 144 Crystalline Grid of Unity Consciousness and the Plasma Light Grids within and around the Planetary Christ Consciousness grid as we expand into Quantum Consciousness and into the higher dimensions, simultaneously clearing karmic timelines at each dimensional level through the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration Chamber of Light. What the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration Chamber of Light does is re-calibrate the star fields and unity grids within our bodies, energy field and hologram to the memory and experience of Oneness, back to Zero point and to the moment of Divine re-connection to Mother/Father God. With this, we travel initially into past lives/parallel realities, alternate dimensions, universes, galaxies and current timelines to draw to us the exact point of origin of a particular timeline that relates most to the karmic clearing of that particular dimension as we observe, clear, release and let go, no longer needing to play out all within our external realities.

Additionally, at each dimensional level, we focus on activating the axiatonal lines related to these dimensional frequencies from the third to the tenth dimensions respectively. The axiatonal lines are found within the body, and around and within the related Christ Consciousness/Unity Grid at each dimensional level, connecting us to sound and color and sacred geometries that awakens the dormant DNA and take us further into Unity Consciousness. The axiatonal lines create a weaving of Light around each organ and body part in our body and this corresponding frequency is found within the related planets and/or stars at each dimensional level.

By activating the axiatonal lines within the body through the dimensional Stargates of Light, we experience the higher aspects of our multidimensional Selves. Put another way, as Star Beings, these axiatonal lines are needing to be activated to experience ourselves fully as these Master Beings of Light and co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the dimensional frequencies relative to our multidimensional Selves at each dimensional level and further to this, assists in the patterning of the collective planetary vibration of this sacred earth.

Third dimensionally you bring a focus to Higher Consciousness Relationships Overlighted by the Ascended Masters. You initially bring your focus to the third dimensional Unity Grid as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. You are then placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Higher Consciousness Relationships Recalibration Chamber of Light as you expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field with Golden Infinity Symbols running up and down the chakras and spinal column.  You clear karmic relationships and then Quantum Jump into creational and manifesting timelines of Divine Soul relationships, Peace, Harmony and Love.

Fourth dimensionally you bring a focus to Abundance and Manifestation Overlighted by Helios and Vesta the Solar Logii. You bring your focus to the fourth dimensional Unity Grid connected to the Sun as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. You are then placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Abundance and Manifestation Recalibration Chamber of Light as you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to six feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing a Cube within this sphere. You clear timelines of lack of, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness.

Fifth dimensionally you bring a focus to Self-Love, Health and Wellness Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. You bring your focus to the fifth dimensional Unity Grid connected to the Pleiades as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. As you are placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Self-Love, Health and Wellness Recalibration Chamber of Light you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 10.8 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing an Octahedron within this sphere. You clear timelines of lack of Self Love, and any Health Issues, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of good health and wellness.

Sixth dimensionally you bring a focus to Power and Alignment to your Universe Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. You bring your focus to the sixth dimensional Unity Grid connected to Sirius as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. You are then placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Power Recalibration Chamber of Light as you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 12 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing a Star Tetrahedron within this sphere. You clear timelines of abuse and misuse of power, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of power and alignment to your Beloved I Am Presence.

Seventh dimensionally you bring a focus to your Humanitarian Service Work Overlighted by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. You bring your focus to the seventh dimensional Unity Grid connected to Andromeda as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. As you are placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Humanitarian Service Work Recalibration Chamber of Light you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 12 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing an Icosahedron within this sphere. You clear timelines of business karma, lack of trust and surrender, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of Divine Inspiration, Support and Service in Love.

Eighth dimensionally you bring a focus to current Tribulations and Initiations on both the Inner and Outer Planes Overlighted by the Order of the Melchizedek. You bring your focus to the eighth dimensional Unity Grid connected to Orion as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. You are placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Tribulations and Initiations Recalibration Chamber of Light as you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 16.8 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing a Dodecahedron within this sphere. You clear timelines of the Fall from Grace, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of Inner Plane Initiations.

Ninth dimensionally you bring a focus to your Divinity and Purity as the Unity of God You Are Overlighted by the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. You bring your focus to the ninth dimensional Unity Grid connected to Arcturus as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. You are placed in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Divinity and Purity Recalibration Chamber of Light as you continue to expand the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 54 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing a Flower of Life within this sphere. You clear timelines of Addiction and Mental Confusion and any remaining misaligned frequencies, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of being your Higher Selves upon this sacred earth.

