Thursday 3 October 2024

Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation Masterclass




 Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation

Two Hour Audio Transmission with Anrita Melchizedek

 Saturday October 5th – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 6pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 4am (October 6th), Auckland 6am (October 6th)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


Beloved hearts, the month of October propels us into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution and for many, brings to us the next initiatory gateway of collective Higher Self Embodiment, representing the energy of the Priesthood as well as that of Crystalline/Christ Consciousness.

Master numbers amplify the frequency of Zero Point, the Infinite, Eternal Now moment, and the Lion’s Gate, a Master Number Day, was a perfect Now moment of both higher and lower dimensional timelines played out and presented simultaneously, with the choice to step up as the Light of God We Are or continue to play out the karmic timelines and old earth illusions.

We could say the last nine months have been the preparation for this next collective shift in consciousness beloved hearts. June, July August and September were very intense for many, with lower timelines, densities, karmic patterns and all the old, surfacing to be released as our perfect Divine Blueprint/Soul Blueprint comes back online and activates from deep within and as we rebirth and expand into Christ Consciousness.

In fact, beloved hearts, we have perfectly played out 4-D collectively, particularly the Heaven and Hell archetype, all in preparation for this Now moment. As the heart chakra continues to expand through the purity and innocence of our Soul Light and Inner Sun, lower chakras are activated and cleared through lower dimensional timelines and the back of the body, the upper chakras activate for higher dimensional timeline activations. The Pineal Gland continues to activate as the third eye becomes the primary sight, the New Earth envisioning and remembering. Ancient memories unveil in the merging of our multidimensional and Higher Selves. And as we awaken and remember, we shift from the innocent child into the loving parents.

We are now collectively vibrating to the frequencies of New Earth and organic Christed timelines and to a choir of celestial voices from deep within, having merged and integrated many of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and future Selves. This pathway of Soul embodiment expands with greater levels of grace and ease as the Higher Self (Selves) deepen into the body and our consciousness expands beyond our body and into, and as the Unified Field of Divine Love. This is where we become our Ascended Aspects until that perfect Now moment of Physical Ascension, and the ability to take out body with us vibrationally into New Earth.

So collectively, this is a Spiritual Ascension, where our Higher Selves embody, and we become our Christed Aspects upon this sacred earth. Although there are many timelines, both individually and collectively, we are offering an opportunity in this Now to collectively amplify our Light frequency.

To assist us in deepening into Soul Embodiment, we are offered the Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation. This frequency activation uses the energy of sacred geometry, primarily the Golden Sun, representing Christ Consciousness, the Flower of Life, representing the Patterns of Perfection and the Inner Tree of Life as it embeds within and around the body, as our embodied Higher Selves.

The Inner Tree of Life Higher Self Embodiment Activation is a very powerful tool for Quantum Light activations as we bring our physical body online with New Earth. Whilst New Earth may have felt surreal, it now becomes more real in this passageway, and through this gateway.

Join us beloved hearts, as we deepen into experiencing the many facets of our multidimensional nature and reality through our Higher Selves and the collective Higher Light of all Awakening and Awakened Souls.

In this powerful transmission, we start with the Golden Sun Flower of Life Zero Point Activation through the Loving Heart and as the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activate around the body and energy field, we visualize, grid and activate the 11 Sephirot (Spheres) of the Kabbalah as the Golden Suns and Christed Light within the Flower of Life.

As we grid the Inner Tree of Life from sphere to sphere in the Golden Suns of Christ Consciousness and join the paths in Golden Triangles of Light, we end with 11 Spheres and 22 Paths. With this, beloved hearts, we create a multidimensional map and Divine Blueprint for Higher Self embodiment, and our ability to live our Ascended Selves as the Light of God We Are.

Join us in this celestial passageway as together we become our Higher Selves and Ascended Aspects upon this sacred earth.

This is an audio only transmission hosted by New Earth One Network.

Mp3 downloads available, with and without background music.