Lasty, tenth dimensionally, you bring a focus to One Unity Consciousness Overlighted by the Archangels and Mother/Father God. You bring your focus to the tenth dimensional Unity Grid connected to Gaia as you activate the corresponding axiatonal lines related to this dimensional frequency. As you are placed in a Quantum Starlight One Unity Consciousness Recalibration Chamber of Light you continue to stabilize the Golden Sphere of your Inner Christ Light around your body and energy field to 54 feet in diameter around you whilst visualizing Metatron’s Cube within this sphere. You clear timelines of perceived separation, and then Quantum Jump into creational timelines of merging with and integrating all 144 Souls Rays of your Beloved I Am Presence to truly be your Higher Light here and now.

This Masterclass offers to you an opportunity to simply Be, aligned to your Highest Light as your Beloved I Am Presence in each Now moment whilst no longer operating from old programs. To be able to live life fully as the Unity of God You Are, where all is abundant and graceful and prosperous, peaceful and magical, as you fulfil your Service Roles to Mother Earth and all her Life.   

Join us beautiful hearts in this powerful guided visualization and energetic transmission with Invocations, Affirmations and the Overlighting of your Beloved I Am Presence and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

This is a live Zoom recording, with video and Mp3 downloads available, with and without background music.




Do you Want to Remember Where You are from

before coming to Earth?

Do You Want to Communicate with Your Star Family?

Are You ready to explore your own COSMOLOGY?


This is the JOURNEY of Your Soul in Every Lifetime

With Hosts Laurie Reyon and Lauren Galey

2 DAYS – October 26 and 27th

 Virtual Summit

Amazing Speakers and Channels will


Inter-Galactic Wisdom!

9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT Both Days

Replay Included




YOU TUBE VIDEO - 888 Abundance Consciousness Codes Activation

Welcome beautiful heart. In this powerful transmission you amplify and activate the codes of Abundance Consciousness.

Using the Infinity Symbol within a Silver Sphere, you are offered the opportunity to expand the 888 Abundance Codes as you visualize this Symbol activating from within your Loving Heart and around your body and energy field. You start with an Abundance Breath, three different breaths which release old false beliefs and judgments related to Prosperity Consciousness as well as activating the Nervous System and expanding the vision through the Pineal Gland. Each of these three breaths is done 8 times.

From here you expand the Abundance Consciousness Codes as we activate the Infinity Symbol and Silver Sphere from within your Golden Heart. You may also like to write the numbers 888 on a piece of paper, with an Infinity Symbol within a Sphere above this, along with your personal affirmations for greater levels of Prosperity Consciousness. Place this under your pillow or alongside your favorite crystals.

Repeating your Abundance Affirmations regularly will further assist in greater levels of manifestation.

This is a powerful technique that assists you to further merge with and embody your Higher Selves and deepen into alignment with your Universe to call forth all you are needing in each Now moment. Further to this, observing the false beliefs and judgments related to lack of, and simply releasing and letting go, offers an opportunity to deepen into trusting and surrendering to your Universe as you flow with the guidance of your Higher Selves. There is a Divine Plan indeed.





RECEIVE your own beautiful highly charged and exquisite Andara Pendants, Bracelets, Andara Essences, Rollers and Stones of pure Love.



The Andara Crystals call us when we are ready. Each one holds a different multidimensional frequency and facet of Unity Consciousness. Some are Gatekeepers or Grid Keepers or Healing Beings, some assist in Galactic and/or Quantum Field Communication and yet others assist with Body Work, Chakra Clearing, Rebalancing or Healing and all amplify the qualities of New Earth from within.

Combining the frequency of the Andara Crystals along with the Tensor Ring Technology of the 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit, which originally came from King's Chamber of Great Pyramid, this powerful Andara Infinity Abundance Macrame Pendant uses the Infinity Symbol to harmonizes the energy field, and expands the Abundance Codes from within as we deepen into Zero Point. It further spins the sub-atomic particles in increased light as well as protecting against low-level electro-magnetic frequencies. With this Pendant your energy field will usually double in size.

The Pink amplifies the Love within, to release the negative and critical voice and to deepen into the value and worthiness of Self. 

The Gold amplifies the connection to your Higher Selves and Universe to trust the guidance and wisdom received. 

The Violet assists in deep transformation to transcend false beliefs and judgments particularly around Prosperity Consciousness.

This is an adjustable Macrame String, extra long, and will hang below the heart chakra. However you can adjust the cord to your liking.

Each Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

For more on the Tensor Rings, please click this link -

Recommended Reading - Lisa Transcendence Brown

Voices of the Light Tribe
Anrita Melchizedek
Voices of the Light Tribe
Voices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light Tribe
One Heart, One Love, One Unified Field of Light

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