Soul Reading with Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation plus Andara Pendant

Beloved heart, I invite you to receive a one-hour Soul Reading and Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation using the energy of a beautiful Andara Pendant that will be chosen just for you and further activated during our session together.

This is a wonderful way to expand the Light Codes activating from within you, as well as connect with the Andara energy, amplified with Tensor Ring Tools during our Session together.

Additionally, we are joined by many of the Legions of Light from On High, including the Galactics and Archangels, Sisterhood of the Rose and Brotherhood of the Light, depending on the related Activation.

The Soul Reading and Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation could be any of the following depending on which Andara Pendant you choose.

Some of these Activations include:

Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Activation

Christed ET Chambers and Galactic Attunements

Inner Sun Light Body Activation

Galactic Activations

Pleiadian Blue Silver Mission Codes

Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Wholeness Activation

Sisterhood of the Rose Universal Heart Activation

Golden Solar Crystalline Spinal Activations


The Soul Reading Andara Healing/Wholeness Activation is approx. 60 minutes.

 Readings take place on Zoom or Anrita can call you if you are in the States or Canada.


Benefits May Include:

Increased Abundance

Deepening into Soul Embodiment

Kundalini activation and chakra clearing

Increased flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and feel-good emotions

Expanding your Service work

Pineal Gland Activation

Heart Activations

Axiatonal Lines Activation

Healing and Wholeness Activation



The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement

With Anrita Melchizedek


Beloved heart, join us for this beautiful mini course on the Pleiadian Karmic Clearing and Forgiveness Attunement, one of the eight Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunements.

The Pleiadian Karmic Clearing & Forgiveness Attunement assists in releasing old karmic contracts that have created feelings of blame, resentment, and anger as well as victim and persecutor consciousness through forgiveness, insight, understanding and Love. When we can honor these pre-birth agreements, agreements made to experience the full range of human emotions, whilst simultaneously clearing the karma of humanity, we accelerate our Soul’s Forward Evolution and deepen into compassion and Love.

This Mini Course has three lessons

First Lesson

An introduction and beautiful Galactic Stargate of the Heart Attunement and Activation done in the form of an invocation and guided visualization plus a beautiful workbook with your Galactic Sacred Geometry Light encoded art, your written invocations and prompts

Second Lesson

How to create your own Galactic Crystal Grids and Home Grids using your Galactic Stargate of the Heart Crystal Grid Templates. You will also receive the Galactic Crystal Grid Templates in Poster Size

Third Lesson

How to create your own amazing Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays

We have further created a set of beautiful labels for those of you guided to create your own Alchemy Elixirs, Oils and Sprays.

Welcome on-board.




Frequency Tools for Consciousness Expansion with Brian Besco and Anrita Melchizedek




RECEIVE your own beautiful highly charged and exquisite Andara Pendants, Bracelets, Andara Essences, Rollers and Stones of pure Love.

Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activators


Combining the frequency of the Andara Crystals along with the Tensor Ring Technology of the 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit, which originally came from King's Chamber of Great Pyramid, this powerful pendant harmonizes the energy field, activates the Toroidol field and Stargate of the Loving Heart as we deepen into Zero Point, as well as spinning the sub-atomic particles in increased light. Additionally it assists in protection against low-level electro-magentic frequencies.

These pendants essential act as:

Initiatory Gateway Activators

Toroidal Field Generators

Electro-Magnetic Field Enhancers

Light Body Activators

Zero Point Transmitters

Three-Fold Flame Ignitions

The Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator Pendants further align with the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and come in three beautiful Andara Crystal colors.

Blue Andara – Power, Leadership, Freedom and Sovereignty Codes Expansion

Golden Andara – Higher Mind Wisdom, Pineal Gland Activator, Golden Heart Expansion

Pink Andara – Love, Compassion, Empathy Enhancer

Each Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

For more on the Tensor Rings, please click this link -

Blessings for a magical weekend precious hearts.

Voices of the Light Tribe
Anrita Melchizedek
Voices of the Light Tribe
Voices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light TribeVoices of the Light Tribe
One Heart, One Love, One Unified Field of Light

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